《Sqampy's Adoption》Help


Flo's PoV:

I was so happy! I was finally free from crutches and I could run again, I felt so free. I just kept running, I ran out of the hospital and to the car park.

I looked around, Izzy was a little bit behind me and behind her was Stampy and Squid. Then I looked to my left, I. could see a black car coming towards me. It stopped in the drop off point right in front of me. I stopped running as two men got out. One of the men was heading straight towards me, I could hear some movement behind me so I turned to look what had happened. Squid lay sprawled on the floor. I could see Stampy attacking one of the guys but then I felt someone else grab me.

I was pulled forward and thrown into the backseat of the car. I tried to open the door on the other side but it was locked and I couldn't climb through to the front as there was a screen there stopping me from getting through, or attacking them.

I managed to get up in my seat, I was in shock from what had happened so I just sat there. I watched as the two men got in the front, started the car and we drove away.

I started to come to my senses again and I looked out the tinted window. I could see Izzy sitting in the tree holding Squid's phone up. In any other situation this would've been a hilarious sight but, right now, this was a massive relief. I knew that any photo she took would help the police. I looked at the people in the front of the car, they hadn't seen Izzy. So, even though it was incredibly hard, I kept my eyes off her so it wouldn't seem suspicious.


So far the people in the front hadn't said a word to me or each other so I just decided to sit and wait to see what happened.


Izzy's PoV:

I was so happy but sad at the same time! It was bitter sweet, Stampy wanted to adopt Flo which was great! But she had just been kidnapped! I mean that happens now of all the times!!

We had all been to the police station, told them what had happened and given them the pictures and we were now back at Squid's house.

I still couldn't believe what had just happened. I was just lying on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about it. I had to get my mind off it so I went downstairs to find Squid.

I found him sitting on the couch staring at the picture of the man in the car. It had crushed him, it was so easy to tell, he wasn't his usual bouncy self. I went to sit down next to him.

"Izzy. Am I being a good dad to you?" He asked glumly.

"YES!! Oh my God! You are the best dad ever! Better than I could've ever wished for!" I exclaimed, "Why'd you ask that?"

"It's just Flo got kidnapped for Gods sake! While she was under my care! I was just checking that everything was going well with you." He explained.

"Everything's fine, don't worry about it." I said.

He nodded and was about to put his phone away, but he stopped himself, "Hey, you don't recognise him do you, by any chance?" Squid asked me, showing me the picture.

I shook my head and Squid went to put his phone away again.

"Wait!! I think I might actually!" I said.


Squid unlocked his phone, brought up the picture and handed it to me. I took it and examined at the man in the photo. I definitely recognised him and it took me a minute to work out where from.

"I've got it!!" I yelled triumphantly, "I saw him in the hospital lobby when you were signing us in. He looked really angry and was staring at... you." I finished, realising what I had just said.

"You can't do anything Squid, just let the police do there work. I have a feeling that if he sees you... he will... he will try to kill you..." I said worriedly, looking at Squid.

He smiled kindly, "Don't worry, I'll let the police do their work." He said. I just nodded and hoped that nothing would happen to make Squid want to find him.


Flo's PoV:

We had been in the car for about 30 minutes, we had definitely left Huddersfield but not by much. We were in some small village on the outskirts I thought but I had never been that great with Geography.

The car pulled up in a driveway and the two men got out. One of the men opened the men opened the car door next to me and roughly grabbed hold of my arm yanking me out of the car. He pulled me towards the house, the other man unlocked the door and we entered.

The house itself was nice from what I could tell but it wasn't welcoming. The walls were bare and plain and so was the floor.

The man pulled me forwards to a door under the stairs which he opened to reveal a staircase leading down to a dirty basement. He pushed me in and I heard the click of a lock behind me.

I quietly walked down the stairs to see more of the basement. It was one big, grey room that smelt damp and looked it too.

I looked towards the one light source in the room, a small lamp. It was next to a blanket which was placed on the floor. As my eyes adjusted to the light a bit more I could see a girl who looked around a similar age to me.

"Hello, I'm Lizzie, your sister."

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