《RWBY: Godzilla》Godzilla


It was a nightmare the moment it started.

I went to bed that night with nothing on my mind but him. Things were just starting to work out, and now he was in a prison in the sky.

Why was everyone so afraid of him? What did he do wrong? Sure, he was the same species as a creature that used to try to destroy humanity, but he was the descendant of the only one that intentionally protected the innocent. And he himself was a good person. Just because he bit Cardin didn't mean he was turning evil. He was just afraid. Why did he get the worse punishment for self-defense?

These questions plagued my mind. I wanted to get him out of there. I wanted to save him. But how could I convince Ozpin, let alone Ironwood to let him go?

I didn't know.

The next day, Ozpin and Ironwood let me go to the airship to visit (Y/N). They told me he'd only stay there until he managed to calm himself down.

So, that afternoon, I boarded the Atlas Airship.

I walked up to (Y/N)'s cell, and I saw him sitting inside. Though he wasn't crying, I could see tears making their way down his cheeks. It broke my heart to see him like that.

"Hi," I said.

(Y/N) turned to look at me. He stood up, and walked over to the window in the cell to see me.

"Hey," he said. "Do I get to come out yet?"

I sighed. "Not yet."

"I hate it in here!" he said. "I just want to get out! I want to be with you..."

I wished I could've reached out and touch him, but we were divided by the cell wall.

"I want that too," I said. "I miss how clingy you are."


He chuckled. "Most people would hate that."

"Yeah," I said. "But I love you too much to not like that."

He frowned. "They're not letting me out, are they?"

"They... they said they'd let you out when you were less afraid," I said.

"They're lying," he said.

"No they're not," I said. "They're not bad."

"Bad or not, they're afraid of me," (Y/N) said. "They're lying."

"No," I said. "Ozpin and Oobleck believe in you. They won't let you stay in here. Only issue is, there's no way you're getting any less afraid in this prison. I'll try to convince them to let you go."

"They won't listen," he said. "Hey... you remember what Oobleck said? People say that my kind can turn back into our original form?"

I grew scared. "No! You can't do that! You won't be able to change back, and everyone will consider you a threat!"

"But what if there's no other way?" he asked.

"There is always another way," I said. "Just trust me on this."

He didn't say a word.

A few hours later, I'd left the airship, and was on my way back to Beacon.

I turned around to take one more look at the airship, where I knew (Y/N) was waiting for me.

"Hang on, (Y/N)," I whispered. "I'll get you out of there."

But before I could leave, I saw an explosion on the side of the ship. I gasped in shock, and everyone else screamed.

I watched in horror as the ship started making its way down to the ground.

"No!" I whimpered, thinking the airship was being attacked.

I ran alongside it as it fell, even though I knew there was nothing I could do. (Y/N) was in there, and I had no doubt he was going to die.


Then, I saw the ship fall behind a mountain in the distance, and a ball of fire make its way into the air as the ship exploded.

I gasped, and covered my mouth with both hands, in complete shock, fear, and confusion.

WBY and JNPR ran up behind me.

"What happened?" Blake asked.

"Wasn't (Y/N) in there?" Yang asked.

I nodded, tears starting to fall.

But then, the unexpected happened.

I saw a huge, reptilian head rise from behind the mountain. Everyone behind me screamed, and started to run, while I stood there, staring in awe.

It was a Godzilla.

"Ruby, let's go!" Yang said.

But I didn't move. I continued to stare in awe at Godzilla.

He turned to look at the students of Beacon, and gave an angry, hateful glare. Then, he looked up to the sky, opened his mouth, and let out a loud, ear-piercing roar.

Then, he looked down to me. I expected him to give me some sort of hateful look, but instead, he looked at me with sweet, loving eyes.

It was right then that I realized who I was looking at.

"(Y/N)?" I said.

He let out one final roar, before turning around, and walking away from Beacon, disappearing behind the hill.

I stood there in complete shock. (Y/N) had transformed into his true form. If Oobleck was right, that meant he could never change back. But, even worse, all of Remnant would consider him a threat, and they would try to kill him.

And that day was when everything went from bad, to worse.

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