《Hurts》30 change


Next day at afternoon jk returned from his trip, as he expected there was no excitement in him he just wants to meet tae as soon as possible and wants to know what he was doing with that sujo and why did he lie to him but decide not to ask him first.

After lunch he was feeling very tired, so decided to take some rest but it turned into a deep sleep.

Jk wake up at evening he check the time "it's 7:30 I should get ready now, have to meet tae" he get up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. After fresh up he dressed into a cargo pant and a plain t-shirt. Grabbed his phone and dialled tae's number


Yes kook..?

Are you done with your work, I'm coming.

Oh..yes yes almost I'm waiting...so when did you return?

Afternoon... I'm now hanging up the call talk to when I'll be there bye.

He didn't let tae to speak, he ran from there to his car and start the engine.

* ..... *

Tae was changing his dress in dressing room, but after receiving jk's call he is feeling nervous "should I tell him or not, if he misunderstood something... why should he I didn't do anything wrong... but what if he.. and what seojoon hyung said it's not wrong though...he is very short temper what if he get mad at me" he mutters by himself and slowly walked to the washroom. He looked at the mirror and splash water on face, he again looked at the mirror whipped the water from the face "if I get any any link about his knowing I'll immediately tell him if not then I will not moreover it's not that much necessary why I'm thinking too much about it" he smile brightly at his reflection and come out from the washroom.

He hurriedly ran out from the shop and spotted jk's car with jk beside it standing with a smile while looking straight to him "kook.." tae run to him and hugged him tightly. Jk also hugged him back.

"I think your shift is over today little early" jk ask. "Yes because there was not that much work today so jin hyung said we can go home early today " tae answered still hugging jk.

"So we have little extra time today let's grab some ice-creams" jk offered while backing away from the hug. Tae jumped little and agreed "let's go kookie"

Jk driving the car and tae talking about random things "so kookie how was your work"

"Good actually very good" glance at happy tae.

Like this tae was asking him about the trip and Jk was just answering him, waiting for the moment when tea will tell him about yesterday.

But that moment never came, jk was patiently waiting for tae to speak about that certain things. But he's talking about everything except that. They are already in now tae's area

"So bye kook, the icecream was tasty thank you...oh should I come to your house tommorow are you going to school? Tae looking at jk's blank face "kook!!"

Jk flinched little "y..yes".

"What are you thinking about?" Tae ask.

"I was thinking that how beautiful you are and yeah I'm going tommorow just come to wake me up "

Tae tried not to blush by his the sudden comment. He hurriedly got out of the car and waved to jk with a shy smile and ran from there.

Jk angerly looking at the leaving figure "till the last moment he didn't say anything, did he forgot should I asked him tommorow... but that note.. I should wait for tommorow he'll tell me for sure...he must have forgotten today.


Tae is now lying on his bed hugging the blanket, mind is occupied with various of thoughts "Hyung was right jk have no clue, how will he have I should also forget it as hyung said it's not big deal I didn't do anything wrong so just leave it" he convinced himself and fell asleep.

That was another mistake tae did without his knowing, maybe it would be great if tells everything... but he chose not to...

* * *

Next day they did their usual routine, their behaviour didn't even change a little bit especially jk he is acting normal the urge to ask him, god knows how he controlling himself.

After coming school jk haven't met with tae for once cause they have different classes today. At the tiffin period jk as usual waiting for tae but he didn't come yet. So he was sitting there alone, seeing him alone his friends approached to him.

"Hey jk waiting for taehyung?" Suho ask while sitting beside him. "Yes" he shortly answered.

"He must be talking with mr park like everyday" bambam spoke out. Jk didn't react on this, little did he know.. it's true.

"I think there have something between them... I mean sometimes their behaviour is not like teacher and students" sehun curiously said. Seeing jk's reaction bam wants to thank sehun.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Jk glared at sehun.

