《》Queen Of The Monsters


I was sitting on the edge of a large cliff about to dive into the ocean but something inside me was telling me not to.

Mom-Come On Son! you can do it!

I gulped but I gathered my courage and took a few steps back.

(Y/N) A-Alright, Here goes nothing!

I quickly ran to the edge but stopped at a loud booming sound and I heard a siren going off.


I quickly turned around and dashed away from the edge and got down from the cliff I was on until I accidentally tripped and fell, spraining my leg feeling as if it was broken.

(Y/N)-Mom! Help!

I than heard a low rumble as I saw something rise out of the ocean... Godzilla! a well known monster across the globe for attacking many cities. I heard many stories about her before and she was even bigger than I thought.

She looked out at the city and let out a loud roar as she stepped onto the beach causing hundreds of people to panic and run away and I tried to crawl away and look for my mommy but I saw her left foot step down next to me and I accidentally screamed and she looked down at me and I froze in fear. I thought she was gonna try and stomp me but instead she bent down and just looked at me with confusion until reaching her hands under the sand and picked me up.

(Y/N)-Please put me down!

I shut my eyes tight and I felt her breath on me and I than felt her hand move up so I grabbed on in fear of falling and when I opened my eyes I saw that her mouth was open which I thought meant she wanted to eat me but than she closed her mouth and smiled as she put me up closer to her face and...


Godzilla-It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you~ *whisper*

She spoke to me! I never heard of anything about Kaiju having the ability to talk!

(Y/N)-Y-You can talk?!

She than with the flick off her wrist I flew off her hand and into her mouth onto her soft moist tongue and she closed her mouth but didn't swallow me it was almost like she was carrying me in her mouth.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?!

Godzilla didn't reply and I heard her walk back into the ocean and swim away from the shore.

(Y/N)-W-Wait! My Mom and Dad I need to get back to them!

Again no response from her instead she just kept swimming.

(Y/N)-Are you even listening to me?!

I gave up on trying to get her to talk so I just laid on her tongue in defeat and decided to take a nap.


I awoke to feeling something move only to see Godzilla opening her mouth and allowing me to land in her palm.

Godzilla-Did you have a nice trip sunshine?

(Y/N)-I-I guess although I'm all covered in spit now.

Godzilla-Oh don't worry dear I'll get you cleaned up.

(Y/N)-B-But what about my parents they're probably worried sick about me especially now that I've been taken by a monster.

Godzilla-*Chuckles* Why would you need parents when you could have this,

She than turned around to show me a large island in the middle of the ocean where I could here the sounds of monsters roaring. Godzilla began to walk towards the island eventually reaching the beach and sitting down putting me onto her head for me to marvel at the sight of the entire island.

(Y/N)-This is so cool!

Godzilla-*Chuckles* Welcome to your new home, My little prince~

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