《Don't Say NO [Book 1]》Chapter 23


The room around me was spinning in circles. The room shifted into a child's room, my childhood bedroom that I shared with my sister. Once the room stopped spinning I glanced over to where Morgan once was. In her place was a little mermaid bed with a child sleeping in it. Taking a few steps, I saw my sister's sleeping face. My legs collapsed under me, touching the end of the bed I took a deep breath. "Edea," My voice was rough and dry. The small six year old shifted as she hugged her white stuffed bunny, I gave her for her third birthday.

"Princess, open the door," the voice said through the door. Taking my attention away from my sister, I glared at the door.

"Who are you?" my voice echoed throughout the room.

"Who else would I be?" he answered back, laughing, making the hair on my arms stand. "Now, open the door Dawn," he commanded.

My right foot moves forward and then the left. Trying to stop myself, I couldn't. My head ached so much that I wanted to fall and faint. My hand touched the knob of the door, screaming to myself not to do it. "That's it princess. Open the door," I could feel his smile through the other side of the door. "Come to me," he laughed. Turning the knob I closed my eyes and the opened it to find that no one was there but a wooden flute on the ground.

Picking it up and coming back inside, my gaze never left the flute. Morgan came to me and looked over my shoulder. "It's a Chinese bamboo flute," she said.

"How do you know," I asked.

"One, its bamboo. Two, Chinese is written on it. And three, my grandfather had one," she smiled.

"Do you know what it's says?" I asked.

"Do I look like I know Chinese?" she asked. I lifted my eyebrow knowing that her step mother is Chinese and she doesn't know a word of English so obviously she knows Chinese. She sighed and took the flute," give me a second". She was quite for a moment, and then scratched her head. "It says, One kiss, my boney sweetheart, I'm after a prize to-night, But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light, Yet, if they press them sharply and hurry me through the day, Then look for me by moonlight, Watch me by moonlight, I'll come to thee by moonlight though hell should bar the way," she let out a soft sigh.

"What?" I asked.

"He's coming back Dawn," she gave me a worry look. "We need to call the cops, now. Do you understand? You were kidnapped and now this."

"The cops won't do anything about the flute. They can't. There is no threat," putting my hand on the flute, she let me take it. Walking zombie-like to the couch, I dropped myself on it. The more I looked at the flute the more it looked familiar. My head started to hurt again.


My voice echoed in my head, 'Connor didn't hurt me. It was my own fault. I'm upset with myself, that's all,' placing my hand on his, I pulled it away. 'Thank you, but I have to go,' making my way around him, I tried to keep my smile up. Once I reached the door the stranger grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. Gasping, he wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close as his hot breath made me shiver.

'If you ever need me,' he whispered. Slipping the flute in my hand, 'Call me.' Wiggling out of him, I got myself free and faced him. He smiled, still holding the hand that he slipped the item in. 'My name is Crevan.'

"Crevan," I whispered out loud.

"Who," Morgan said.

I wasn't listening to Morgan, I was trying to remember. Closing my eyes I forced myself to remember. I'm losing something, I know it. I do. The kissing, the fighting, River's cries. My body shot up, River, the baby. I saved her. I loved her. My baby, my baby, is gone. I let the tears run down my cheeks, how can I forget my baby. Looking at my hands I remembered her small soft body. The tiny smile she gave me, her small fingers wrapped around my own.

And Connor, the kisses we shared, the looks he gave me. The fights he never apologized for. His family, I remembered them. Putting both my hands on either side of my head. It started to ache and throb. My brain felt like it was trying to get out. Letting out soft cries, I felt the darkness swallow me whole. Making everything go black.


"Thank you, Doctor. I'm sorry for calling you like this," Morgan's voice was filled with worry.

"No, no, it's my job. She will be fine. You said she has amnesia," he asked.

"Yes, doctor," she said.

"Well, I'm sure that she must have remembered something, or tried to that caused her to pass out," he said. "If this happens again do not hesitate to call," he said.

"I won't, thank you," she said quickly.

"Well then, I'll let myself out," the doctor took a deep breath and I heard his feet hit the floorboard. Morgan's feet lightly hit the floor as she followed him. Once I heard the door closed I opened my eyes. In the dark, I lifted myself up to sit up and wait for Morgan to come back.

River, Connor, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I forgot you, I covered my face with my hands trying to hold in the cries. Bring my knees up to my chest, I wanted to stay here for forever. It was too much. Getting enough courage, I got out of the bed and walked to the door. I opened the door a crack and poked my head out.

