《Picture Perfect - Book 2 - Q.F.》Silly love songs
"All right, guys, I have one word for you." Mr. Schue said, as he walked into the room and wrote love on the board before drawing a heart around it.
"Brittany." He called when he noticed the girl raising her hand.
"Is it love?" She asked with a giddy smile when everyone just stared at her.
"Yeah, it is." Piper smiled at her girlfriend before high-fiving the girl.
"I'm totally going to graduate now."
"Valentine's Day is coming up, so for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're going to sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song." Mr. Schue continued as Piper giggled when Brittany pulled her in for a hug. "Yeah, find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up."
Before anyone could even properly react, Finn stood up.
"Mr. Shue, can I say something?" He asked, moving the front of the classroom when Mr. Schue nodded. "I just wanted to point out that for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied. I think the fact that I led the football team to a Conference Championship might have something to do with it."
At that, Piper scoffed, already growing tired of Finn's conceited behavior.
"Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee Club has to a celebrity right now." He continued. "And just like a famous athlete, I want to give to a charity. You guys."
"Are you serious, right now?" Piper found herself asking as she scoffed when Finn nodded.
"So, I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch, and donating the proceeds to Glee Club to help us..."
"Don't even act like you're trying to help this Glee Club out." Mercedes shook her head then. "You just want to kiss a bunch of girls."
"I've kissed Finn, and can I just say? Not worth a buck." Santana pointed out, causing everyone to stop and look at her. "I would, however, pay a hundred dollars to jiggle one of his man-boobs."
"Do you ever get tired of tearing other people down?" Finn asked, as Santana shrugged.
"No, not really."
"Cause you always just seem to be meddling in everybody else's business."
"Oh, please." The girl scoffed. "You guys love me. I keep it real, and I'm hilarious."
"Actually, you're just a bitch." Lauren spat at her, as Piper widened her eyes in surprise.
"Whoa! Whoa!" Mr. Schue said, trying to defuse the tension, but failing, as usual.
"Okay. I'm sorry." Santana spun around in her chair to stare at the girl. "You've just got eyes for my man."
"Okay, first of all, I'm not your man." Puck said, as Santana and Lauren exchanged glares.
"And Finn is right. All you ever do is insult us." Quinn spoke up. "Three weeks ago, you said you were disappointed that I didn't have a lizard baby."
"You did say I didn't know how to dress during Britney week." Piper shrugged.
"Five minutes ago, you said Mr. Shue belonged in a twelve-step program." Tina added, as the teacher frowned.
"Wait. What?"
"You're addicted to vests." Santana shrugged.
"The truth is, Santana, you can dish it out, but you can't take it." Rachel said, clearly annoyed and fed up by Santana's attitude as everyone turned to look at her, surprised by the outburst. "Okay, maybe you're right. Maybe I am destined to play the title role in the Broadway musical version of Willow, but the only job you're going to have is working on a pole!"
And at that, everyone gasped, growing silent in shock as Santana shook her head.
"Fine." She mumbled, before standing and leaving the room, clearly upset.
"Santana..." Mr. Schue sighed, watching as Brittany stood up from her place to rush after her best friend as Piper sighed.
What a way to start Valentine's week...
Piper was practically falling asleep as she sat on the floor by Rachel's bed while Mercedes gently combed through her hair while Kurt went on and on about how Blaine decided to sing and declare his love to an employee at a GAP store at the mall and not to him.
"I was absolutely devastated." He sighed, sadly, laying across Rachel's bed with a piece of cold pizza in hands.
"Did he ever actually say you two were dating?" The girl asked, as Kurt shrugged.
"Well, not in so many words."
"Well, did he put the moves on?" Mercedes asked.
"No, but we were always singing duets, and he was always smiling at me." Kurt said, and, at that, the three girls exchanged knowing looks. "Oh, my God, I made up the whole thing in my head, didn't I?"
"Listen, we've all been there." Piper said, moving to sit down on the bed with the rest of her friends so she could properly look at Kurt as they talked.
