《The linstead story》Erin questions Jay


Erin POV

I wonder what Jay meant when he said time will tell, is he planning on proposing because I don't think I'm ready for that, but he is the one I love, so maybe it is time to get married. I don't know what I would say if he did ask me I should go and talk to Hank and see what he thinks about the situation since he is my father.

Hanks POV

I see Erin sitting at her desk and I don't think she is actually I think there is something on her mind and I think she wants to talk about it but she is nervous because she doesn't know how I'll react to whatever she is thinking. I think I'm gonna have her come and talk to me "Erin can come into my office" Hank asked "um, sure" erin answered "what wrong you seem very distracted" Hank asked very nicely "nothing I'm fine just got a lot of paper work" Erin said hoping he would believe her "Erin Lindsay Voight you tell me what is wrong or you are in desk duty until you tell me" Hank yelled


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