《Hurts》31 waiting


Tae is now getting ready for bed but his phone rang "who called me this time" he mutters as he pick the call.

Hello taehyung..

Oh hyung

Sorry for the disturbance in this time, but I wanted to ask you that if you come to our house on Thursday night

But the birthday is on Friday right?

Yes but I want to surprise her on 12 and it will be great if you accompany me she will be more happy to see you pls taehyung don't say no, it's last time I'm asking you... and it's not for me but my mother she loves you like her own son and you know that...

(Tae nervously biting his lips don't know what to say, it's true that once she loved him more than his own mother and that day how she was happy to see him again and here seojoon hyung requesting to him, he should atleast try to keep his request cause no matter how many time passed he'll be always grateful to them for what they have done for him, after thinking so much he answered)

Hyung I think my parents won't allow me for that... you know it'll be late night.

Don't worry about that, Thursday I'll come to your house to take permission first then we'll go my place together and I'm sure they won't say no, and beside that I can meet them also it would be great to meet with them after long time.

Tae was listening him but he felt little vibration on his phone, jk is calling him *kook is calling me, but my phone is engaged*

O.. okay hyung it will be great, come to my house Thursday then, I'm hanging up now..

Pls wait tae what happened..?

Hyung kook is calling me..

Oh ok then call him but don't tell him you were talking with me

But why?

Pls do that for me, the reason I'll tell you later, just tell him you were talking with one of your friend.

I don't understand anything, why should I...

Pls pls tae just for me... just casually say he'll not doubt

With that seojoon hang up the call, tae looked at the phone for sometime, again he is in the same condition "hyung said there is a reason what could it be? He was requesting so much... something serious? It'll be second time if I lied to him...if I think in other way what will kookie think about I was talking with hyung in this time and if I said the truth then it's comes again on staying at hyung's place, if he he doesn't like it and get angry on me... it's getting completed. But if I tell that I was talking with a friend then it'll be easy i guess. Ok I'll tell him that if he won't believe it then I'll tell him the truth, don't want to take risk at first place"

He hurriedly called jk.

Hello kook..

Sorry for distributing you, actually I was thinking to go on the nearby beach with you in this week, now days we talked less. I was very busy with office but now everything is almost done there and I'll be free from the day after tomorrow, so let me know when we can go... and you know as usual I'm missing you.

Whenever jk talks like that, he feel like jk is also so in love with him like he is, his every word is so comforting. Whenever he hears this soothing voice he wants to confess that how much he loves him.


"Okey I'll tell you, did you eat your dinner"

No I didn't, just came from office.

Ohh then go fresh up, eat your dinner then take rest it's already midnight ..and...


And I missed you too (it's coming out as a whisper)

Tae lying on his bed "he didn't ask me anything why..? Maybe it's not a big deal I'm thinking too much.

˵ ˵ ˵

Jk blankly staring at his phone, wanted to ask who was that person but decided not to so he hurriedly skip it and said something that was not even in his plan don't know why he suddenly asked him to go to beach.... but about missing him it's true though.

"You could have told me that by your own , but you didn't "

* * *

Next day jk didn't join the school, the whole day tae was with jimin after school tae and jimin taking their things from locker. Then they overheard something some girls are talking on the other side of locker...

Girl 1: Today what happened with lisa, she went out early today

Girl 2: Don't you understand today jk was absent so what will she do alone here that's why she left.

Girl 1: so they are together now?

Girl 3: no they are not but they will soon.

Girl 1: what do you mean by soon.

Girl 2: I think lisa is going to propose jk, she was planning about this for long time. I also heard she was talking about that proposing jk. Don't you see how lisa always stays with jk's friends.

Girl 1: Yes you are right something I spotted them together they were talking. I think she will be his new girlfriend.

Girl 3 : we can't say anything if jk doesn't accept her.

Girl 2: there is no chance jk will I think lisa is beautiful jk can't resist her.

They left from there while talking, tae was just standing there like a statue their every word processing in his mind *if jk entered in any relation this time he can't take it, it'll be hurt more than before* thinking about this he feeling like his whole body going to be numb, now days tae can't even imagine in dream that jk with other person...

*This time I should do something to keep him by my side, but what should I do* he was thinking in his mind but he stop by jimin's voice.

"That's right, she should do it fast before it's too late if jk goes with other one then she'll miss her chance, she should hurry, what do think tae" jimin ask tae without looking at him cause he was busy with packing his things.

Tae disbeliefly stare at him "you mean she should proposed him...that lisa?"

