《Rescuing Andy》Jerry gets stabbed in the stomach and Sam shot in the arm.


Jerry Barber POV:

Me and Sam got into a car and drove towards the warehouse that Andy was in. All of a sudden I hear a gunshot ring out and automatically look at Sam. Oh no. He's bleeding. He was shot in the arm.

"Sam." I get out of the car and start walking my gun out just incase he shoots again but this time I'm too slow and he stabs me with a knife and pulls it back out in my stomach.I fall down to the ground with a thud knowing I wont live. I hear footsteps and look towards the car and Sam's running out of it and over to me. My sight goes black as I slip into unconciousness as Sam reaches me.

Sam Swarek POV:

I see the guy stab Jerry in the stomach and no matter the pain I feel in my arm I get out and run towards him. I realise Jerry only has about 20-30 minutes to live.

"Mr Swarek. Didn't think you would have been coming,' a voice says and I automatically turn round to see the guy's face who nearly killed my wife.

"Where's Andy?" I ask worried that he might hurt her more than he already has.

"McNally? You won't see her again. You silly little friend decided to look for her and leave you in the car and look what happened to him."

I look over at Jerry and he is starting to turn pale white. I reach for my radio and call for back up.

"Sam. Callaghan's on his way with Peck and Diaz and Price," Oliver informs me.

Jerry Barber POV:

I wake up and see Price and Diaz looking at me with worried expressions. I try to move only to feel pain and be pushed back down onto the floor by Diaz.


"Jerry. Calm down. Sam's going to be alright. Andy well we don't know yet. She was shot again and for all we know she could be dead," Chris tells me.

"How long?"

"What? How long what?" Chloe asks me confused.

"Come off it Price. I know I'm going to die. There's no chance of me surviving."

"Don't think like that okay?" Suddenly I hear a gunshot and look over to where Sam and Peck are standing. Peck. She's alright. I look at Sam. He's not moving. I stand up despite Price and Diaz's best efforts to get me to sit down. I look at them and ignore them running over to my friend.

ok. Do u want Sam to survive?

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