《Accidentally Adopted by iBallisticSquid》The First Night


Izzy's PoV:

Everyone was going to bed now and I was dreading it. I really didn't want to wake anyone up.

I had cleaned my teeth, I was in my PJ's and I was getting in to bed. Someone knocked on my door and I told them to come in. It was Squid. "Are you going to be okay tonight?" He asked, I guess he was thinking about my nightmares. I nodded, I didn't want him to be worried about me. "Ok then. Night." He rubbing my head. I hated it when people did that so I chucked a pillow at him. He laughed and dodged it as he closed the door. I was now alone. I grabbed my phone, plugged my earplugs in, played the podcast that Stampy was in and let the voices lull me to sleep.

I suddenly woke up crying. I had had a nightmare... Again. I saw the door open and Sqaishey rushed in. "What's wrong???" She asked. She looked really worried. As much as I loved Sqaishey I really only want to speak to Squid now. "J-J-Just g-get Sq-Squid." I said through my tears. I was shaking so bad that I collapsed back onto the bed, my arms couldn't hold me up. I just about managed to push myself back up and lean against the pillows just as Squid came in. He climbed into my bed and put his arm around me. "It's okay. I'm here now." He said. I laid back down and buried my head into his side like I had done the time when he let me stay the night. I felt Squid pull something out from under me, my Phone and earplugs. I saw the screen light up. "You were listening to the podcast?" He sounded surprised. "I thought it would stop me having nightmares. I didn't want to wake anyone up." I said. "We don't care if you wake us up. I just want you to be happy." I smiled at him. "Squid, I was talking to Sqaishey earlier and she told me I should tell you my story." I told him. "You mean how you got into care?" I nodded. "So basically when I started going to school I got a bit nervous but I was okay really but then when I was five my dad just left me and my mum. He just walked out one day, he didn't tell anyone where or why he was going, we just woke up one morning and he was gone. Then, a few months later, the police phoned, they said they had found someone's body in a ditch and they thought it could be him. My mum went for a DNA test and when the results came back we were told it was him." I said. "Oh my God Izzy. I never knew you had been through so much!" He said genuinely sounding shocked. "That's only half of it. When I went back to school after that I was still really young so I didn't really understand it but I do remember that I would cry every day before school, not wanting to leave my mum. It never really stopped although it got much better in year 4 and by the end of Primary school my anxiety was almost completely gone, but then I went to secondary school and it was worse than it had ever been. I started having panic attacks about certain lessons I ended up missing weeks of school because of anxiety. I was finding it hard and my mum, although she tried to help, she just didn't understand. She started to have therapy sessions and only then did I realise how much it was effecting her. I started to have nightmares every night. I started watching your videos at night to stop them, it helped to begin with and I made it through the rest of year 7. But then it was year 8 and it started again. I remember I had a huge problem and I remember my mum just seeming not to care, we had a huge argument and that was the beginning of her becoming unstable. One day we had a massive argument about me anxious, she told me I was an idiot and was crying so much. I had only told her she needed to clean her teeth and she hit me and kept shouting and shouting. Then the police arrived, the neighbours had heard to shouting. They found me curled up in my wardrobe crying my eyes out. They took me to a care home and my mum was taken to a place where they would care for her. I haven't seen her since." I finished. "I'm so sorry Izzy. I never knew it was that bad." Squid replied. I suddenly sat up. "Don't tell anyone else please!" I said desperately. "I wouldn't dream of doing so." He said smiling. I lay back down and fell asleep in his arms.

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