《The linstead story》Jay and Erin are parents?


J: hey what's up

E: well I don't know exactly other than the fact that I might be pregnant

J: are you serious

E: No Jay I'm just messing with you. Yes I'm serious

J: have you taken a pregnancy test yet

E: no not yet, but I want you to be with me when I do

J: ok, we can do it before shift tmr

E: what if it's positive for what will we tell Hank?

J: we tell him about the baby and that we didn't plan on this happening although he will probably try to kill me at first

E: he won't try to kill you... At least I hope not, let's get out of here and head home

They walk out of Molly's and they go over to Erin apartment and go to bed. They wake earlier than usual so that Erin can take a pregnancy test.

J: well what is it?

E: it's...positive.

J: well that's good right

E: I guess but we should go to the doctor this morning I'll call Hank and tell him we need the first 2 hours of our shift off

J: ok, I'll go get ready

Erin calls hank

E: hey Hank Jay and I need the first 2 hours of our shift off

H: ok but why

E: well I'm not feeling well and he is going to go with me to the doctors

H: ok well let me know how things go

E: ok, we will be in as soon as we are done with the doctors

Jay and Erin head over to the hospital to get some blood work done

E: I'm nervous Jay, what if I'm pregnant I'm gonna be the worst mother ever

J: Erin you will be the best mother ever

W: well Erin it looks like your pregnant and your about 12 weeks, I'd like to see you back here in a couple weeks


E: ok thanks will

J: thanks will

They walk out of the hospital and head over to the district

E: Jay what are we gonna tell Hank

J: I don't know but we have a hour till we have to be there we could go get something to tell him

E: good idea, let's go to a baby store

J: what should we get him?

E: I don't know maybe a onesie that says something really cute

They arrive at the baby store and start looking at the onesies to find the best one to give to Hank

E: Jay I found one

J: what does it say?

E: the spoiling begins in 9 months

J: I found one too that says grandpas sidekick

E: I like it, we can get both and give them to him.

They head to work and see that everyone is just doing paperwork. Once someone sees that I'm carrying a bad they all look confused but no one says anything until Hank sees that we have arrived and he asks to talk to me in his office

H: so how did everything go this morning

E: it went good but I do need to talk to you about something, well more like give you something

H: ok what is it

She hands him the bag and he pulls out the onesies

H: are you serious

E: yea

H: I'm so happy for you Erin

E: thanks Hank well I got paperwork to do

H: have Jay come in here I wanna talk to him

E: got it, Jay Voight wants to talk to you

J: ok...

H: close the door

J: what's up sarge

H: I hear that Erin's pregnant

J: yea she is

H: well let me tell you this if you hurt her or her baby I will make sure you don't see the daylight ever again

J: I will always protect her and our child. But there is something I wanted to ask you since you're practically her father...

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