《》Brother And Sister


I woke up feeling a bit shaken up after my encounter with that spider monster. But for some reason rather than being in Godzilla's tail or hands as usual I was in Anguirus's hand and the other monsters were sitting around her and we were all at the beach.

Anguirus-Well look who's awake, Goodmornin Little One~

(Y/N)-Anguirus? Where's Godzilla?

Anguirus-She's out looking for food.

She kissed me on the head and I blushed and the others began to coo me.

???-Uhhh, Girls?

They all stopped cooing me and looked to the side where another monster which looked like Godzilla but younger was sitting.

Anguirus-Oh ummm (Y/N) this is Junior, Godzilla's Daughter.

Junior-Can I hold him?

Anguirus-Ok just be gentle with him.

She handed me to Junior and she started to pet me.

Junior-Hey there, My mom and the others told me a lot about you (Y/N).

This human was just so cute I ruffled his hair with my finger but stopped when my Mom came out from the sea.

Godzilla-Hey Girls.

Junior-Hey Mom.

She walked up to us and sat next to Junior.

Junior-(Y/N) just woke up, And he's even cuter than you said he was.

Godzilla-Is that so?


I looked back down and I saw him doing the cutest thing ever.

Junior-*Gasp* Mom, Look!

She looked at (Y/N) who was nuzzling into my hand and she and the other girls cooed (Y/N).

Junior Mind-Does this human ever stop getting cuter?!

Junior-Wait, Shouldn't he be more awake?

Godzilla-Well he had kind of a rough day today so he might not be so energetic.

Junior-Why? What happened?


Rodan-Lets just say that a certain Giant Spider might be served to a colony of hungry Kamacuras.


Mothra-What Rodan is trying to explain is that Kumonga had captured (Y/N) but we took him back just in time.



Manda-It's alright though, we "took care" of her so She can't harm any of us anymore.

Junior-Oooh, I see.

I felt myself in an enclosed warm space and when I opened my eyes I began to feel around and than I saw a light and I noticed I was in someone's hands and when they opened I saw Junior smiling down at me we were also both in the forest away from the beach.

Junior-Hey (Y/N), How are you feeling?

(Y/N)-I'm good, Is Godzilla still gone?

Junior-No, she's just at the beach. But do you wanna play a game?


She turned to lay on her belly and put me on the tip of her tail.

(Y/N)-So what am I supposed to do!?

Junior-All you have to do is try and make it from my tail to my head without tripping or falling.


I got up and walked slowly so I wouldn't fall and when I finally made it off her tail I began to run faster but it was kinda tricky since her dorsal plates were blocking my way and she was a bit however eventually I made it to her neck but I fell down onto her neck from exhaustion.

Junior-Awww, You almost made it.

(Y/N)-Dang It!

She turned back over and picked me up setting me onto her chest.

(Y/N)-But you were twitching and almost made me trip a few times.

Junior-Heh, Sorry it was just you running around on my back was tickling me.

(Y/N)-Oh, I'm sorry so what now?

Junior-You wanna play another game?

(Y/N)-Ok, What do I have to do?

Junior-I'll show you.

She got up and carried me to a big cave with a big entrance and she put me inside.

Junior-I'm going to count and all you have to do is try and find a place to hide ok?



She turned around and began to count quietly down from 20 and I looked around the cave and found a rock larger than me so I hid behind it and I saw Juniors hand come through and begin to feel around and I tried to stay quiet but when I tried to uncurl my legs I accidentally moved some small pebbles and Junior must have heard me since the second I stopped moving I felt Juniors finger on me and pull me out from my spot.

Junior-Hah! Got ya!


We played some other games for a little while until I got tired and Junior carried me to the beach where Godzilla was sitting admiring the stars and Junior sat right next to her and rested her head on her shoulder yawning.

Godzilla-Awww, Are my babies getting tired?~

Junior-Mom! *Whisper yelling*

Godzilla-Oh sorry dear, I didn't mean to embarrass you.

Junior-Well, yeh I am a bit tired.

Godzilla-Alright than off to bed dear~

Junior-Ok Mom.

She handed me to Godzilla and went towards a crater in the ground and laid down and Godzilla looked down at me and smiled.

Godzilla-Did you have fun with Junior (Y/N)~


Godzilla-Good, Now it's time for bed though.


She lifted me up over her chest and pushed me between her breasts like last time and laid down.

Godzilla-Goodnight Son~

She kissed me on the head and we both drifted off to sleep.

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