《Infinity || Dan Smith》Twenty-Seven.


"Happy Easter from Marvel." Aubrey says in the most deadpan voice as she is caring a basket full of mini eggs around each of the crews tables.

"But it's not Easter yet..." Dan says while he reaches into the basket and takes one. He doesn't plan on eating it since the London marathon is drawing close, but he'll give it to Charlie a little later when she complains about being hungry.

"Didn't you get the memo?" Aubrey asks looking confused herself, she was sure that she sent the email to everyone.

"No, what memo?" Charlie rolls her eyes back while she bites into her Chinese takeaway. She was using Dan's laptop the other night and she thought Dan's emails was her's and accidentally might've deleted the memo from Aubrey.

"Because it's a religious holiday we're not entitled to work this week. It's pure and utter bullshit if you ask me. I was trying to soften the guys at Disney up and allow us to work...but they sent this basket instead. The hypocritical assholes."

"Aubrey the rebel! Never would've thought I'd see you pissed off about something other than me, oh how I'm blessed." Charlie laughs in hysterics.

Aubrey closes her eyes before she falsely smiles, obviously she's not allowed to give abuse back to her cast members. "One day you're going to love me. And anyway, at least you aren't celebrating a homophobic piece of shits ghost day or whatever." Dan cracks a smile at the last part, whereas Charlie almost growls for the first part.

Charlie and Aubrey have a very long history...and it all started with Charlie's young father. He was an aspiring actor...and he auditioned for a role in Aubrey's first feature length. Even though everyone loved what he brought to the character that he was portraying, Aubrey denied him a role because of his mentality status. She called him 'unpredictable' and several other spiteful things. It hurt him so much so that he committed suicide after a downward spiral a few months later.


Aubrey was completely mortified to hear the news, especially since it was only then brought to her attention that he was a young father trying to provide for his newborn daughter. So Aubrey secretly set up a trust fund and paid her lawyer to look over Charlie shoulder.

The director basically paid for Charlie's entire upbringing in guilt. Every month, even to this day, Aubrey still pays money out of her own bank account and gives it to her. Charlie didn't know until she turned eighteen, she then took advantage of Aubrey's guilt and decided to take acting lessons. She knew that she'd always get a part in Aubrey's movies because...Aubrey owes her. Charlie could've told the film board what Aubrey said to her father several times, but she never did.

Dan doesn't say anything. But he agree's with Charlie. He has never seen Aubrey this angry with anyone. "Sorry Dan if you believe in the bullshit...I wanted to finish the scene by the weekend. I'm a lesbian by the way so that's why I'm pissed." Dan smiles, although he is surprised.

"Nah, it's okay..."

"Half of the crew are lying about being religious so they get a week off. It's so fucking stupid." Aubrey whines, while Charlie leans over Dan and grabs two handful worth of mini eggs shamelessly. Dan shakes his head in disbelief but Charlie ignores him, she then puts them all down on the table besides her and unwraps one.

Aubrey looks at Charlie in a disgusted manner, but Charlie rolls her eyes backwards. She isn't phased what Aubrey thinks of her, she never has been. "I'm a hungry girl. Don't judge me." She has fast metabolism.

"Are sure that you're not maybe...pregnant? You're definitely eating like a pregnant woman." Dan then chokes on his iceberg lettuce which makes Charlie point at him with laughter.


She has always been pretty immature for her age.

"She's always hungry." Dan causally says as he picks up a tissue and calmly clears up the mess he's just created.

Charlie on the other hand shrugs. "Might be. My period is late." Dan then coughs again, however, this time a saddened whimper comes out of his mouth helplessly. He cannot believe Charlie didn't tell him beforehand...

This could be a very big deal.

"Seriously?" He whispers while Charlie nods her head as she pops the whole chocolate egg into her mouth.

"And now a child hating lesbian is going to get a pregnancy test..." Aubrey awkwardly says before she disappears into thin air.

Everyone who is on Dan and Charlie's table looks at them in shock, but Charlie continues eating. A shit ton of emotions then run throughout Dan's body. He's mainly confused and disbelieved how Charlie told someone she hates before him.

"You're lying. Right? You'd never be this calm." Dan stares at Charlie trying to see if she'll crack a smile to prove his theory, but she doesn't. Instead she shakes her head.

"A late period don't mean anything. Anyway I need to tell people just in case if I come on in costume." For the first time ever his relationship is going at the normal pace. He doesn't want anything to rush their relationship...and especially not a baby. Not when the couple are going to be everywhere.

"But is there a possibility?" Charlie nods her head.

"We fuck all the time without shit, Dan" — Charlie whispers — "a little scare was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm more concerned about the rehearsal at the moment, you got to stop laughing. It's off putting." Since it's a Marvel they're obliged to one text book comedy scene.

In this scene there is a montage of Lily trying to bury a body, but the 'luck' isn't in her favour. When she dumps the body in the ocean it sinks for a second and then it reappears floating. When Lily shuts the car boot, it reopens. Then when Lily finally got rid of it, a football gets 'kicked' into her face. And there is a comic moment where Lily just freaks out and threatens a kid.

"Whatever. I've got to make a call. This is for you" — Dan hands Charlie his mini egg — "good luck with your scene." He then awkwardly kisses her on the cheek, and then he disappears from the cafeteria area.

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