This jimin looked at him "why... what's wrong with her I think she is good for jk... I mean I never saw anything bad about her, and beside that jk is single now and as usual he'll going to looking for a new girlfriend for him then why not she.."

Hearing that tae narrowed his eyes "excuse me he never went to looking for one they always come to him with proposal" trying to defend jk.

"And he accepts them, that's the same thing taetae, now don't argue with me anymore and in the last of everything I just want to say that if we like or love someone we should let them to know our feelings before anyone could do that... rejection is a word just we don't know when that person will accept us..so we should atleast try right" jimin carefully said everything wants tae to understand.


Jimin looked at tae's face who is zoned out right now *just tell him for once, I know he hates gays but he loves you I saw in his eyes just help him to realise then he'll be yours*

Jimin jerked little tae's body "taetae, what are thinking about let's go we are getting late"

* * *

All the way to the shop tae's mind was occupied with frustrating things like what those girls were saying lisa is going to propose jk and about Jimin we should atleast try before it's late...

"Should I also try, but it's not too fast for this sudden confession if he gets mad at me, if he breaks our friendship, but that lisa" an unknown fear appears all over his face .

Thinking about such things, he reached the shop and started his work.

It's now 7pm, after sometime tae's shift will end, he started to doing his work little fast there is still left lot of work.

"Oh taehyung, there's still lots of boxes wait I'll help you" one of his co-workers chen ask, and started to settling the boxes.

Tae smile at him "thank you hyung um hyung your mood is something different today I'm observing that today you are smiling by your own and sometime gets zoned out, a while ago I was calling you but you didn't listen to me "

"Oh I'm sorry for earlier, and yea I.. I'm good today... actually " chen said while blushing little.

Tae looked at him with widen eyes "why are you blushing, what's wrong with you hyung?"

"Aish taehyung you react too much just finished it " chen trying to avoid his question, but he doesn't know tae is little stubborn, he grab his hand " pls hyung tell me I think it's realated somthing about your girlfriend "

Chen raised his eyes "who said you that I have a girlfriend "

"No one I just guessed..i mean how are blushing... that's indicating something like..." tae carefully ask.

Chen sadly sigh "why should always it be a girl?" He ask with a sad smile. Tae seems like understand other's emotion"it's not necessary, love is love it's doesn't matter wether it's boy or girl" tae said by flowing his won emotions. Hearing that chen brightly smiled at him "you are right, thank you for understand... and why I'm happy today cause today I'm going to confess my love... but it's not her it's him " Chen waiting for tae's reaction

"Omg hyung, congratulation..so tell me who is he? When you realised he also love you?..." Chen grabbed tae's shoulder to calm him down.

"He is one of my friend actually he is my nebour, we know each other from past two years, we are not that good friends just normal slowly slowly my feelings started to growing and now I'm afraid to lose him. And I don't know if he have any feelings for me but I just want to try before it's late if he had any little amount of feelings then my confession maybe can help him to realise his own. If he reject than I could atleast say to myself that I tried and I will have no regrets that I didn't even try so today I'm going tell him...he care for me I hope he'll understand"

the hope on Chen's eyes motivate tae to reach his own goal, he decided in his mind that he'll confess jk when they'll go on the beach...yes that day, jk will understand he loved him he care for him...he will understand...

Tae just smile at chen "best of luck hyung".

* * *

That night tae couldn't sleep even a little bit his mind is full of various thoughts "should I tell him, I think he also like me... I don't know he confused me very much...if I confess how will he react? At first place he must be get little angry but I am sure next moment he'll calm down... from the past years till now he never hurt me intentionally why would he now... and he said himself that he'll never judge me... yes I believe in my kookie he'll understand me..so I'm going to tell him tommorow" and he made the big decision of his life, he spent the whole night comforting himself like this.

* ̄*

Next day tae woke up early morning, he couldn't sleep the whole night. Excitement, anxiety, fear, hapiness, sadness confusion everything coming into his mind but he have to keep calm himself.

Tae is in bus now, he didn't go to jk's house cause jk said that he would be busy for few days so he don't have to call him in the morning. But he want to ask jk about tonight. So he called him.

Hello kook?


Are you busy?

Not really..

Oh are you coming school today?

I don't think I can join today, but sports department of the school urgently called us at 2pm I don't know how I'll going to join, but it's important... okay if I go there I'll call you.

Okey... and tonight also you'll be busy right?

Um.. tonight? I think after 7pm I'll be free, why?

You asked me for the beach, if you free tonight then we can go.

Tonight.. I'm not sure but I'll inform you.

Okey, bye kookie...

Hmm bye angel...

