《Soulmates (Klaus mikaelson)》Daddy Issues


Okay so update 5/8/22

Wolf eyes: golden yellow

Witch eyes: het regular eye color brown

Werewitch: purple

Tribrid purple with veins

Stefan was talking to Tyler as his phone rung. He saw it was Caroline and answered it.

"Hey. Everything ok?"

Jules voice rang through the phone. "That depends. How badly do you want to keep her alive?"

"Who is this?" Stefan stops walking

"Ask your brother. Where's Tyler?"

Stefan stays quiet as he thinks. "Jules? Where's Caroline?"

She stops by the tv. "You made a mistake, Stefan. I'm gonna give you a chance to fix it."

"Where is she?" Stefan asks again

"Right here. Want proof?" Jules open the trailer door and holds the phone up. Talking to Brady he shoots Caroline making her scream.

"What's happening?" Tyler asks

Stefan ignores him. "Hurt her again and you're dead."

"I hurt her again, and she's dead. Bring Tyler to me, the clearing by wickery falls. You have 20 minutes until she dies." Jules hangs up the phone.


Natalie is on her doing work when she gets a call from an unknown number. Feeling that she needs to answer it she does.


"Hey Natalie it's Stefan. Sorry to bother but I need your help."

"How did you get my number and with what?"

"From Elena and with Caroline."

Natalie sits up at her name. "What happened to Caroline?"

"A new wolf in town named Jules kidnapped her and is torturing her. I know how much you care for her so can you meet me and Damon by wickery falls."

"Uh yea I'm on my way."

Stefan hangs up. She quickly gets out of bed. She slips on her shoes and runs out her room and down stairs. She grabs her keys and runs out the house. Locking the door behind her.

She unlocks her car door and starts the car speeding to wickery falls.


Arriving she walk into the clearing showing her self. She arrives just in time Stefan already here with Tyler.

"Where's Caroline?" Stefan asks calmly

"Locked up tight." Jules answer

Natalie growls her eyes turning golden yellow.

"Gives us Caroline now."

"You're one of us as yet your friends with them." Jules says while looking at her

"I'm not friends with any of them but Caroline. Caroline didn't have a choice she was forced to become a vampire."

"Let her go and I'll release Tyler. It doesn't have to get messier than what it already has. I'm not your enemy Jules." Stefan says trying to convince Jules

"It's a little late to be waving a white flag don't you think?" She asks tilting her head a little


"You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt." Stefan says

"I'm not leaving with our Tyler." Jules argues

"Really your doing this cause of him. You had to torture Caroline because of him. Take him just give us Caroline." Natalie was getting annoyed that all this was over Tyler.

"Tyler's free to make his own decisions. As soon as you release Caroline." Stefan tells her

"My brother the peacemaker." Damon says as he walks in a few inches away from them.

Everyone turns there head as they hear Damon's voice.

"Since Stefan got here before me, I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way. Which is a little bloodier. So give us Caroline."

"I might have to join you Damon." Natalie says agreeing with him.

"Let go of Tyler." Jules yell

"Give us Caroline. Without a full moon, it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you." Damon says smugly.

"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy." Jules whistles as people come out of no where.

"Let's try this again. Give us Tyler." She says looking at all three of them.

"You heard her, go. Get over there." Damon says gesturing to Jules.

Tyler walks over to Jules. Brady speaks up. "Which one of you killed mason?"

"Uh. That'll be me." Damon says point at himself.

"Boys, make sure that one suffers." Brady says pointing at Damon.

Natalie rolls her eyes at Damon stupidity at trying to get killed.

"We can take them."

"I don't know about that."

"Well, then..."

A werewolf come up to Natalie throwing a punch. She grabs his fist and twist his arm making him yell out in pain. She hurries and snap his neck.

Two more come up to her. Her eyes turn purple as she using both witch and werewolf side. She quickly says a spell putting the wolves on the ground.

"Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum."

She snaps there necks. She quickly runs into the trailer behind Tyler. She stays quiet to see if Tyler will open it.

"Tyler! There's a latch. There's a latch on the door and I can't get to it."

Tyler stands there and looks at Caroline. He looks away for a second.

"Tyler?" She says quietly.

Natalie shoved him. "Move if your gonna just stand there and not help."

Natalie crouches down and quickly takes a loose the latch. She pulls the cage up and waits for Caroline to crawl out before letting go of it.

