《Rescuing Andy》Sam's choice


Sam Swarek POV:

A few minutes after I ran out of the station, Oliver and her ex boyfriend, Jerry came and found me. They sat in silence until Jerry asked me what made the shooter want me so much.

"Jerry. A few years ago I was on Patrol and Andy was with me. Then we got a call saying his wife was beating and stabbing a twelve year old boy who later in court turned out to be my son. We had sent her down. But why take Andy instead of me?" I reply.

"Sam. No. Don't do this buddy. You can't sacrifice yourself," Oliver says.

"And what about Andy? You heard yourself its either the ransom or me and if I don't go to him then he will kill Andy!" I shout standing back up and marching back into the station.

I had made my final decision and not even Oliver or Jerry could stop me. Jerry catches up with me and says Oliver and Best both said that he has to come with me.

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