《The linstead story》Jay and erin


J: hey Erin do you think we are crazy for falling in love with each other and trying to hide it from Hank

E: no we aren't crazy but I'd say we are crazy in love, plus it's no ones business but ours and I'm sure Hank won't find out

J: it's just every time he looks at me I get really uncomfortable

E: I'll talk to him

J: no you don't have to

E: yes I do I don't want the one man I love besides Hank of course to feel uncomfortable around the man that I love

J: awe that is one of the sweetest things you have ever said it me

E: we should head to the district, otherwise we are gonna be late, and Hank will kill us

J: should I wait a few minutes after you walk in so no one suspects anything

E: Jay it will be like we just arrived at the same time

J: ok but if he asks I'm gonna get all nervous

E: I'll do all of the talking so no need to worry

*jay and Erin walk into the district*

H: you two are late, Erin can I see you

*erin and Jay look at each other*

*erin walks in to hanks office*

E: what's up

H: why are you and Jay coming in together I thought I told you to stay away from him

E: Hank I can be with who ever I want on my personal time, and the over protective father thing is really great but I can decide who I date

H:Erin your partners with Dawson until further notice

E: Hank why just because Jay and I have been hanging around each other

*erin walks over to her desk, and she is pissed*

*hank walks out of his office*


H: ok we are going to switching partners around Antonio you and Lindsay are going to partnered up together and Jay you will be with me

--------text messages between Jay and Erin------------

J: he knows doesn't he

E: yea he does

J: so what do we do now

E: we just keep it on the down low until he cools off that doesn't mean I want to quit me and you 😏

J: ok well if you want you can come over tonight

--------------------SCENE CHANGE---------------------

H: Erin could you at least pay attention to the new case we have, and quit texting you no who

E: sorry, and I was paying attention, I can text and listen

H: ok since you were listening what is the case about

E: it's about.....

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