"Well, I have, at least." Mercedes shrugged with a smile in Kurt's direction. "With you."
"I know exactly what you mean." Rachel spoke up then. "I mean, if Finn thinks that he's just gonna walk out of my life, he's wrong, 'cause I'm gonna go up to that kissing booth tomorrow with a $100 bill and he's not gonna be able to make change, and then he's gonna be forced to kiss me one hundred times, and when his lips touch mine, I'm telling you, he's gonna feel it."
"Hey, hey." Mercedes called over to Rachel as Piper frowned at the girl. "We're supposed to be giving Kurt advice, remember?"
"Yeah." Piper said, before turning back to Kurt. "You are going to the GAP Attack, though, right?"
"Should... Should I?" Kurt asked, unsure as the three girls nodded their heads.
"Yes!" Rachel said.
"Scope out the competition." Piper shrugged. "See what this guy's like."
"You know, y'all are so guy crazy..." Mercedes said, as Piper giggled.
"Count me out of that." She said, causing her best friend to laugh.
"You have a girlfriend now, so hush. You weren't even supposed to be here in the first place." She pointed the brush in her hands at Piper as the girl just laughed, raising her hands up in surrender. "Yeah. Look at me. I don't have a date for Valentine's Day, and I could give a rip."
"As you should." Piper mumbled, leaning against Mercedes as the girl just continued with her speech.
"The four of us are divas." She said. "Look at our idols. Whitney, Barbra, Patti LuPone... Even Piper with her Diana Ross. They all became stars while they were single. They took all the pain and loneliness, and they put it into their music. People could relate to it. Yeah, everybody feels lonely. Harnessing this pain is why they became legends."
At that, everyone grew silent for a moment, pondering the girl's words.
"Why has this never occurred to me?" Rachel wondered out loud, as Mercedes shrugged, turning a bit to continue to brush through Piper's hair.
"Sometimes you have to choose between love and talent." She said. "And as far as I'm concerned, we all need to fly solo for a while. Except you, P. But again, you were only invited because we really like you."
"Oh, I feel flattered." Piper rolled her eyes as everyone laughed.
"It's so nice to be around girls, for a change." Kurt sighed in content, causing the three girls to exchange glances before crawling over at Kurt and huddling around him in a big hug.
"Oh, come here..."
Mike wanted to do something nice for Tina this Valentine's week, but he wasn't sure how. He also didn't know who to go to for advice. After all, he had hit off well with Sam ever since he transferred, but the boy seemed to be having some problems in his own relationship, so Mike didn't think he'd be a good person to talk about this right now. Finn also wasn't in the best position when it came to love either. Artie didn't have a girlfriend and Mike was 70% sure that the boy still hated him for dating Tina. Puck, well... Puck was the last guy anyone should be going to for advice. On anything, but especially relationships. If Kurt was still around, he'd definitely go to him, but he wasn't so his options were a little scarce, but then, he remembered. Piper Snow. She had a girlfriend now and the two of them seemed very much happy together. So she was bound to help him right?
So Mike walked around the school, trying to find the girl he had been looking for and smiling when he found her standing by her locker by herself. Walking up to her, he tapped her shoulder, causing the girl to turn around and look at him.
"Mike Chang." She smiled, putting all her books back inside her locker before closing it. "To what do I owe the pleasure."
"I was just thinking... It's weird, right?" He asked, causing Piper to frown a bit at him. "Who'd have guessed that the quiet, skinny Asian guy and the quiet, skinny, artsy girl would end up dating two of the raddest girls in school? No jealousy. No drama... I don't know how we did it."
At that, Piper smiled, nodding along Mike's words before opening a playful smile.
"Well, I do." She said, causing Mike to raise an eyebrow at him. "We're awesome."
"We really are." Mike smiled, raising his hand for a high-five that was quickly reciprocated. "But, since we're both so awesome and we have such cool girlfriends, maybe we should do something sick for them too, right?"
And at those words, Piper smirked a bit.
