《Soulmates (Klaus mikaelson)》Ghost World
Natalie, Caroline, and bonnie were in town square help put up decorations. She wanted to bring Harley but she wasn't going to be able to watch her while working.
She made sure to put camera to check up on her once in a while. She was currently holding the latter with Caroline so Bonnie wouldn't fall.
"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?"
Natalie sent Caroline a pointed look. "Now is not the time care."
"I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here." Bonnie climbs done the latter. "Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here."
"Ok, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that." Caroline says letting go of the latter.
Natalie look at Caroline. "There care, you commented. Now please leave it alone."
"I can't Natalie. Bonnie..."
Bonnie looks at care. "What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the valence of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences."
"Well, I want you to say you're not ok with it."
"I'm a thousand times not okay with it. I just don't know what to do about it."
They turn as they head a vehicle approach. They walk toward the car as they see it's Damon.
"Greetings, blondie, witchy, Wolfe." He looks at Bonnie. "I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."
Bonnie looks at Damon confused. "What do you mean, why?"
"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by mason lockwood ghost."
Caroline is now confused. "And why would you think that?"
"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hit pocket in my chest. Let's just say I'm having deja vu."
Caroline looks at Bonnie. "I thought you said that ghost couldn't physically interact with people."
"They can't." Bonnie tells her.
"They can. If someone on the other side is stronger they can." Natalie says
"Yeah, well I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill some, they're supposed to stay dead." He pauses before speaking. "Whatever you screwed up, fix it." He then put the car in drive and drives off.
Caroline, Bonnie and Natalie are talking to Matt.
Matt looks at the three. "I haven't seen Vicki, I swear. I sent her back like you told me to."
"Are you sure? Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as mason lockwood does." Bonnie presses.
Natalie rubs Bonnie arm. "Bonnie I think you should calm down a little. I believe he really did send his sister back."
Matt send Natalie an grateful look. "She's gone Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it."
Caroline looks at Bonnie. "Why do you think it's Vicki and not mason?"
"Because if any ghost other than Vicki donavan has physical foothold on our side, then that means Damon's right and something has gone really really wrong." Bonnie explains
"I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So you guys can leave me out of this one." Matt turns around and leaves
"I'm sorry Matt." Matt nods at Natalie and leaves.
"I feel so sad for him. It took a lot for him to send his sister away." Caroline says
Bonnie sighs. "Yea."
"So much strength as a man."
"I've got a ghost problem to deal with, Caroline. Save the Jeremy lecture for later." Bonnie goes to pick up her back but her stuff falls out. She goes to pick it up but the book suddenly opens and flips to a specific page.
"Ok, did your grimoire just..."
"I think so." Bonnie says
"It did that for a reason. Trying to tell you something Bonnie." Natalie tells her cousin
She picks it up and reads the spell.
"Ok, please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies."
"It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter."
Natalie smiled knowing who this was.
"What's veiled matter?" Caroline asks
"Ghost." Natalie smile grew. She knew this was grams reaching out to Bonnie.
Bonnie is looking at Natalie in confusion. "Why are you smiling?"
She shrugs.
Bonnie, Caroline, and Natalie are in the witches house.
"So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life." Caroline says walking down the stairs
"Yea. Sorry, I know it's creepy. But we needed a private place around here to do the spell."
"Hmm. There's no chance it's haunted by the hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot, is there?"
"No need to be scared care. They're not here anymore." Natalie tells Caroline
"She's right. They made it Clear they were never coming back." Bonnie says while looking at the spell
"Right. Pinkie swear?"
Caroline lights the candles and sighs. "Ready? Do you need me to do..."
Bonnie starts chanting in Latin.
"Right. Okay."
When starts to blow as Caroline starts to get scared.
Bonnie continues to chant in Latin as the wind blows harder.
Caroline moves closer to Natalie. "Bonnie, I don't like this."
"It's okay care. Nothings gonna happen."
Wind continues to blow and Bonnie continues to chant and it suddenly stops. She opens her eyes to see grams.
"Oh, my god. Is that your..."
"Grams." Bonnie and Natalie say at the same time.
Lexi and Stefan are standing in front of a car talking.
"You're dead." Stefan says
Lexi shrugs. "Well, technically, so are you."
