《》Queen Of The Apes


I was laying on Godzilla's chest who was drifting in the ocean on her back. It was nice but it got really wind at times and the wind blowing in my face was pretty annoying but other than that I was having a good time.

Godzilla-Are you enjoying it over there baby?~


I rested my head on her and the sound of her heartbeat was extremely relaxing. Suddenly I felt Godzilla's body get pulled under the surface by something and I saw her try and grab me but the thing that grabbed her was too fast. I was beginning to panic since I couldn't see where Godzilla and quickly I resurfaced and tried to look and see if I could find someone to help me.


I tried to swim away but the current was stronger than I was so it was difficult to swim off until I heard the sound of Thunder booming in the distance and I turned to see a large dark storm which I was being pulled into, I kept kicking but it was no use and eventually I was engulfed by the storm and I felt something hit me on the head and I was knocked out. Some time later I woke up on a beach which was next to a jungle but it wasn't the same jungle as the one on Monster Island.


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Suddenly I felt the ground begin to shake and a monster which looked like a T-Rex kinda like Gorosaurus came out of the jungle.

(Y/N)-Oh no...

I quickly got up and began to run away and the monster chased after me until some sort of giant blade connected to a chain was lodged into its head and it collapsed to the ground. I looked over at the jungle and there was an ape monster standing there and she looked at me and looked confused when she saw me.


(Y/N)-Ummmm, Hello.

She walked over to me and crouched down as she scooped me up in her hands and brought me closer to her face.

???-What are you doing here little human?

(Y/N)-I-I was with Godzilla and something pulled her under and that storm pulled me in!

???-Who's Godzilla?

(Y/N)-Sh-She's my guardian, She's a kaiju.

???-A kaiju protecting a human? That's a new one, I suppose I can't just leave you here so I guess I should bring you back to my cave with me.

She stood up and began walking away from the beach and towards a giant mountain with an entrance which was just as big as she was and we entered a large dome like area with a monster-sized throne inside which she sat on.

(Y/N)-Hey ummm...


(Y/N)-Kong, Can I take a little walk?

Kong-Sure I guess, Just watch out for some of the creatures in these caverns and don't leave the cave.


I walked off and walked down one of the halls in the caverns and I decided to stop and rest so I sat down and leaned against the wall of the cavern until I felt something touch my leg and begin to crawl up it and when I looked... It was a large hairy spider, And it brought back some "memories".


I shot up onto my feet and ran off towards Kong who scooped me up in her hands and held me up to her chest.

Kong-What is it (Y/N)?!

I pointed to the entrance where the spider was beginning to crawl towards Kong.

Kong-That thing?

She leaned over and crushed the spider with her foot than smiled at me and chuckled a bit.

Kong-*Chuckle* It was just a little Spider hun~

(Y/N)-Y-Yeh your right...

Kong-I think you just need some sleep, You might be a little shaken up from being here and almost getting eaten by that Vastato.


She leaned back into her throne still holding me in her hand.

This little human was scared of a tiny spider? If a spiders all that it takes for him to come crying to me for safety than he wouldn't last a second on the island without me.

Kong-Don't worry little one, I'm here for you~

I resurfaced after that damn sea kaiju had pulled me under and I looked around frantically for (Y/N) but he was nowhere to be seen however I saw a dark storm in the distance and thought that (Y/N) must've been taken there. It didn't make a lot of sense but it was the best guess I had so I began to swim towards the storm ready to face whatever lurked inside it.

Godzilla's Mind-I'm coming (Y/N)!~

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