"Well, you came to me at just the right time, Michael." She said, as Mike rolled his eyes at the way she insisted on using his full name. "Because I was just about to sing Brittany something. Do you want to join me so you can serenade Tina as well?"
"Don't need to ask me twice." He nodded at her, smiling when she squealed and grabbed his hand on her as she pulled him toward the choir room.
"Come on, then."
Where did you come from baby
And ooh won't you take me there
Right away won't you baby
Tenderoni you've got to be
Spark my nature
Sugar fly with me
Don't you know now
Is the perfect time
We can make it right
Hit the city lights
Then tonight ease the lovin' pain
Let me take you to the max
I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
And I'll take you there
I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
I'll take you there
Pretty young things, repeat after me
I said na na na
(na na na)
I said na na na na
(na na na na)
I said na na na
(na na na)
na na na na na
(na na na na na)
I wanna take you there
And after having Brittany and Tina join the pair of them for the performance, everyone clapped when they were done.
"That's my girl!" Brittany exclaimed proudly, as Piper blushed a bit but laughed, allowing Brittany to pull her in for a kiss.
Mercedes cheered then, happy for her best friend and, beside her, Quinn had to fight the urge to roll her eyes as she pushed away the strong feeling of jealousy creeping up on her.
"Tenderoni!" Finn yelled.
"I'm so in love, I may just start crying." Tina whispered, and as her and Mike kissed, everyone cheered for the two couples until, after pulling away from his girlfriend, Mike high-fived Piper as they smiled at each other.
"We're awesome!" He cheered with her as she laughed.
"The awesome-est!"
Ever since her little performance at glee club the other day, Brittany had been all over Piper and it was clear to see the freckled girl was enjoying the attention. In a way, Quinn couldn't really blame Brittany for it, though, because Piper had looked amazing during her Michael Jackson song with Mike and she had sounded great and she had seemed so happy... Quinn noticed the glow in her eyes and the blush on her cheek when Brittany had called her her girl in front of everybody. And it infuriated Quinn.
For some reason she couldn't really quite make out, everytime Brittany said something that made Piper laugh, Quinn had to bite the insides of her cheek to stop herself from groaning too loudly. And sure, maybe standing off to the side to watch the two of them goofing off on the bleachers wasn't the best thing Quinn could be doing right now. And dating Sam also hadn't helped her case at all. And neither would what she was about to do. But really, she didn't care. Because, in reality, Quinn knew what was happening, she wasn't stupid. She had feelings for Piper — strong ones — but those were feelings she wasn't ready to confront just yet.
So, as she turned around to leave the couple behind as she headed to the auditorium, there was really one song inside her mind that she really wished she could sing, but was too scared to do it.
I've got a girl crush
Hate to admit it but
I got a hard rush
It ain't slowin' down
I got it real bad
Want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh
She's givin' you now
I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blond hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
I've got a girl crush
And as Quinn stood of to the side stage, seeing Finn already waiting for her while she tried not to be seen by him yet, she hesitated again. Because she didn't love him, she knew. And she didn't love Sam. At least, she didn't think so. But the one she truly loved wasn't hers to take anymore and, if she couldn't have the girl, at least she could have the buzz that dating the quarterback would give her.
"Sorry." She said, as she walked out onto the stage, causing Finn to stand up and look at her. "I was at church."
A lie. What a great way to start a conversation.
"Praying for the strength to come?" Finn asked then, as Quinn bit her lip.
"Not to." She said, and that wasn't a lie. After all, she had prayed, but, apparently God hadn't been too kind to her. "You realize this is making me a cheater. The thing that hurt you so badly that it made you break up with me. And Rachel."
"You know why it hurt so bad when you guys cheated on me?" Finn asked. "Cause it meant you didn't love me."
"That's not true." Quinn argued, even though she was still unsure if it was true or not.
"No." Finn nodded. "At least not enough to not want to hurt me, and that's the thing about cheating. When you really love someone, you'd do anything to keep them safe."
At that, Quinn sighed because, yes, she knew that feeling. But it wasn't for the person Finn thought.
"I love Sam." She insisted, as Finn stepped closer to her.