Sehun gulped nervously "c..calm down jk I just wanted to say that whenever they talked tae seems very happy I mean he smiles a lot , sometimes mr park gave him a tiffin box... you know everything feels suspicious... I'm just saying nothing serious... yea"

Bambam so badly wants to patted his friends back "look jk you shouldn't get angry on that silly things, if tae wants to talk with mr park then let him he seems a good man if it leads somthing more...." Bam couldn't complete his sentence jk angerly looked at him "tae is not gay" he spat out.

"Who knows? And moreover if he comes out then we'll not bully him because he is your best friend so don't be afraid " bambam carefully stated while patted jk's back observing jk's expression and he must say this is effecting him.

Jk feels little nervous if tae came out as a gay then what will people think about him for these years he had been friends with a gay, no no he will make sure tae is not...

"He is not, if he was he would definitely told me" jk protest.

"Maybe he was afraid that you are a homophobic and you'll do something bad " sehun said.

"Why should he be afraid of me? we are friends from years and share everything with each other...so there is no chance he would hide such a big thing from me"

"You think so, maybe it was just you who share everything not him..." Bam said, feeling happy seeing jk's state.

Jk looked at the empty table, he don't know what to say he is already disturbed and don't want to be anymore "look guys I'm not really in the mood to hearing your nonsense just leave from there" he calmly said.

After that his friends didn't say any farther as he said they leave from there. Jk looking at the entrence of the canteen then his eyes caught a running figure and soon he recognised it's taehyung.

Tae sat down near him breathing heavily "kook let's eat" tae said and opened a tiffin box.

"New one? Is it yours?" He suspiciously ask. Tae nervously looked at jk "actually kook it's not mine, seojoon hyung gave it to me... I mean aunty send it for me"


"From when?"

"From past three days " tae don't know why is he afraid he has no courage to look at his eyes.

"Oh, then eat" he betrayedly smiled unnoticed by tae.

After opening the box he slowly passed it to jk. Jk raised his eyes "what?".

"Eat" tae don't what say anymore. "I already eat, I was waiting for you but my friends came to a little while ago and forced me eat with them so agreed, sorry " jk said feeling rage.

"Just one bit" tae decided to be little stubborn. Jk wants to burst into anger but controlled and said "baby I'm really full now you eat I'll just drink this " gently grabbed tae's hand.

This time tae felt relief by jk's soothing voice he didn't ask him anymore, happily started to eat his lunch . They talked for little while and went to their classroom.

* * *

One more week passed like this, till now tae didn't say anything about the day with seojoon. Jk so badly wants to ask him but he waits for tae to say by his own but the time it not coming. Seojoon and tae talks more than before it was always seojoon who called tae and started to talking with him tae just can't ignore, how could he seojoon is his teacher and a good brother figure to him he respect him very much.

On the other hand jk's friends are always trying to provoking him somehow saying that tae is a gay and there have something between seojoon and tae, he should break his friendship with tae. Though he did ignore them at that time but later their words comes in his mind and distrub him as hell.

Now days jk is very busy with his father's company because it's year ending time, there is lots of pressure. Last week Jk couldn't even attend his school properly, final exam also coming. He has been physically tired for past few days and the mind is also restless... taehyung has changed and jungkook can feel it.

But tae, everything is happening around him but he is not aware of any of this. His daily routine has changed now he didn't go to jk's house because jk said he will be busy for some days someday he doesn't even come to school, sometimes he comes late. For the past week he didn't get any time to drop tae to his shop but at night he always tried to pick up but they didn't talk too much cause jk was in hurry and tae like a understanding friend he didn't complain anything.

After school today again jk rushed to his car something came there in the company, his father called him he have to go there. But he stop hearing a familiar voice behind "kook!!" tae running towards him.

Jk slightly embrace him honestly they are not that much clingy anymore like before it's just little bit "kook are going already, you came late and going early" tae ask his eyes showing the sadness.

