《》Tangled Web


I was resting in Godzilla's curled up tail as she was gazing at the stars. We were outside for a while so I was starting to get chilly and started to nuzzle into Godzilla's tail for warmth.

Godzilla-Are you cold honey?~


She uncurled her tail and scooped me into her hand lifting me up.

(Y/N)-Y-You're not gonna put me in your mouth again are you?

Godzilla-*Giggles* Of course not silly.

(Y/N)-Than where are you gonna?-

Before I could finish she slid me down in between her boobs and I popped my head out for air. It was a bit cramped but it was also very comfortable.


(Y/N)-Uh Y-Yeh.

Godzilla-*Yawn* Good~

She patted me as softly as she could on my head and laid down onto the soft sand.

Godzilla-Goodnight (Y/N)~.

I was finally waking from my long hibernation and emerged from the ravine I was sleeping in. I stood up and stretched looking over the island but I stopped when I saw a familiar face resting on the sandy beach... ... I've been plotting my revenge against her since that day...

I finally had Godzilla's brat in my grasp. I had cocooned her body except for her head in my webbing and she was squirming around screaming for her mother.

???-Scream all you want child but your mother can't save you now~ *Chuckles*.

Before I could devour her I was interrupted by the loud booming roar of Godzilla


I saw her standing over a hill staring down at me with fury in her eyes.


Before I could respond she picked up a Boulder and tossed it at me hitting me in the head and causing me to fall down and keeping me down long enough for her to free her child.

Godzilla Jr-Mama!

Godzilla-It's alright honey I'm right here.


I got up and charged at Godzilla almost knocking her down but she was able to push me back however I overpowered her and pushed her onto the ground stepping onto her stomach.

Godzilla-Mama, No!

I saw the child run towards me but I wasn't going to let her get in my way so I raised my clawed fist in the air about to stab Godzilla but before I could something unexpected happened. I was blasted with an atomic beam by Godzilla's Child! I fell down off of Godzilla allowing her to get up and grab me by my neck.

Godzilla-This is for harming my daughter!

I felt her bite onto one of my spider legs and tear it off. I screeched in pain and slashed at her stomach with my other spider leg causing her to cry out in pain and dropped me. I quickly sprinted away retreating into my ravine to heal.

I've been hiding in my ravine for years ever since that fight and now was the time I get my revenge. I slowly made my way to the spot where she was resting and stopped. There was something in between her breasts. I took a closer look and saw a human in between them!

I was originally going to just stab her. But now I have something else planned, But it will have to wait till morning...

I woke up after a surprisingly comfy sleep and I pulled my arms out from between Godzilla's boobs and tried to get out. Luckily the ground wasn't too far down so when I got out I just slid down and landed on my butt lightly I than got onto my feet and stretched.


I strolled down the beach to start the day but as I was walking I heard what sounded like loud clicking. I looked into the forest but saw nothing except for what looked like a pair of eyes. I walked back in fear thinking it was another one of those Giant Mantis again.



I was shocked to hear the thing talk but i responded anyways.


???-What are you doing on this island boy?

(Y/N)-G-Godzilla brought me here.

???-Oh is that so?

The monster speaking to me arose from the trees kneeling. She had 2 extra pairs of eyes on her forehead and six arms with spikes on the end of them like a spider.

???-It's just that humans don't normally come to this island and the ones who do don't last very long.

(Y/N)-W-Well I have Godzilla to protect me.

???-*Chuckles* Not for long~

She suddenly than snatched me up and held me in her clenched fist. I tried to scream for help but I don't think anyone could hear me I than passed out from fear.

I awoke a while after but for some reason I was unable to move. I looked around and saw that I was cocooned and entangled inside a giant spider web my struggling came to a stop when I saw that spider kaiju crawl into the cave I was in and smile.

I continued to struggle and scream hoping someone would hear me but no one came.

???-Scream all you want boy. No one can hear you down here~

(Y/N)-P-Please let me go!

???-*Chuckle* I don't think so. You see I haven't had a big meal in a while and I'm absolutely starving and you my little human are going to be my first course~

She cut me off of the web and I fell into her palm I tried to break free of the cocoon but than she picked me up by my cocooned feet and lifted me into the air put she put her other hand down so if I fell I would hit the ground. I began to scream again in fear of falling.

???-*Giggle* How fun~

I felt the webbing she was holding onto start tearing and eventually rip causing me to fall screaming even louder than before but luckily she caught me before I could hit the ground and she was laughing at me.

(Y/N)'s Mind-Godzilla, Somebody, Anybody, Help me!

Suddenly someone crashed into the cave and I looked to see Godzilla and the others!


???-*Laugh* It's been a while hasn't it, Old friend?


Kumonga-Oh but I think he has a better purpose somewhere... Else.

She lifted me above her mouth but I held on tightly so I wouldn't fall in.


Before I lost my grip Anguirus charged at Kumonga slamming her into the wall. I fell of her hand but luckily Mothra caught me in time.

Mothra-Are you alright child?

(Y/N)-*Sniff* Y-Yes...

She handed me to Godzilla who held me tight as I bawled into her chest.

Godzilla-Shhh It's okay, Everything is going to be alright...

I glared at Kumonga with pure rage as I saw her struggle to get up but I stomped over to her and put my foot on her stomach.


I than shot an atomic beam at her and she began burning and screaming. Luckily (Y/N) couldn't see it.

After me and the others left the cave we went back to the beach (Y/N) had already fell asleep in my hand so we all spent the rest of the day on the beach watching him sleep.

Godzilla's Mind-It's alright (Y/N), Tomorrow's another day...

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