《Don't Say NO [Book 1]》Chapter 22


"Miss. Dawn, thank goodness you were still in the house. Mr. Wolff was so upset when I told him you disappeared," the Latino maid said. Opening my eyes I saw nothing but really bright light.

"Where am I?" I asked covering my eyes with my hands.

"In the next room from Mr. Wolff, it took me some time to get you in here but, you're fine. I pulled out the glass in your hand and wrapped it," she said quickly. "I brought you food," she smiled.

"I'm not hungry," I cried, rubbing my left eye.

"But you must eat," she got up and walked over to a dresser to pull a silver tray off. Bringing it to me she sat on her chair and placed the tray on my lap. "Mr. Wolff will be waking any time now."

Mr. Wolff, Connor, what are you? The younger self of me's words ran through my head. Protect the people we love. You have to help him before its too late, but who am I to help. I wanted to cry really, last night at the nightclub, Morgan disappeared and now I'm here. Kidnapped, and treated kindly. An odd mix if you ask me.

"Miss, I would like to see Mr. Wolff," she smiled slowly and shuck her head.

"No, it is best to stay away from him when he wakes. He can be... cranky," she said. "Now eat," she said kindly.

Looking at the tray, I felt sick to my stomach. Glazing over to my bandaged hand, I made a fist. "May I eat alone?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll be outside if you need anything," she gave me a gentle smile as she got up. Smiling back I waited for her to leave. Once she left I moved the tray over to get out of the bed. The sun was setting, I slept all day, great. Looking at the floor I hesitated to get off of the bed. Putting one foot on the ground, and then the next, I used the bed for help. Once I thought I could do it, I wobbled to the window and watched the sun go down.

'I didn't think you would actually leave, I was upset. It wasn't your fault,' Connor, this man what does he think of me? No, I have to tell him I'm not the same Dawn he knew. What ever happened to us, it didn't happen. What we did will never happen again.

Are you sure about that? the small voice in the back of my head said. To answer that question, I didn't know. Not realizing that I was not the only person in the reflection of the window. I found myself glazing into this persons eyes, waiting for one of us to say something.

"I thought you left," he said. His eyes were no longer soft but hard.

Refusing to turn around, "I never did," his face became softened.

"Connor, right. Look what ever happened between us, its gone. I'm not the same person you once knew," looking at my feet I didn't want to see him. "Please take me home, I won't tell anyone about this," I said.


"No, your-"

"Mine?" I had interrupted making it sound like a question. "If I leave will you rape me, where I stand?" I asked.

He took my body, slamming it to the wall next to the window. With my back facing him, he whispered him my ear, "that's right, I'll rape you because your mine. I have already tasted you, once." Shivering once, he placed both my hands on the wall, pinning me there. "And I want more."

Gasping, I felt a jolt of joy, my body was betraying me. "You should know your limits," I whispered. He kissed the back of my neck.

"There are none with you," he whispered back. Forcing me to turn around, I felt heat in my cheeks. "Don't ever leave me again, do you understand?" I didn't know what to say. He wanted me gone and now he wants me. Placing my hand on his cheek, like I wanted to do earlier, I wanted to hug him. He was like a child, a child who couldn't make up his mind.

"How many times," I asked.

"What," our eyes meet.

"How many times have we done it," three years together, what did we do together of all that time.

"None," he said.

"None, three years and nothing? I'm still..."

"Yes, but there are a few things we did. Do you wish to know," he smirked. He looked over to the bed, walked over and took the tray outside of the room on the floor. He then locked the door and asked me to sit down on the bed. I did what he told me. "Open your legs," he commanded. He bent down, spread my legs, realizing I was hesitated about doing this. He moved them wider to the point my underwear was like skin to me. "Don't move," he ordered, touching the covered folds of my womanhood. He gently rubbed his finger up and down. He then slapped me, making me jolt, as he watched me.

Smirking, "I don't believe we have done this," I said.

"And how would you know? you forgot," he said placing his hand on my knee, sliding them up to my hips. Picking his way up, I fell back letting him run his hands up my shirt.

"Do you love me?" I asked. I knew were this was going and I didn't want it until I got my answer.

"What a silly question, why would I?" something switch in me. Not wanting to hear the rest, I lifted my knee between him legs. He fell over next to me as I quickly got on top of him, grabbed the pillow and ripped the sheet off. Taking his hands, I tied them together at the end of the bed.

