《RWBY: Godzilla》Aftermath



That was all I could feel for hours. Pain. Physical and emotional pain.

I fought it at first. I struggled to get the pillar off my body, to no avail. Both Emi and I knew there was no getting it off, but I couldn't give up. Not now.

"It's no use," Emi said. "Just stop."

"I... can't..." I wheezed as I continued to struggle to free myself. "People need me... a-and I promised I'd get you to your kid!"

"Listen," Emi said.

I didn't listen. I continued to struggle.

"LISTEN TO ME!" she yelled.

I stopped, and turned my attention to her.

"You're just wasting your energy," she said. "Just stop. It's no use."

I didn't want to, but I knew she was right. If I kept this up, all I'd be doing was hurting myself. I wouldn't be able to help anyone if I died here.

So I sat back, looking up at the top of the "cave" created when Godzilla destroyed the building.

As I sat there, I took a moment to comprehend everything. Take it all in.

(Y/N) was really gone. There was no saving him anymore. He killed so many people, and he tried to kill me.

I thought about what he was like before all of this. How clingy he was. How adorable he was. I remembered all the times we'd spent together. I remembered the moment I first saw him. I remembered meeting him for the first time. I remembered how clingy he grew. I remembered how vulnerable he was. I remembered how adorable he was. I remembered the night I confessed to him, and we had "fun" together.

I still couldn't believe someone so innocent, so clingy, so vulnerable, so adorable, could turn so destructive, so cruel, so horrific.


"I never got your name," Emi broke the silence.

"Ruby," I said. "Ruby Rose."

"You said you've been sticking with my son?" Emi said.

"Yeah," I said. "He's adorable. Funny, he has the same name as my boyfriend."

"You mean Godzilla?" Emi said.

"Yup," I said. "His name was (Y/N) (L/N)."

"What happened to him?" Emi asked.

I sighed. "Bullies. They hurt him because he was different. I was one of the few people who stuck with him. I was the only person who protected him, because I loved him so much. He was so adorable, so clingy, so vulnerable. I loved him. And... I know it's hard to believe... but I still love him. I just want to see him in his faunus form again. But he had to be imprisoned because they were afraid of him, and he was forced to transform into... that."

Emi nodded. "That's... a little hard to believe. But I guess I can relate. I used to have a husband. He was also bullied, like your friend over there. He slowly went crazy about it, and eventually... he wanted... revenge. He wanted them to feel the pain he felt. So... he went insane, and he killed them. He was eventually sent to prison, and he died there. It's weird... I guess I should hate him for it, but strangely... I don't. I just wish I could see him again."

I stayed silent for a moment. "I'm... I'm sorry you had to go through that..."

Then, I could hear the sound of someone calling from above the wreckage.

"Hello?! Is anyone out there?!"

I gasped. "Down here!" But the pain was too intense for me to shout loud enough.

Emi started to smile, hoping the pain would be over soon. "O-O-Over h-h-here..." she tried to call, but as she attempted to raise her voice, the pain only increased.


She dropped down, wheezing from the pain.

"Hang on," I said. "I'm getting us out of here."

Clearly my voice couldn't travel far from my location, and I'd be lucky if anyone actually heard me.

I looked around for something to get their attention with, and I spotted a pipe on my left. If I could hit it, the noise would hopefully travel above ground and catch their attention. Only problem was, I couldn't reach it. But I knew something that could.

I reached behind me for Crescent Rose. But it was underneath the rubble with the rest of my waist, so reaching it was almost impossible. I shifted around, increasing the pain, but I didn't care. I had to get Emi out of here, and any pain I suffered through to do it was necessary.

I finally caught a hold of Crescent Rose. Now came the hard part, getting it out. I continued to wheeze and scream as I struggled to pull it out from my belt, shifting the pillar and increasing my pain.

Finally, I pulled it out. Quickly, I held it with my left hand, and used it to smack the pipe. It made a loud noise, which I hoped would catch the search party's attention.

At first, there was no response.

If at first you don't succeed, try again. I smacked the pipe again.

Still no response.

Third time's the charm. I smacked one more time.


I heard the voice again. I smiled, hoping they heard me. I smacked the pipe again.

"I hear you! I'm coming!"

The voice was getting closer! I continued hitting the pipe, and looking up the rubble. Through the cracks showing the night sky, I could see people looking down to me.

"I see you! Are you okay?!"

"I'm... in decent condition, I guess!" I yelled. "But there's someone else down here who needs serious help!"

"Alright! We'll be getting you out of there as soon as possible!"

"Thank you!" I called. I looked over to Emi. "We're getting out of here, Emi!"

She looked at me, and smiled. "Yaaay."

A few hours later, Emi was pulled out from the rubble. I was left behind for the time being, since Emi was in worse condition. I didn't care.

It took a little while, but I was finally pulled out from the rubble, and the aftermath of Godzilla's rampage was far worse than I expected.

There were no buildings left. Every building that I might have been able to recognize was nothing but debris. Trees were burned to a crisp, black color, with no sign of any leaves. Students and staff from Beacon and the Atlesian military was searching through the ruins of the once gorgeous kingdom, searching for any sign of survivors.

There were very few.

I lied in a stretcher as I was pulled into a bullhead, with a couple dying survivors, corpses, and Emi.

As it took off, I could see an areal view of the ruins, and my jaw dropped in complete shock as I saw that Godzilla hadn't even shown Beacon mercy.

Then, the world started to fade, and I started to black out. And as the world ended, I had only thought.

This was the worst night of my life.

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