《Accidentally Adopted by iBallisticSquid》The Hospital


Izzy's PoV:

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to sit up. I couldn't see or hear much as my senses hadn't adjusted yet. Someone held me down, not letting me sit up. Their grip didn't feel menacing just strong. My ears had adjusted and I could hear people talking and the beeping of a machine. I knew at once where I was. I was in a hospital. It all came back to me, Squid staying with me, my ankle hurting, Squid getting burnt, everything. My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw who was holding me down. It was a middle aged man who I assumed was a doctor. I was wondering how the fire started as one minute Squid has burnt his arm the next the house was burning. "How did the fire start?" I asked him. "David Spencer has informed us that he tried to catch you from falling over when he burnt his arm on the wood burner and then knocked the handle of it so the door opened. The fire spread to the logs piled up around it and it set the living room on fire. Thomas Spencer went in to rescue David but David told him to rescue you instead." The doctor finished off. "Is Squi... I mean David ok?" I asked worriedly. "He will be fine. Although the burn on his arm was bad it will heal." The doctor replied. Suddenly Flo rushed through the door with Nicole. She ran straight up to me and hugged me so tight the doctor had to tell her to let go. Nicole asked how I was but she really just wanted to go see Squid, which I understood and I told her that she could go if she wanted too. Which of course she did, so she left immediately. As she was leaving the people who I, unfortunately, expected to see came through the door. It was mine and Flo's social worker, Julie, and Adam, the head care worker. They asked me and Flo some questions and then said, "You will be going to the care home in Huddersfield for 2 weeks which is enough time for your ankle and lungs to heal and then you will go back to your normal care home." I wanted to stay with Squid. I really thought that I had found a family.

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