《Destroy Me (Book 1) A Supernatural Story》2- Stay or Go


As Calliope sits with her hands on her lips, she looks up into the sky, "it's done mom, dad, it's finally all over, but I know this isn't the end. I still need to do work, and help fight things that others can't believe in. I know I still have a target on my back, but I really wish I knew why" she says mostly to herself, not realizing she's being listened to.

"Talking to yourself, or do you see ghosts?" She hears Sam say, as she looks over at him coming out of the house.

"No, just myself. I told my parents it's all done. But there's still things out there that need to be stopped." She tells him.

"Yeah, I know what that feels like, thinking what you were after is all done, but something else throws you a curveball" Sam says as he sits down beside her.

"Talking from experience?" She asks.

"Yeah, we thought we had finally stopped the monster who destroyed our family, but then I died, and my brother made a deal with a crossroads demon to save me. And now, I'm fighting to save him, trying to get him out of this damn deal" Sam says to her.

"Why are you telling me this?" She asks him.

"Cause, I was hoping you could help us?" He says.

"I doubt I can help save your brother from this deal" she says looking at him, "my powers don't really work that way"

"I didn't think so, but when those hellhounds come for him, having you there to try and fight back, might help" he says to her. Calliope looks away thinking over what he has offered. Working with people had never really been her thing, but something about these boys tugged at her. She almost thinks about getting up, and just walking away, never looking back and hoping to never see them again.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I mean we barely know each other" "I'll stick around" she interrupts him surprising both of them.

"I thought you would be gone by now" they hear Dean say as they both look up at him coming outside, having taken care of the vampire body.


"Actually, your dear brother asked me to stick around, try and help you fight off this deal, or at least stop a hell hound or two when they come for you" she says to him. Deans brow furrows and he gives his brother a stern look, "Not gonna happen"

"Come on Dean, she could help" Sam says to his brother pleading.

"Sam, we barely know this girl, no offence" he looks at Calliope " none taken" she replies, " but how do we know whatever she does can help. We both know I can't get out of this deal" Dean tells his brother.

"Come on Dean, it's all we got" Sam gives his brother a stern look.

"I need a drink" is all Dean says as he walks away from the two of them.

"Well that went great, I guess your brother just doesn't want the help" Calliope says to Sam as she stands up.

"He will come around, trust me" Sam says also standing up looking down at her. "Dean just doesn't like to try and ask for help"

"I can clearly see that" she says walking away from him, going into the woods. As she walks she realizes she has no way of getting back to where she needs to go. She spots Dean casually leaning against a sleek black muscle car, he looks up at seeing her approach.

"Here to give me some big speech about how much you could help, how much I'll need you to save me" he says to her.

"Nope," she says popping the p "I need a ride back to town" she continues, putting her hands in her pockets.

"I guess that I can accept to do" he says as they turn hearing Sam come to join them.

"Good to go?" He asks them.

"Yeah, gotta give Calliope a ride back" Dean says opening the door for her to get in.

"Thanks, at least this time you don't have to make some crazy excuse of what just happened" she says as she gets in the car. Dean slams the door shut, and gets in the drivers seat, with Sam in the passenger. He turns on the car, hearing the magical purr of the motor, and Calliope sees him smile.


Dean drives the car down the long dirt road, all three of them unsure of what to say, the silence making it all awkward. Calliope looks out the window, taking in the scenery, thinking of everything that had just happened. Relief was flowing through her, at the monster finally being gone, but something inside told her this wasn't the end of her journey.

"So, Uh Calliope how did your family get into hunting?" Sam asks breaking her thoughts.

"Umm, I guess it's always just been a family thing. I've been hunting for as long as I can remember really, always moving around never having a normal childhood or life. What about you two, I mean Bobby mentioned you boys before but he never really told me how he knew you?" She asked leaning forward on the seat.

"He knew our dad, that's all" Dean bluntly says clearly not wanting this girl he's never known, know about them.

"Okay, listen Dean, I get it you don't know me, so you don't want to tell me anything. You have some real trust issues don't you" she says to him.

"Been burned before" he just grins as he drives them onto the main road.

"By the way, how did you guys find me and that vampire?" She asks, clearly not getting any answers from Dean about their past.

"Well, it was Bobby, who told me about you, then he mentioned about the vampire who killed your parents. I decided to start looking into things, cause I thought if I met you, you might be able to help Dean. We saw you run from that bar, and watched the vampire take you, then followed him out there" Sam explains.

"Well sorry, I'm not some big all mighty, that can save dear Deanny Boy from going to hell" she says.

"Oh thanks" Dean says, as they make it into town.

Dean continues to drive down the Main Street, eventually pulling up to the bar she had left earlier, starting this whole thing. He parks the Impala outside the bar, and the three of them step out.

"Want to join us?" Sam asks Calliope earning a look from his brother, clearly Dean did not want this girl around, which surprised Sam in a way. Dean was always one to go after a hot girl, and he had to admit Calliope was good looking. Calliope looks at the boys, shaking her head, "No, after what I've gone through, I think a nice hot shower is what I want" she says. "Good" Dean just says bluntly. "Okay then, umm give me your phone and I can give you our numbers" Sam suggests to her and she goes to pull her phone out and realizes it's gone.

"Damn, must have fallen out when I was knocked out" she says to them.

"Do you have a spare in your car?" Sam asks.

"Uh , yeah give me a sec" Calliope says walking over to her car, and unlocking it.

"That's your car?" Dean asks as they come over with her.

"Yep, been in my family for a long time" she smiles at him as she reaches in for one of her many phones. She finally finds the one she likes to use the most, and gets back out. She notices Dean walking around the car, checking it over.

"Nice" he smiles at her as Calliope passes Sam her phone. Sam takes the phone once she's unlocked it and starts typing their numbers into it. He passes the phone back, "there, both numbers are in it" she takes the phone back.

"Thanks, we'll see you around boys, if you need me just call" she says as she goes to get in her car. Before she goes to close the door, Dean stops her, "Umm, if you want to help us with this whole going to hell thing you can"

"You just like my car, that's why isn't it" she smiles at the boy drooling over her car.

"No, no, it's..Uh.. not just the car" he says stumbling over his words.

"Dean, I'll let you drive it if you want, but only once I think you deserve it" she says back to him as she then pulls the door close. She turns the car on and revs the engine, before speeding away leaving Dean to stand there in the dust.

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