《The linstead story》It's not goodbye it's see ya later


Erins POV

Jay and I just finished talking about why he has been distant lately and I'm not mad at him for not telling me sooner but I am sad about it. We are now heading over to the district to pick up the boys, and so that Jay can talk to hank about what is going to be changing real soon. We get down to the car and I toss him the keys. What's this he asked. I'm letting you drive I said. Really? but why? he asked. Because I know that this could be the last time that I see you I said. Erin, don't say that. I'm going to come back to our family. I'll be extra careful, but I'll totally take this driving opportunity. Jay said.

We arrived at the district and I couldn't believe that this will be the last time we drive to the district together for a while. Ready? I asked. No, but I need to do this. Jay said. Let's get this over with. I said. We got out of the car and head up to the bullpen. We went through the back instead of going in the front to avoid talking to anyone.

We went straight into Hank's office we didn't even say hi to our own kids or colleagues. Everything alright between the two of you? Hank asked. Umm, no. I said. Hank got up from his chair and pinned Jay up against the wall. What the hell did you do to her? Hank asked. Hank let him go and I will finish what I was going to say. I said. Sorry, force of habit. Hank said. I saw it coming. Jay said. Well are you going to tell me what is going on?Hank asked. I got called back to the rangers. I leave tomorrow. I got the letter about a week ago and I just opened it today with Will. Jay said. Ok, well that's. Jay I don't know what to say. Hank said. Well, I want to say that it was a pleasure to be able to work in this unit and I couldn't thank you enough for allowing me to stay in this unit after you found out about Erin. Jay said.


I take it you two will be spending the rest of the day with the boys? Hank asked. If that's alright sir? Jay asked. It's perfectly fine but there is one thing that I need to know before you two leave. Hank said. What's that? Erin asked. Are you going to tell the rest of the team or would you like me to tell them? Hank asked. If it's alright with you, would you tell them for me tomorrow? Jay asked. Of course, I can. Be careful over there. Hank said. Well, we better get going. It was nice working in your unit, and I'll see you when I get back in 1 year. Jay said.

Hank pulled Jay into hug and said goodbye. Erin and Jay made their way out of Hank's office. Alright boys you ready to go home. Jay asked. Daddy!! They both shouted. They both ran towards Erin and Jay, Jay picked up the twins and hugged them. All four of them walked out of the bullpen together which would be the last time for a year.

We have been home for about an hour and all we have been doing is playing with the boys all day. They still don't know why we are spending so much time together today. We want to tell them but we know that they won't be able to fully understand what is going on.

Jay we need to at least tell them that you are going away for a long time. I said

I know we do. I just don't want to then it will become reality and I don't want to think about being away from this for a whole year. Jay says as he looks at the boys playing with each other.

Boys we have something to tell you. Well daddy is going to be going away for a while which means we won't be able to see him for a long time. He will come home but not for a long time. Which means you have to be extra good since it'll only be you guys and mommy, and grandpa will be here a lot more. I said


They just looked at each other and continued to play since they had no idea what was going on. Er, they don't understand what's going on. They are only 2 by the time I return they'll be 3 and they might not even remember me.Jay said. Jay and Hank won't forget and I'll make sure to tell them about you all the time. Erin said.

It's about bed time for these two little boys, how about we give them a bath and read a story to them as a family for the last time for a while. Jay said. That sounds perfect Jay. Erin said. I'll got get the bath ready, why don't you play with them for a little longer. Spend some one on one time together. Erin said. Thank you Erin, I love you. Jay said. I love you too. Erin said.

Once the bath was ready Jay and Erin gave their two dirty boys a bath they enjoyed being together as a family. They got the boys dressed into some footie pajamas and then they instead of reading them a story they told them a story that no one has heard before. It was the story of how Jay and Erin first met.

It was at this party that we both went to about 4 years ago. There were a lot of people there your daddy went with uncle Will, and Mommy went with her brother Justin. Daddy was talking to a lot of the girls at this party and I was talking to uncle Will while daddy was talking to the girls that were friends of his. When daddy saw who Uncle Will was talking to he asked his friend Kim who Uncle Will was talking too, since Kim knew everyone who was the party and she also has worked at the 21st district her whole career. Kim told daddy that he was talking to mommy who was a daughter of a cop and who is also a cop. Daddy was getting jealous of uncle Will so he came an introduced himself to mommy. Hey Will who you talking to you? Jay asked. Jay this is Erin an Erin this is jay he is my younger brother. Will said. Nice to meet you jay, Will was just talking about you. Erin said. You were? Jay asked. I was I figured you two would meet sometime since she works at the same district that you'll be working at. Will said. Oh that's cool so you a police officer? Jay asked. No, I skipped that part of being a cop I am a detective in the intelligence unit. She said. Wow, impressive. I'll be working for hank voight in the same unit, I look forward to working together but I better go since I don't want to be late to work tomorrow. Jay said. Well it was nice meeting you I'll see you tomorrow at work I guess. Erin said. Well he's my ride so I'll talk to you later. Will said. Sounds good have a good night both of you. Erin said.

After they left Justin and Erin decided that it was time they get going before their father got too worried about them. Even though they were both adults they still kinda had a curfew.

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