《The linstead story》Trouble


H:so what is the case about Erin

E: the one for today or the last one we solved

H: Jay can you tell me about the case

J: yes I can actually there was a guy found behind a dumpster at a construction site and they want us to look into it

H: yes exactly thank you for listening

R: hey Lindsay what is going on between you an Voight

*voight walks into his office and closes the door

E: nothing mind your own dame business ruzek

R: ok then

A: Lindsay calm down it was just a question

*erin just ignores them*

E: Jay we need to talk after shift

J: got it, where do you want to talk

E: meet at Molly's at 7:00

H: If you're all done chit chatting then let's head to the crime scene, Lindsay your with me today

E: ok....

Everyone is on their way to the crime scene, Erin is driving like usual and her and voight are quite for the first 2 minutes then voight starts talking

H: hey Erin I got a question for you

E: yea what's up

H: why the hell is Charlie back in Chicago

E: how did you find out that he was back, and I don't know

H: you knew he was back in town and you didn't tell me, the deal was I take you in and he would stay out of Illinois

E: I know and I am very grateful that you and Camille took me in and I will figure out why he is in town don't worry I'll handle it

H: Erin you better not get in to deep with him, remember how we met

E: Hank that life is behind me now lets go see what we are dealing with

H: Erin I'm just worried that you'll go down the wrong path again

C: hello Hank and Erin

E: Charlie what are you doing here

H: get him out of here

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