Caroline and Natalie run out the trailer. Jules grabs Caroline and points the gun at her.


Tyler just looks at her and looks away.

Natalie sees Damon about to get stab when she non verbally does another spell with her hands out. Not knowing there was another witch doing the same spell which hurts the wolves ten times more.

The wolves fall to the ground clutching there heads and screaming.

"What's happening?" Caroline whispers asks natalie

"What the hells going on?" Tyler asks himself

Jonas Martin walks out had out still doing the same spell as Natalie. Stefan looks at him and then at Natalie seeing she is focusing on not loosing focus.

"Elijah made a promise to Elena and Natalie. I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go." They all just look at him. "Get out of here now."

They all leave. Jonas and Natalie lock eyes before she walks away.

Tyler walks out into Jonas view.

"When your friends awaken, give them a message. They need to get the hell out of this town."

Jonas leaves Tyler standing there with some dead wolves and some unconscious.


Natalie and Stefan walk Caroline up to her door.

"Is your mom home care?" Natalie asks

"No, she's at work." She answers

"I'm staying then. I don't want you here by yourself. When you just went through something."

"I'll be fine Nat."

"You don't have to pretend your fine care. Anybody would be upset after what you went through tonight." Stefan says to her

"I'm okay. I'm not girlie little Caroline anymore. I can handle myself."

Stefan nods. "You sure can."

"I just really want to go shower, so..."


"Goodnight." She tells him


"Wait care im still staying."

Natalie walks into the house after Caroline.

Caroline sighs before she starts crying. Natalie goes up to her and hugs her tight, letting Caroline cry.

She walk them to the sofa and sets them down. She plays with her hair until Caroline stops crying.

"Thanks for always being here Natalie." She says sniffling in her stomach

"I'll always be here for you care-bear. Your like my sister. Now go freshen up I'll get some snacks and we can watch a movie."

Caroline nods and make her way up stairs.

Natalie goes into the kitchen and grab some Oreos, chips and she grabs a bag of popcorn to pop. She put it in the microwave. She places the other things on the table in the living room.

Hearing the beep to the microwave, she grabs a bowl. She takes it out and shake the bag before opening it and pouring it in the bowl.

She hears Caroline come out of her room as she places the bowl on the table. She grabs a few drink as she hears someone knocking.

Caroline walk to the door. Caroline opens it and sees Tyler.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asks her

"I'm fine." She says dryly

"I had no idea. They would come for you." Tyler says

"Do you know what they did to me?" She asks her voice shaking

"I'm sorry but it's crazy now. Okay? I don't know who to trust. You lied to me."

"I lied to protect my friends. I lied to protect you. Don't you get that?" Caroline says with tears welling up in her eyes.


"You just stood there! When they were going to kill us. You just stood there! You didn't do anything!" She says arguing with him

"I didn't know what to do." He argues

"You help your friend. That's what you do." She says

"I'm sorry."

"No it's to late. Cause we're not friends anymore. And what happened to me tonight. That will never happen again. So you take that back to your little werewolf pack and you get the hell out of my house." She slammed the door in Tyler face and looks at Natalie.

"God I know when you turned into a vampire you were the same care. But damn that was fucking badass!"

Caroline laughs before they both go back into the living room.

After a couple minutes there's another knock. Caroline goes to open the door while Natalie stays.

She opens it to see Stefan.

"Hey." She greets


"What's going on?" She asks

"I was a tad. It worried about you. After everything you went through tonight." He says rubbing his neck.

"I'm fine plus I have Natalie here. You know this." She explains

"I know. But I brought some extra back up." Stefan moves to the side and Bonnie and Elena walk in to Caroline's view.

"We're gonna slumber it." Elena says

"We haven't done it in ages." Bonnie says


Caroline starts crying again. Elena and Bonnie hugs her.

"Hey care who was at the door?"

She walks in and see Bonnie and Elena hugging Bonnie.

"Oh you guys are slumbering it. I can leave if you want?"

Caroline starts shaking her head. "No! No. You have to stay."

Natalie laughs. "Alright then. Let's get this night started !"


I CANT BELIVE I ALREADY HAVE 200 READS!!! Like I was just at 100 something yesterday🥺!!!! I love you guys!! Thanks for reading my stories❤️!!!

Update 5/8/2022: Another edited chapter. I'm trying my best so you guys can know who talkings

Also idk why I'm just now saying it but HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! To all the mothers out there.

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