They ended the call a little smile appear on tae's face, feeling like after long time jk use the word 'angel' and he love this.

* * *

After lunch break tae is ready for his next class, while walking to the class he was rapidly chacking his phone "so kooki will not come today? It's already 2 pm, when will he call me after entering the class I can't receive the call... he must be very busy" he was busy with his phone when someone appeared infront of him, tae startled little he lift his head "hyung you scared me "

"I'm sorry I just came out from this class I didn't saw you... BTY tommorow you are coming right" seojoon ask.

"Yea I'm coming but you have to ask my parents first, and also ask them about staying night in your place and I'll return next day " tae little worridly ask.

"Don't worry I will explain them everything, be ready at 10m"

What if aunty is awake that time?

No no she will not, she will be sleeping in her room, I have spare keys , we'll straight entered in my room I will prepare everything, that night we will enjoy very much I promise you...are you excited.

Tae smile at him "yes I'm"

Okey then I'm going I've a meeting to join.

They both walked opposite direction of each other but seojoon notice somthing behind the piller which tae didn't cause he back facing that.

Jk hurriedly entered the school decided to call tae but his eyes noticed someone on the corridor walking while checking his phone. He is tae

Jk cancelled the idea to call, he think to surprise him and he is sure tae will get scared and scold jk with a big pout "I want to see my baby's angry face" he smirk and run towards tae he was tip toeing behind him but suddenly that seojoon appeared from somewhere. Jk don't why but he hide himself near a piller where he can hear everything they are talking about.

And he heard everything, he was feeling numb a high level of anger spreading all over his body, feeling like kill that sujo with his bare hands right now... and with tae he don't know what he even ask to taehyung... Feeling so betrayal, useless yes useless who failed to being a good friend...his baby hide a this big thing from him "a sleepover night at sujo's place... why at the night... why his mother have to be in deep sleep... why he'll entered his room straight......no no there is must be something else... like somthing.... but what could it be that he couldn't tell me about....no no my baby can't be gay if he was he would have told, he is not he knows very well I don't like those things he will never do anything that I don't like. I think today he'll tell everything...yes I'm sure" jk continuously muttring trying to comfort himself. Everything what he heard that making him restless he don't want to lose himself he'll give tae time cause he believe that tae will tell him everything.

He was busy in his thoughts that he didn't even noticed when tae left from there, he saw seojoon was standing there and calling someone ...

"Hello.. yes he agreed, I'm so happy. I'm sure tomorrow night will be best night and it's all about taehyung you know he is very special to me....I have loved him since the day I saw him. Oh ... you don't have to think about it, he is gay and I can feel it. Okey then bye see you around " seojoon ended the call and leave from there.

Jk clenching his fist his eyes are red from anger he glaring at seojoon's leaving figure but he didn't noticed the smirk on his face.

Jk looked at his phone screen "you can't be gay taehyung, prov them wrong, you are mine...no one can know you better than me...NO ONE"

Jk ran towards the play ground his mind is full of anger he couldn't think even straight, the fear tae will break his trust.

The sudden rush of anger made jk blind, he lost his true self to his ego the ego for thinking that he knows tae better than anyone else, the ego that he knows everything about taehyung, the ego that tae can't hide anything from him the ego tae is his only HIS...

During the meeting he didn't talk with anyone not even with his friends. If the teacher asked something he just answered shortly. He just wanted to left the meeting cause couldn't tolerate that smiling face of seojoon that makes him so irritate.

The meeting ended a little late that time others students already leave and tae also. He had called jk and said he'll wait for him at 7pm jk just said "okey and busy" and then ended the call.

* * *

At 7pm as they planned, jk is standing in front of tae's workplace after sometime he saw tae running towards him. Tae jumped on him and tightly hugged him "I missed you" he muffle from jk's neck.

Jk's breath hitched, he don't know what to feel but he know just he couldn't resist his action so he hugged back and said "I missed you too" give a tender kiss on tae's head the kiss hold lots of emotions.

Tae like the response after long time they are again like this *I love you kookie I love you so much today I want to tell you that, I'm sure you'll understand me don't get mad at first place pls and try to give me a chance and today I'll also tell you that what I'm hiding from the past few days like a stupid I'll tell you everything... maybe about my secret also I don't like to hide things from you... you'll forgive me right... I know you'll* thinking that he got shy and snuggle his face more into jk's neck. After a while he backed away from the hug and looked at jk who is already looking at him.

"Kook today I want to tell you lots of things " tae voice come out almost like whisper.

Jk stare at with a blank expression "I'm waiting"


Thank you 💜

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