"Then how the hell can I see—"
Lexi cuts him off. "See me? Yeah, I have no idea. And I have no idea how long it's going to last, so let's get right to the point. You're off the rails. Big time."
"Look, I don't know how you're here, but you need to leave me alone, ok?" He goes to leave but Lexi stops him.
"Now what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out I'd this mess you're in?"
"I don't want your help." Stefan tries to leave again but Lexi stops him.
"You know, you say that every time. I don't want your help, I don't want to get better, leave me alone."
"Well, maybe you should listen this time." Stefan tells her
"Or maybe I should do this." She bangs his head on the car window making him unconscious.
Bonnie is crying as she sees her grams. Natalie is sitting next to her cousin with tears coming out her eyes.
"I can't believe you're here!"
"Now stop your crying, both of you, we don't have time for tears." She turns to Caroline. "Nice to see you again, Caroline."
"Hi, Miss Sheila."
"A fine mess you've made, honey." She looks at Bonnie. "The witches told you there's be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway."
"I didn't have a choice. I love him and I — I couldn't just let him go." Bonnie tells her grams
"I understand but you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she waged the door wide open. Giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business." Sheila explains
"Ester." Natalie mumbled under her breath.
"How do you know this?" Bonnie asks
"Witches talk. Even on the other side. Who do you think makes all the rules?"
"What does the witch want?" Bonnie asks
"That's original vampire business, not yours. I don't want you getting in the middle of that." Sheila looks at her oldest granddaughter. "But it is Natalie's even if I hate for her to be in it. She's mated to Klaus which means that witch has something to do with her."
She turns back to Bonnie. "I'm here because you upset the balance of nature. And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door."
Elena and Caroline were currently on the phone.
"How do we do that?" Elena asks
"Apparently the old with can draw power from this side because of her talisman." Caroline yells Elena
"Talisman... My necklace?"
"It's some ju ju power source and I know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it."
Elena sighs. "I just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason I'm completely ok with that."
Caroline looks back quickly and then faces forward, not noticing Natalie. "What?! Are you kidding?"
"I wish. Look, I don't have the necklace."
Natalie takes the phone out of Caroline hand.
"Put Jeremy on the phone. Now!" Natalie hear shuffling and mumbling.
"Hello?" Jeremy says nervously.
"Jeremy I'm going to kick your ass! What in the right mind told you to kiss Anna? Your with my cousin for fucks sake. Anna is very pretty but you cheated on Bonnie for someone that you're never going to see again. I'm sorry but you need to move on. I'm very disappointed in you jer."
Jeremy sighs. "I'm sorry Natalie."
"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to. And just know you lost your self an amazing person." She hands the phone back to Caroline.
Natalie hears Elena voice in the phone as she walks away. She couldn't believe Jeremy did that knowing how upset Bonnie was that Anna was even there in the first place.
Caroline called Elena. Elena picks up.
"So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon." Caroline tells Elena
"Listen, I need you to get bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back."
"What?! But you said you were in full support of getting rid of them." Caroline whisper yells.
"I was. I am. Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan." She says
"Ok, let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend ghost dramas." Caroline hangs up.
"What are you talking about?" Bonnie ask
She turns around to see Bonnie. Natalie fully pays attention to conversation.
"Um... Lexi's back, so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace."
Bonnie walks closer to Caroline. "You said boyfriend dramas. Plural. What is it, Caroline? You as well Natalie? What's she talking about?"
Natalie gets up and sighs. "Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna."
Bonnie looks at Natalie. "What?"
"I'm sorry." Caroline tells her.
"He kissed her?" Bonnie says her voice cracking.
Both Natalie and Caroline nods.
"She's got a foothold now, so she probably thinks that she's here to stay. But us three, we're going to find that necklace. Ok?"
Bonnie nods.
Caroline leaves and Bonnie stands there.
Caroline, Natalie and Bonnie are going through Damon's room. Caroline's in the bathroom while Natalie and Bonnie are looking through the bedroom.
Caroline looks through the soap bowl when she sees it's not there she gets frustrated. "Ugh! I give up. It's not anywhere in this room."
Bonnie phones starts to ring, she goes and sees who it is. When she sees it Jeremy she looks between Caroline and Natalie.
"I've got it Care." She picks up the phone. "What do you want, Jeremy?
"Natalie? Did you find that necklace?"
"Not yet. Why are their sirens in the background?"
