《His Fated One (Arthur Leywin x reader)》5


'Deuce, hurry it up back there!" Ugly 1 shouted to his men while I observed them from the tree tops. 'I had no idea how those pigs managed to get their hands on forest hounds, but I knew that getting one of them would be my best bet out of this forest.' I thought as I looked at the for at houses tied up in front of the wagon. 'As for those slave traders... Well, with all the crap that has happened to me lately... It looked like I'd finally be able to let off some steam.' I thought viciously as I continue to watch and follow the carriage.

'Despite my eagerness to get home, I still needed a plan. Dealing with those slave traders first was the best course of action but I didn't strike immediately.' I thought as I followed their carriage quietly as to not get caught. 'Attacking all four of them head on would be suicide, even for me. So I followed...waited...and gathered strength to make my move when their guards were down.' I thought as it was dark out and they decided to stop to rest.

I looked at them from above waiting for the perfect time. 'It's time!' I thought as my eyes glowed blue. I grabbed a seed from the plant beside me and three it at the tree closest to the Forest Hounds. The dogs started barking as they heard it made contact. "Shut them up before they wake up everything in the forest!" Ugly 3 said to his friend sitting next to him. "Okay okay! Damn mutts!" Ugly 2 said as he looked back at the hounds. He grabbed some meat as he made his way towards them.

'Without a weapon, I was forced to utilize a technique from my previous life. A technique I was even sure would work in this world.' I thought as a blue aura covered my hand becoming pointy at the end. "You should just chew each others' antlers if you're bored." Ugly 2 said while I made my way down the tree quietly. I made a quiet thud on the ground as I dash towards the man. "A ki-" he started to say when I reached his line of vision before I sliced his throat.


A grab his shirt as I stared down at him as he started choking on his own blood. I grabbed the knife I felt in his pocket before I let him go. "Thank you for the weapon." I said as he fell to the ground dead. The hounds smelled his blood as they panted before they began to bite at the man flesh. "The hounds are quiet now, what's taking him so long to get back? You takin' a piss or somethin', pink-" Ugly 3 said as he came in the direction the dead man came.

As he reached the spot he looked down as saw his buddy getting mauled by the Forest Hounds allowing me a chance to sneak on him. "What the-" he said as I pounced on his back with the knife held in front of him. "Tsk." I said before I stabbed him in the heart with the knife as his body fell to the ground. 'As expected... Fighting is a lot harder and tiresome in this body. I should finish this quickly while the last two are still slee-' I thought as I wiped the blood on my face. That was until I heard a loud thud coming from inside the carriage causing me to freeze.

"Mhmph! Ish shumun der?! Fweesh helk 'e!" The person said as they continue to knock against the carriage causing me to grit my teeth in irritation. 'Damnit?! Why now?!' I thought frustratedly to myself before I hide quickly. "Why are you being so noisy?! Where are you, Pinky?! Deuce?!" Ugly 1 said as they walked towards the carriage with Ugly 4 trailing behind him. I dashed from the wagon as I went behind him to attack. He suddenly turned around and blocked my attack. I dashed past him slicing his two feet in the process.

'Three down!' I thought as I successfully injured him. "Gaaahhhh!" The man shouted alerting his boss who came towards him holding his sword. "Careful, Danton! Th-The brat is a mage!!" He shouted at 'Danton'. As he stopped a little ways in front of me. "A kid mage, huh?" Danton said as he dropped his sword before his hands were covered in a blue aura. "Then we don't want to accidentally kill the golden egg that just landed in front of us...now do we?" Danton said as he walked closer to me.


"He might even fetch us more than that little elf. Don't die, kid!" Danton said as he suddenly laughed at me as he outstretched his hand hitting the ground I stood previously as I managed to dodge. I kicked one of the rocks that flew in the air when he punched the ground towards him hitting his cheek. I threw that knife that was covered inside my mana string at him. He caught the knife and cut the mana as I stared at him in irritation. 'Damn!' I shouted inside my head when he cut it.

"You...have some cute tricks. Here's your weapon! Catch!" He shouted as he dashed towards dropping the knife as he prepared to kick me at the same time. 'He's fast!' I thought as I went to block when he kicked me in my stomach. "Oh, nice reaction, kid!" He shouted as he saw me block his kick. The force of the kick caused me to land on the ground a little bit away from him as he walked to me. "Come here, my bag of gold." Danton said as he reached out and grabbed my ankle lifting me in the air. I struggled to break free as he held me effortlessly in his hand.

"Just give up. You can't do anything with your little body." He said as he watched me struggle to release his hold on me. 'Condensing mana like a blade seems to behave similarly to wind magic in this world... If that's the case... Fire magic should be, too...condense...' I thought as I reached over clasping Danton's hand over the one holding my leg as his hand glowed orange. He looked at me in confusion trying to figure out what I was trying to do. 'And explode!' I finished my thought as the explosion was created causing me to let go.

"GWAHHH! You sonuva-! You're dead, brat!" He shouted as he pulled his arm back that was burned badly that it was black. I grabbed the knife and went behind him preparing to attack. "I don't care if I have to sell your corpse! You're dead!!" He shouted before I threw the knife connected to my mana through his throat cutting him off as he falls to the ground. I grabbed the knife as I walked towards the man slowly who started to move back.

"W-Wait! Please don't!" He pleded as I went closer to him as I looked down at him with bloodlust. My eyes void of emotion staring at him with a deadly look. "I'm sure the little girl said the same thing..." I said before I killed him. I went behind the carriage and I saw a girl shaking terrible as her mouth, feet and hands were tied. "Come on. It's safe... You can go home now." I said to her as I reached my hand out with a smile. She stared at me with tears coming out of her eyes causing my heart to break sadly for some unknown reason.

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