《The linstead story》Charlie


E: Charlie what do you want from me?

C: what I can't call and see how you're doing

E: No, you can't actually

H: Put him on speaker phone

E: got it, Charlie what do you actually want

C: I need a favor from you since you owe me

H: she doesn't owe you anything Charlie

C: well well isn't it nice to know that someone has been looking out for Erin when I couldn't

H: Charlie I swear if you try to hurt Erin this time you will actually end up at the bottom of the lake and I can tell you Erin won't be begging for your life this time

E: I will even help Hank put your body at the bottom of the lake

C: if you do that and someone finds my body the first person anyone will think of is you Erin

H: she won't go down for it she has come to far, i would take the blame for it

C: I'll just tell you what I want. I want you to drop your current case and go on to the next one

E: why would we do that when you have nothing to do with it

H: we are gonna take down everyone who is involved even if that includes you,

*erin hangs up before Charlie can say anything*

J: took the two of you long enough to get back

E: we were on the phone with someone

H: ok I want to know if Charlie is involved in this case at all

J: We found out who the victim is

H: would like to tell us

J: his name is Damon blue, he is the one who is in charge of a drug deal, no one has been able to catch him in action and that is the reason that he isn't locked up all the evidence that is collected always ends up disappearing, there is speculation of a cop being one of the partners as well as Charlie


Hank and Erin both looked at each other

H: Erin my office now

They walk into his office and close the door so that no one can hear them.

E: I know how this looks but I didn't know about any of this, you even heard me talk to him on the phone

H: I wasn't mad I just need you to go undercover with Charlie and see how this is going to play out

E: got it, I'll let Jay know

H: why?

E: because he is my partner and should be aware of when I won't be his partner

H: are you sure there isn't anything going on between the two of you

E: would I lie to you

H: if it's about a guy that I told you not to date yes you would, so is there anything going on between the two of you

E: I don't get why you have to know its not like if effects you and no

H: Erin it's my unit my rules and if you want him to stay in this unit then you two will respect my rules

E: Hank if there was something going on I would tell you. When I lived with you I always told you first so why don't you trust me

H: what if I was to go and ask Jay would his answer to similar to yours

E: how should I know what he says

Hank opens up the door and looks at Jay and says come into my office Jay goes into his office but he is confused

J: why am I in here

H: so I know you won't lie to me, what's the deal with you two

J: we are just really good friends and partners at work

E: see I told you that nothing was going on


Dawson knocks on the door

H: come in

A: we got a address for this Damon blue guy

H: let's go

A: we got just one problem

H: what is it

A: well it turns out he had a partner and well his partner is Charlie and Charlie the one that killed Damon, we think that Charlie killed him because he wanted more of the money that he had already

H: Erin I want you to call Charlie and tell him you need a fix

E: got it

H: I swear if you take anything you will be living with me again

E: I won't I promise

Erin walks out of the bullpen and calls Charlie

E: hey Charlie it's Erin

C: well isn't it nice that your calling me this time

E: I don't got long to talk I need a fix and I know you can hook me up

C: yea, come pick it up at 5400 Lakewood ave

E: ok, I'll be over in like a 1 hour 1/2

C: I'll be waiting

Erin ends the call and walks back into the bullpen

E: ok I got an address its 5400 Lakewood ave

H: let's go

Everyone jumps into their cars and drive to Lakewood ave, once they arrive they send in Erin and Erin has a code word for when they should go in after Charlie and the word is dude. Erin walks up and knocks on the door

C: Erin good your here your lucky I am also fresh out but I knew you would want one so I made sure that you would get one but first you have to snort some first

E: dude no way not with you, last time I went down a dark path

H: everyone go in after her

They all go toward her and Erin sees them coming but luckily Charlie didn't see them. She gets out her gun and points it at him. Hank is the first one in he tosses Erin the hand cuffs and she cuffs him

H: you ok?

E: yea, I'm just glad I won't be seeing him anymore

H: I hope you never see the sunlight again

After the my put him in the cop car everyone head back and Erin and Jay head to the locker room alone

E: hey we still gonna meet at Molly's to talk

J: if your still up for it then yes

E: ok I'll see you at 7:00

Erin walks into hanks office

H: hey what's up kiddo

E: there is something I have to tell you and it's not easy to say

H: ok I'm here for you, I will always be here for you

E: well bunny is back and she has calling me nonstop and I haven't answered but I need to know if I should give her another chance

H: why would you give that women another chance

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