Jk just sigh don't know what to feel by this sudden affection, suddenly many emotions comes in his mind, just wants to hold the younger close to his chest but now he has no time. He looked at tae's face and kissed on his forehead lingering his lips for sometime before pulling away "okey then I'll talk you later I have to go" jk said and loose his hold. Tae nodded "okey drive carefully bye.

Jk turned around and started walking to his car but again he stop by a familiar voice but it's not for him...

"Hyung the tiffin box!!" Tae called out loudly but this jk didn't turn his head he kept walking cause he knows very well whom he is calling feeling a sudden rush of anger increase in his body.

Jk is holding the handle of the car door but his eyes fixed on somthing in little far tae and seojoon...tae giving him the box and they both started walking towards the exit...

Jk was busy to observing them but someone touched on his back he immediately turns his head "lisa?"

"So did he told you?" Lisa ask

Jk confusingly looked at her "told me.. about what?"

"Where did he go that day with mrs park? Did he said anything?"

Jk's face book turns into a very serious one "so I was right you are the one who sent me those pictures"

"Yes" lisa answered confidently

"So you are stalking on teahyng" rage clear on his eyes . Lisa nodded his head "yea kind of "

"How dare you!" Jk gritted his teeth. Lisa got little scared "look jk I didn't do it intentionally, that day I was also standing on the bus stand and I saw tae there I thought he might be waiting for the bus too. Then suddenly a car stopped in front of him and mr park came out of it. First of all I thought they might just normally talk but they didn't. They greeted each other mr park open the car door and he got in it seemed like everything was planned before. I felt little suspicious so took pictures of them and sent you because I think he is not that innocent how he looks. As a friend I want to suggest you don't ask him anything just observe him what does he do you'll know what is his real face you can say how he is changing " lisa finished eyes on jk, who is looking straight at nothing he turn his head to lisa "you don't have..." He couldn't complete his phone rang..

Yes dad..?

Where are you son?

I'm coming dad, on the way.

Oh okay come fast

Yes, I'm coming

He hang up the call and glared at lisa before get in the car and left from there. Lisa also didn't say anything and started walking on his way with little smile on her face "seems like everything is going well as we expected"

On the other hand,

"Come on taehyung I'll drop your shop " seojoon ask him while standing infront of his car.

"No hyung you go, I'll take the bus" tae denied.

"Oh come on I'll.."

"No hyung pls try to understand if I go with you what others will think, I don't want any kind of attention so don't argue about it I'll go by myself " he said in requesting tone.

Seojoon sigh"okay if you want, bty this Friday is mom's 50s birthday so I asked her what she wants, she said she wants to celebrate her birthday simply at home as like before but this time she demand your presence she said she will be happy if you joined us that day "

Tae smile at him "of course hyung I'll join that day and we'll celebrate her birthday "

"Ok thank you, bye then you also go otherwise you'll be late" seojoon said and they both left their won way.

* * *

It's now 11:30 jk entered his room, threw the coat on the couch loosening the tie he sat on the couch with thud sound, leaned his back on the couch, feeling exhausted. He closed his eyes it was very stressful at the office today, he didn't even get any time for dinner.

Till now nothing came to his mind due to the pressure of work, but as he relaxing ,calming down his mind everything coming into his mind there is something between park an taehyung, i think tae is gay, he is hiding things from you, don't ask him just observe him you'll know his real face...

Jk opend his eyes, turned on his phone, a message from taehyung...

Good night kookie....♡

It was enough to bring a smile on his face but soon his smile vanished, staring at his wallpaper "you know tae everyone says you've changed, I don't believe it but sometimes your behaviour confused me, help me tae. They said you are gay I should break friendship with you. Just clear everything to me don't hide anything from me, don't break my trust, don't confused me anymore...if I lost myself you'll lost me..."

Sometimes staring at tae's smiling face jk decided to call tae. But when he called him it's saying that he is busy with other call made him little confused "it's already 12 with whom he is talking this time?, You better to tell the truth taehyung"


Thank you 💜

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