"Ghost of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell. You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the founding families."
"Well, It's not here. Where its supposed to be." Natalie rolled her eyes. "Unless your little women stealer took it."
Bonnie gives Natalie a look.
"Who?" Jeremy asks
"Well who do you think Jeremy?" Natalie says
Jeremy looks at Anna. "She said she didn't take it."
"And you believe her! Jeremy she finally has the chance to be with you do you really think she won't try and hide it?"
"You know what, yeah, yeah I do believe her."
"Wow Jeremy. You're and idiot. You better wake up and think because you're going to lose everything." Natalie hangs up and slams Bonnie phone down.
They were currently in the car driving back to the witches house. Caroline hangs up the phone. "Jeremy's got the necklace. He's going to meet us at the witch house."
"What's going on up there?"
"It's Mrs. Lockwood's car."
Bonnie stops the car as she sees someone walk in front of it. Caroline recognizes the person. "Bonnie. I'm going to get out of the car."
"What?!" Bonnie yells
"And you're going to drive the hell away from here." Caroline tells her
"No way! I am not leaving you!" Bonnie tells Caroline
"Bonnie's right I don't think its a good idea."
"Bonnie, you've got your ghost boyfriend drama. Elena has hers. And right now the mother of mine is about to be ghost bait. So you and Natalie go and send them all back to the other side ok?" Caroline gets out the car and Bonnie drives off.
Bonnie and Natalie are in the witches house when Jeremy comes.
"Bonnie!" He goes and stands in front of her. They look at each other as Jeremy holds his hand out with the necklace in it. She jerks it and walks to the fire throwing it in there.
She starts to chant. She stops and Grams grabs her hand. She hold her hand out for Natalie and she takes. They all continue to chant while looking at the fire.
They chant louder as sparks come out the fire.
Natalie, Bonnie, and Sheila watch the necklace get "destroyed."
"You both are stronger than all of this. I'm so proud of both of you."
Both Bonnie and Natalie have tears in their eyes as their Grams disappear. Their hands slowly dropping to their sides.
"Bonnie." Jeremy calls out.
"Just go away, Jeremy." Bonnie says still looking at the fire.
"I owe you an explanation."
Bonnie turns to Jeremy and walks toward him. "Matt let go of a sister before you let go of Anna. His sister Jeremy. You know what you owe me? The respect of not making me listen to you explain yourself."
"I am sorry, Bonnie."
"You need to go." Bonnie tells him.
Natalie walks up. "Just go, Jeremy. Just do one thing and give her space."
He turns around and leave. Bonnie exhales. Both her and Natalie turn around as they hear the fire explode. They walk to the fire to see the necklace with no damages.
Natalie quickly grabs it. "Let's go bonnie."
Bonnie was in her room. Natalie was in hers. She laid the necklace down carefully. She sucked in a breath as she is in another world.
Natalie eyes opens as she is pulled into a dream like world. She looks around to see no one. When a women walks up to her. Before she can think she's on the ground in pain.
"Hello Natalie."
She looks up and takes a good look at her.
She smirks. "I see you know who I am. I just wanted to let you know that Niklaus nor you will be able to continue living this earth as the abominations you are. As I will always find a way back to the living. The rest of my children will not see another day on earth as the monsters they are.
"If you think you scare me then you're wrong. You will not ruin Nik life as I won't let you and if you think I can't take you then you have another thing coming. And yet you call them monsters when it's you and Mikael faults that they are like this."
Ester looks at Natalie in disgust and waves her hand erasing her memory of this and send her back.
Natalie opens her eyes confused. She sighs and gathers her clothes for a shower. She grabs one of Klaus shirts and a pair of his shorts she took and makes her way to the bathroom. She quickly showers and dries off.
She grabs her phone and call Klaus. She needed to hear his voice after today events.
After the 3rd ring he picks up. "Hi beautiful."
"Hi Nik. Can you just talk today." She gets into Ed and under the cover.
"Everything okay love?" He asked concerned.
"Kind of. I just need to hear your voice."
Klaus tells her a story from his human days as Natalie Gets comfortable listening to his voice.
Not Me finishing this chapter at 12:31 in the morning. I'm so tired!
Thank you guys for 27.6k reads❤️!!
Edited 7/3/22: I don't think I really changed anything just specify who's speaking. Lmk if there's mistakes.
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