"What is silly is that, I have feelings for you and don't know why. You're just a creepy guy who kidnapped me. Not to mention that my friend could be dead and I'm here with you." I let myself off of him.


"So you're going to leave me?" he asked.

"Yes," I smiled.

"I'll rape you," he growled trying to scare me.

"Hmm, well I'll look forward to it," I smiled. He smiled back showing his sharp, white teeth. "Before I go," I said. "Let me make you comfortable," I stood in front of him, and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down. He called my name as I took his shoes off to get the pants off. I walked over to the window, opened it and throw this shoes and pants out the window.

"Dawn," he yelled.

"It was nice seeing you... again, I guess," I escorted myself out of the room before turning back to say," And apology not accepted". As I left I hear my name being called as I ran down some stairs. I ran passed the Latino maid and ran out what looked to be the front door. Running for the car I saw Connors pants laying there and took them, trying to put them on so if a cop saw me I would have more than a shirt on.

Getting in the car I tried to hotwire the car again, starting it up I pulled out. And when I looked at the review mirror I saw Connor at the door way, looking at me. "Pig," I whispered. As I drove I felt pain, and longing.


"Where the hell have you been," Morgan's sweet voice yelled thought her apartment door.

"I was tied up," I said pushing my way through her to get inside. "What happened to you, the nightclub," I said pulling my pants up.

"I wasn't in the building, I was in the parking lot," she said shrugging her shoulders.

I can't believe this. "You were with a guy? And you didn't say anything? I thought you were still in the fire, and some jackass kidnapped me," I didn't yell but it was close to it.

She shut the door and followed me to the kitchen. "You didn't, how did you get away? Did you call the cops," she asked, finding herself a set.

"No," I said, taking a cup out of the kitchen caveat. I filled the glass cup with water from the sink.

"Dawn," she yelled. "You have to call the police if someone kidnapped you."

"It's not that easy, Morgan," I took a sip of the water.

"The hell it is," she threw herself off of her chair and marched into the living area where the phone sat on the coffee table.

"He's a cop, Morgan," I quickly said. "If you call, he'll know where I am. Besides, there's something wrong," making eye contact, she froze. She placed the phone down and crossed her arms.

"What do you want to do, sit here and wait for him? Even if we didn't call the police, he will find you, Dawn," I sat down at the table and placed the cup down. Morgan came over and sat on the other side.

"Just hear me out, okay. Morgan, for some reason I love his man. Deep down, I love him, and I know that he would never hurt me. He had enough time and strength to fight me but he didn't. Not to mention he apologized, well kind of, he was sorry he got mad at me and told me to leave. And I left him again, stole his car and his clothes. I mean do you not see this, I'm wearing his clothes for gods sakes. There is no way I'm making his up," I said quickly. I realized I was looking at my cup the whole time, when I lifted my eyes to see Morgan give me a funny look.

"Did he drug you? Or maybe you gone mad, oh Dawn," she placed her right hand on my two hands that sat on my cup.

"I'm not drugged and I'm not crazy. I know what I saw, and heard," I yelled shooing her hand away.

"Okay, so you're not," she sighed. "You still have to report this, and they'll stop him and he won't do this again. What he did was wrong, so I'm going to call the cops and get some help," she got up and headed to the living area.

"No, Morgan," I got up and went after her.

"Are you stupid? You have been missing for three years, and you're just going to let this guy take you again?" she yelled picking the phone up off the coffee table.

I tried to get the phone from her as she danced around the room. "It's not like that," I yelled hitting the coffee table with my knee. I feel down, hugging my knee as I rubbed it. "It's not like that," I whispered.

"Then what is?" she said putting her hand up and smacking them down, hitting her thighs. I hesitated as she raised her left eyebrow, "Well, Dawn". I thought about it for a moment, trying to think of something. And then it hit me. He wasn't my kidnapper three years ago. I still remember the fat pig in the driver seat and the skinny ass bitch that gave me a funny look. "I'm waiting," she said. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

It was unfamiliar voice that spoke on the other side. Giving me chill, I got up and glared over to Morgan who was watching me. She took a step forward, but I shook my head no. I didn't like this, I knew this feeling, and it was trouble. I signaled her to the window to the fire exit, but she shooed me away. "Who's there," she called out.

"I've come for my little princess,"

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