"No, you don't." He said. "Or else you wouldn't have come here."
"Fine." Quinn sighed then, stepping away from Finn as the two of them walked around in circles, in some weird cat-rat game. "I think I love him."
And see, the problem was, that wasn't entirely a lie. Because as much as Quinn knew what she felt for Piper was stronger than anything she had ever felt for anyone else, Sam did make her feel good. Maybe it wasn't love, that's true. But it was something. Right?
"No matter what happens between us, I'm not going to break up with Sam until I know for sure one way or another." Quinn told Finn as the boy just smirked at her.
"Okay." He nodded at her.
"Do you think you can love more than one person at one time?" Quinn asked then, this time, not backing away when Finn stepped closer to her.
"Not totally." He said. "You have to choose, eventually."
And at that, Quinn nodded. But, in spite of her better judgment telling her to back off, she closed her eyes as she leaned up in her tiptoes to kiss Finn.
"Not yet."
"Well, I did it." Finn said, as he stood in front of everyone during their next glee meeting, looking a bit doopey, somehow. "I kissed every girl in this school and raised $324 for the Glee Club."
"All right, Finn. Thanks." Mr. Schue said, a bit unsure and clearly worried for Finn, but taking the money from him anyway. "That'll pay for half a ticket to Nationals. So... Still a long way to go. All right?"
Nodding at the teacher as he patted him on the back, Finn started to make his way back to his chair.
"Okay." He mumbled.
"Now I believe it's time to hear what the world's greatest love song means to Ms. Tina Cohen-Chang." Mr. Schue announced as everyone clapped a bit. "Come on up."
"Whoo!" Brittany cheered happily as Piper smiled.
"Is anyone else hot?" Finn wondered out loud. "It's really stuffy in here."
"This is for you, Mike." Tina smiled at her boyfriend, who smiled back at her just as sweetly. "Happy Valentine's Day."
And so she started her rendition of My Funny Valentine and everything was going fine until, for some reason, Tina started to cry. And then sob. So much so that she couldn't even stay up anymore.
Piper widened her eyes as she watched Mike stand up from his seat to go over to his girlfriend and wrap her in his arms as she sobbed.
"Every day is Valentine's Day when I'm with you." She said, as Mike rocked them both a bit, side to side. "I'm so overcome with love."
"Okay." Mr. Schue said, as Mike helped Tina back to her seat. "Wow, that was... Powerful."
"I love you, Mike." The girl sniffled.
"Mr. Shue, can I be excused?" Finn asked, sounding very sick. "I don't feel well."
"Me, either." Quinn mumbled, in the same tone, causing Piper to spin around in her seat as she frowned at the girl. "I feel sick."
"Let me guess." Santana said, with a huge smirk on her face as she flickered her eyes between Quinn and Finn. "You have a sore throat, and your glands are swollen, and you're feverish."
"Yeah." Finn mumbled. "Yeah, which is why I need to go to the nurse."
"It sounds like you have mono." Santana said, causing Piper to frown, suspiciously. "Otherwise known as the kissing disease. But you know what really helps spread it? A little tongue. Which is weird, because it sounds like Quinn here has it, too."
"I was there when they kissed." Sam said, a bit lost in the conversation. "It was just a peck."
"So, how about we stop talking about tonguing, and Finn and I go to the nurse?" Quinn said, standing up from her seat as she, very tiredly, made her way out of the choir room with Finn close behind her.
Frowning at her, Piper turned around to look at Santana, pouting a bit in confusion when the Latina just smirked wider. Piper took a second then, to process everything that had just happened. Was Santana right? Had Quinn kissed Finn? And if so, why?
"You know what?" Santana called after the pair. "I think that is a capital idea!"
Piper watched quietly as Brittany struggled a bit with the menu, asking a thousand different questions that Piper couldn't really answer. After all, what was the difference between linguine and fettuccine anyway?
"I just don't get it..." Brittany frowned then, as Piper giggled at the way the waitress beside her sighed, clearly inpatient. "Why are there so many names? Aren't they all pasta?"
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