《Accidentally Adopted by iBallisticSquid》Mitch


Izzy's PoV:

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled remembering what had happened earlier. I was in a different position to what I went to sleep in. My hand was on Mitch's chest. I felt Mitch stir and he turned his head towards mine, I smiled.

Suddenly I felt Mitch being wrenched out of my grasp. I opened my eyes to see Squid with his arms around Mitch's chest. Mitch was kicking and thrashing around, trying to break out of Squid's grasp, but Squid was too strong. I was about to go up to them when someone grabbed me and pulled me out of the bed. I turned around to see Sqaishey looking worried.

"I'm sorry but Squid is going to take Mitch back to the care home now, after what's happened." Sqaishey told me. I just looked at her angrily, I thought she would always have my back, but no. I pulled myself out of her grasp and jumped over the bed to Mitch and Squid.

"Squid let go of him!" I cried at him. Squid didn't reply, Sqaishey tried to pull me away but I just pushed her back. I saw her go and stand in the corner of the room phoning someone.

I tried to grab Squid and pull him off Mitch but I couldn't. Suddenly I felt someone pulling me away again, I thought it must be Sqaishey but they were too strong. I turned around to see Ash holding me with Stampy a little further back.

He got me out of the hotel room where he put me down. Sqaishey closed the door of the room and the sound of Squid and Mitch went silent. All my anger left and instead it was replaced with sadness. I started to cry and I slid down the wall and into the floor. Sqaishey came and sat down next to me to comfort me. I hugged her but I didn't feel any better. Two of the people that I loved and trusted most in the world were fighting, it was the worst feeling.


"You can stay in my room tonight," Sqaishey said to me, "Stampy will stay with Ash." I nodded a thanks but really I wanted Mitch. I felt Stampy pick me up and I buried my head into his shoulder for comfort.

He took me to his and Sqaishey's room where he layed me down on the bed. I just stayed there facing the wall, not moving. I heard Stampy and Ash leave but Sqaishey stayed with me.

After a bit Sqaishey spoke, "Me and Squid came into the room and saw you asleep with Mitch. Squid freaked, he was just trying to protect you."

"Yeah well I don't need protecting. Mitch won't hurt me." I replied angrily.

Mitch's PoV:

I felt someone pulling me away from Izzy. Holding me round my chest, I started thrashing around but I couldn't get out of their grasp.

About 5 minutes later I was starting to get tired. I looked over to the door of the room to see Izzy being carried out. As the door shut behind them, whoever was holding me let go and I spun around to face them. It was Squid, what a surprise.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER AGAIN!!" He yelled at me.

"Why not? I love her and she loves me!" I said firmly but staying calm. His face changed to a look of sorrow.

"Okay I'm sorry," he said sitting down on the bed, "I shouldn't be so protective. I will allow you to stay her boyfriend but promise me you won't hurt her." He said.

"I promise." I told him. He nodded, "You two can have this room for tonight and only tonight!" He said smiling. I nodded and he led me out of the room to where Izzy was.


Izzy's PoV:

I heard the door the the room open so I turned to see who it was. Squid came in and sat down on the bed next to me. I heard Sqaishey leave the room as Squid started to speak, "I'm sorry. I was overprotective. I have spoken to Mitch and you two can stay in my room tonight. I'll stay with Ash or James." He finished. My heart jumped, I could see Mitch again.

I thanked Squid, gave him a hug and rushed out of the room. As sprinted out of the door I ran into someone. Mitch. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me kissing me on the forehead.

"It's 10pm lets go to bed." I nodded. I hadn't realised how tired I was until now. I yawned and Mitch looked at me before sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me to our room.

When we got in he put me down and I ran straight to the bed and flopped down closing my eyes. I heard Mitch switch the lights off, I rolled over to try and see him but it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I could hear some rustling around, so I turned around and he was lying there. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep.

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