《The linstead story》Challenges


Erin's POV

I got a text from Jay saying he was having breakfast with Will. I then went and got the boys ready for daycare, but that feeling didn't go away and I also felt sick like I was going to throw up. I decided that I would take the boys to daycare and then come back home. The boys were in the living room watching cartoons and eating their breakfast, and I thought it was the perfect time to call hank. I dialed his number and he picked up right away.

Hello? he said

Hank, it's Erin. I said

Everything ok? he asked

I'm not feeling too well, is it alright if I don't come in today? I asked

Of course, get better do you need me to come and get the boys? he asked

No, I'm gonna bring them to daycare and then come back home. I said

Alright if you need anything just let me know. he said

I will thank you. I said

I went and put the boys in the car and drove them to daycare. Once we arrived at daycare they went and played with their friends. I went back home and fell asleep.

Jay's POV

I arrived at work and I saw that everyone was here except for Erin, I thought she must be running late. I went and asked Voight if he has heard from her he said that she called in sick, which surprised me since she doesn't get sick unless she is pregnant and I think that because she is one of the healthiest people I know and every time she is pregnant she ends up getting sick. I decided that at lunch I would go and check on her, but until then I have to do paperwork.

I have been doing paperwork all morning, it is finally lunch time which is when I can go and check and see if Erin is ok. I also need to talk to her about something but I know I should of told Voight when I got here but Erin needs to know first. I know that this will change our lives and it may not be for better. I decided that I would just leave a note on my desk saying where I went and hopefully Voight won't be mad.


Went to go and check on Erin, call if you need me. Don't know how long I'll be out. -Jay

I headed out of the bullpen and down towards my car, when I get in the radio starts and playing and our song plays. All I can think about is how much I'm going to miss Erin when I leave tomorrow. I realized on my way over to the house that I probably shouldn't be working today and that I should be at home with my family. I decided that I would give Voight a call and tell him what is going on and that I won't be coming into work.

Hello? Hank said

Voight it's jay. I said

Everything ok? he asked

Umm, no actually. I said

What's wrong? he asked

I can't tell you yet, I'm on my way to talk to Erin about it but I'm gonna need the rest of today off and I'll stop by the district later and talk to you about then. I said

That sounds fine, do you need me to watch the kids today instead of them staying at the daycare all day? he asked

If you would be willing to watch them for a couple hours and then I'll come by later to talk to you and pick them up. I said

I will go and get them right now and bring them over to the district don't worry about them. He said

Thank you. I said

I love getting to spend time with my grandkids. He said

We both hung up and I went to the drugstore to pick up something for Erin. When I get into the drugstore I head over to where the pregnancy tests and buy 3 of them. Then I head home when I walk inside I put the keys on the counter and head into the bathroom to put the tests that I bought under the sink. I then head into our bedroom and I see Erin in our bed sleeping with the tv on. It looks like that she was watching Fixer Upper which is her favorite show of all time. I walk over to her and just sit there are watching the tv until she wakes up.


Erin has started to wake up and doesn't realize that I'm sitting next to her until I say Good morning. Jay what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be working right now? she asked. I am but we need to talk about something which is more important than working right now. I said. Jay what's wrong you're scaring me. She said. Erin, are you sick? I asked to try to avoid the question. Uhh, yea. She said. I gave her the look that she hates. Jay don't give me that look I think I would know if I was pregnant she said. All I'm saying is that you usually only get sick when you are pregnant you haven't been sick since the boys were born I said. You are right I'll take a test in a few days if the feeling doesn't go away deal? she asked. That's fine with me, that leads me to what we need to talk about I said. Jay can we talk later, I just want to spend some time with you. she said. Umm, usually I would say yes but I need to tell you something then I have to go and pick the boys up from the district and talk to hank. I said. Ok, Jay is something wrong? she asked You know how I have been kinda distant lately well there is a reason for that. I said

Hank's POV

I had just gotten off the phone with Jay, I grabbed my keys and headed out to the bullpen. Ok listen up everyone Jay and Erin are both off today Erin is home sick like I said earlier. I just got a call from Jay saying that he needed the rest of today off and he will be by later to talk to me about what is going on. Right now I am on my way to pick up the boys and we all are going to be watching them since we don't have a case. Jay will be by to pick the boys up in a few hours and when he arrives act normal don't question him since I'm assuming something is going to change in the next few hours. I said They all just nod their heads and start to clean up a little bit and make it safe for boys to play. I head out to my car and head over to the daycare.

When I arrive I notice that the boys are playing outside. I head over to them and they get excited to see me. I walk over to them and pick them up and I check them out of daycare and take them to the district when we arrive they go in my office and sit on the couch and soon enough they fell asleep. I let them sleep and did some work while the guys cleaned up since it was a complete mess. When the twins woke up they immediately got up came over by me. I then took them out in the bullpen so that they could spend time with their uncles.

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