《》A Day With The Queen


I woke up in Godzilla's hand who was sleeping at the moment and I was hungry so I decided to try and get up to go look for food so I decided to wiggle my way out of her grasp which I was successful at doing and I slid down and landed on my butt onto the soft sand. I tried to get up but my leg was still hurting bad from spraining it so I limped my way towards the Forest to find something to eat and I spotted two large fruits on a nearby palm tree I limped towards the tree and grabbed onto the trunk trying to reach for the fruit but was sadly unsuccessful.

(Y/N)-*Sigh* Come on!

I heard a low bellow behind me and I turned to see Godzilla with her upper body being held up by her arms looking down at me smiling.

Godzilla-Having some trouble there honey?

(Y/N)-Yeh can you help?

Godzilla-Sure thing.

She leaned over to the tree giving it a slight tap as one of the green fruits fell from the tree. I bent down and picked it up.


Godzilla-*Chuckles* Your welcome dear...

I took a bite out of the fruit as Godzilla lifted me up and gave me a kiss on my forehead nearly engulfing my entire head since she was way bigger than me. She walked into the forest as I looked up at her in confusion.

(Y/N)-Where are we going?

Godzilla-You'll see~

She kept walking for a bit until we reached a mountain where a lake full of red bubbling water sat at the bottom of the mountain.

Godzilla-We're here~

(Y/N)-What is this place?

Godzilla-I call it, "The Red Lake"

She slipped her feet into the lake and sat down with me still in her hands.

Godzilla-You wanna see how it feels?


(Y/N)-I-Is it hot?

Godzilla-It shouldn't be, but tell me if it is.

She lifted me down and I stuck a toe in the water and it actually didn't feel that bad. She lowered me in more and it felt really nice, like a giant hot tub.

(Y/N)-Woah, It's like a hot tub.

Godzilla-Mhm, I knew you'd like it.

She lowered me entirely down into the water and I noticed I was beginning to float.

(Y/N)-Hey look I'm floating!

I began to swim around a bit but I stopped when I heard a strange noise and Godzilla looked behind her getting out of the water.

Godzilla-Stay Here (Y/N).

She walked away into the forest and I got out of the water to look around and In the forest I saw a pair of yellow glowing eyes which sprung out of the forest to show the owner of the eyes, A giant mantis!

I turned around and saw a Kamacuras trying to attack my baby so I spun around and charged at the bug eyed monster slamming myself into it and knocking it into the ground.

Godzilla-*Growl* Who do you think you are?!

I could sense the creature was terrified but I wasn't going to let it go for scaring my baby and trying to eat him. I thought for a bit for what I should do with it when I got an idea.

Godzilla-So, you like to eat huh?

I got up and grabbed the stupid beast by it's neck looking it straight in the eye with a visible smirk on my face.

Godzilla-Well than, eat this!

I sunk my teeth into the beast and tore off a chunk of its flesh.

I watched her devour the mantis like a starved lion eating a zebra corpse. The creature let out screeches of pain as it's black blood flew everywhere until it stopped screaming and died Godzilla dropped what was left of the monsters mangled corpse and burped.


Godzilla-Oh boy, I am stuffed! I haven't had a meal that good in such a long time!

She looked at me and saw my face of pure shock and terror and she realized how I was now traumatized from her devouring that mantis.

Godzilla-Oh No! Wait honey I didn't mean to scare you like that!

She scooped me up and held me close to her face stroking my hair.

Godzilla-Oh baby, I'm so sorry you had to see that~ Let's head back to the beach ok?

I nodded my head and we both went back to the beach and Godzilla sat down crossing her legs and putting me between them.

Godzilla-There, your safe here where no one can hurt you.


I rested against her leg and closed my eyes to rest but before I could go to sleep Godzilla tapped me on the head.

Godzilla-Y/N, would you like to meet my other friends?

(Y/N)-Ummm Y-Yes.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep but I thought of something as I slept.

(Y/N)'s Mind-I wonder what her friends are like?...

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