《Infinity || Dan Smith》Sixty-Six.


After the plane journey Dan and Charlie are completely knackered, although the jet leg prevents them from sleeping. Since they have nothing better to do they sit on the super caesar bed playing with Lacey who lays in the middle of them both.

"I was listening to a soundtrack of that film you was in...the one with Will Smith?" Dan throws his eyes back. While he doesn't regret making a song for the soundtrack...he regrets hyping the film up as it didn't do so well.

"Yeah, well, I noticed this one was in hysterics. Weren't you?" Charlie says in a babyish voice while Lacey latches onto Charlie's finger with her hand.

"What did she find humorous?" Dan asks while he quickly checks his phone. Apparently Bastille's manager, Beau, is going to come down and talk about the band. But he hasn't texted Dan back since he left a few minutes ago, little does Dan know that he's stuck in LA traffic.

Charlie smiles while she takes Dan's phone from out of his hand and then goes on his Spotify. Dan laughs at the cheek, but he doesn't really care. "There's this song on the soundtrack...but she only likes it when I sing."

"Is it World Gone Mad?" Dan asks while he chews his gum while making funny faces at Lacey who looks at him rather intrigued.

"Nah. It's this female singer, innit" Dan then makes an 'ah' sound, although he's thinking of the wrong artist, and not Camilla Cabello.

Charlie then finds the song as a smile suddenly appears on her face. "Okay...just watch Lacey first." Dan nods his head while Charlie presses play.

The tune that runs throughout the song is nostalgic, it reminds Dan of the grey PS4 box and the Crash Bandicoot games. It's sort of...hypnotic. It's exotic, but the lyrics are so simple. Dan nods his head to the tune more than the sound of the female artists voice.


Lacey has little to none reaction. Although she constantly looks at her mother, she expects her to do something so she can laugh or smile. But as the short song nears the end Lacey realised Charlie isn't going to sing to her, which makes the baby tear up.

"Oh shit!" Charlie says in awe while Lacey makes a crying noise, she leans over her daughter and rubs her nose against Lacey's. Although Lacey accidentally pokes Charlie in the eye.

"Ow...don't cry, it's okay...Dan skip it back to the beginning." After making a 'aw' noise Dan leans over Charlie and retires his phone. He stops the song before it ends and replays it, just like Charlie told him to do. This time when the music starts Charlie leans back and smiles at Lacey.

As soon as the hypnotic music starts Charlie nods her head, Lacey then smiles. "Watch this..." Charlie whispers while Dan nods his head staring lovingly at his daughter.

"Do you really think she should be listening to this song?" Dan laughs making sense of the lyrics, although he doesn't really recall it in the movie. At the premiere of the film him and the Bastille Guys was messing about.

"Shut up..." Charlie laughs as the bridge of the song comes up.

Charlie then begins to sing along while Lacey then let's out a sound which sounds very close to laughing.

'Cause I'm running for the, uh

I'm running for the, uh

I'm running for the, uh


'Cause I'm running for the, uh

I'm running for the, uh

I'm running for the–


In shock of his daughters reaction Dan's jaw drops open. "I thought she couldn't laugh yet!" Charlie nods her head with a smile.

"Believe me, I googled it straight away. Apparently babies mimic people. If they see us smiling, then they copy. Once they see our reactions they see our happy reactions they smile even more. I guess she's just learnt to laugh?" Dan is in awe of the progress Lacey is making. She's only a couple of months old, but she's already adapting to the big bad world.


"You better not be teasing my singing, ay?" Charlie then tickles Lacey...not expecting Lace to make a ear shattering scream of happiness.

"Fuck me..." Dan leans back while he holds his left ear, which was fairly close to his daughter.

Charlie, who is used to Lacey's happiness, tries to shush her. After a moment of silence Lacey then calms down as a sudden wave of tiredness makes her close her eyes. Both Dan and Charlie catch each other looking at her in awe, it's in moments like these where they forget everything else and concentrate on her.

"What you said...in the cab..." — Charlie's voice trails off while she looks lovingly at her little girl — "about me being pregnant again..." Dan's eyes immediately revert from Lacey to his fiancée.

"I have no filming schedules coming up...and after the past year I need really a break." Dan then points at Charlie with a slight smile on his face.

"Are you trying to tell me you want another baby?" Charlie nods her head before she puts a hand over her mouth in shock that she has admitted such a bizarre thing.

"Lacey is barely four months...are you sure?" Charlie shrugs back her shoulders.

"I want more kids before the cancer comes back. I know it might never come back, but there's a possibility. Anyway we're knocking on a bit, I'm twenty-eight and you're nearly thirty-four." Dan nods his head in agreement before smiling. Both of them are very full on parents to Lacey...but the thing is that they thought parenting was going to be harder, but it's all...lies.

"Alright." Dan nods his head while they both nervously laugh thinking about their future.

"Let's...try for another kid..." his voice wearily trails off while they kiss in celebration, but of course that kiss is cut short by Lacey who slightly has her eyes cracked open and wanting her bottle.

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