"You're up," Morgan smiled, looking at me in the living room.

"Yea," tears started to fall as I opened the door wider. "Connor, I want to see Connor and River. I want to see them."


"Dawn," Morgan whispered. She hesitated to walk over and I didn't blame her. She never really knew how to handle things like this.

A knock on the scared use making us jump. We both looked at the door, for what seemed to be forever. Another knock came through the door. "Police, open up." We looked at each other and then the door again.

Whipping my tears away, I headed for the door. Once I was close to Morgan, I placed my hand on her shoulder. "We have had a lot of visitors tonight," I smiled, continuing on to the door.

"Dawn," I could hear the uneasiness in the tone of her voice.

"Coming," I yelled once I heard another knock, but this time it was more violent. Resting my hand on the knob I took a deep breath.

Turning the door knob, I pulled it in just enough for me to see a tall man standing with his back towards me. "Yes," the words were soft and weak. So weak I would not be upset if he did heard me. He turned his head showing me his dark blue eyes. He was shocked for a moment as he slowly smiled. "I found you, Dawn"

Nodding my head, I opened the door wider, "Yes, You did," I felt the tears swollen up. He gave me a gentle smirked before lifting his hand to brush the tips of his fingers on my cheek. "I...," I couldn't finish it only because he quickly took me into his arms. "Connor," I found my hands slowly move to his back to bring him in to a hug.

"I wanted to see you more than anything. I wanted to be by your side but I was afraid. Afraid of what I would do to you. But I don't want to loss you," he sounded like a child.

"I'm sorry I forgot, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry..."

"No, no I am to be sorry for the things I have done," he pulled me away to look at my crying face as he ran both of my cheeks with his thumb to wipe the tears away. "That night I should have not taken you like I did, I was just afraid that I would loss you again. When I saw you at the nightclub I thought I could let you go. But I couldn't when I saw you cry. Then you showed me another side of you... that made me want you even more," I felt a shiver run down my back, shaking the feeling away. I hugged him, covering my face from him.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here," Morgan said be hide me.

Connor pulled me closer, "There is nothing for you to know," he said sourly.

"Yea right, coming from the dip shit cop that kidnapped her," Morgan started to walk around the living room.

"I did not kidnap no one, I took what is simply mine," pulling myself away from Connor I turned towards Morgan.

"That's disgusting," she made her away around the couch.

"Morgan, this is Connor, my... my," who was I to him.

"Husband-to-be," he said filling in my blank space. "We have a child together," he said firmly. I quickly turned my head to his and whispered his name as he wrapped his arm around my stomach.

"Lair, she's been with me for three and a half months,"

"It's true," I said quickly, interrupting her. "I was kidnapped and was put into a black market as a slave. He was undercover and bought me, and within the time we were together. We formed a relationship. I don't know what happened three months ago when you found me but this man is good. I just remembered," I said giving her a weak smile hoping she would take the lie.

"I smell bullshit Dawn," she said.

"I have a baby girl named River, she's the cutest thing. She's really small with big beautiful green eyes," I felt the tear coming out just remembering her birth and not being able to feed her. The moments I would hold her as she smiled at my touch. Rubbing my finger gently on her small cheek or the time she would hold my hand. "I miss holding her," I whispered as I brought my arms together, making it look like I was/could be hold a baby.

Morgan turned her head away making a funny sound, "if you're telling the truth, what about the flute? I don't know about you but some weird fucked up shit is going on," she said scratching her head.

"I don't know, I only remember a few things. To tell the truth some of my memories are fuzzy. I just remembered Connor and River," that part was true I thought.

"Where is the kid now," Morgan gave me a look like she trapped me.

"With Rachelle, her Aunt, "I remember Rachelle, it made me smile.

"Something doesn't seem right," narrowing her eyes at me, I felt Connor pull me in.

"Your right," Connor said behind me. "You will forget everything about Dawn being here, will remember everything without Dawn. Do you understand," she nodded her head. "Now go to sleep, and wake when the sun comes up," he said as she left the room.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

"It a vampire thing," he said back.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She'll be fine," he said bring his head down, resting his cheek on my head.

"What do we do now," I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let me. Now looking at each other as I moved my head to do so. I found a smile on his face and not the good kind.

"Well giving me my car back would be nice... and money for the taxis," hanging my head over I sighed. You got to be kidding me.

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