《Not my world》1) how it started.


(Hghghghjdjfjthfjfnghjdn is was wrote at like 3am shhhh)

A long, long time ago, in a tale soon to be forgotten with time, a young Kooky von Koopa sat, a mere 8 year old with the brain of Einstein himself, sitting for hours at a time working and working, each minute and moment he had on inventions, either per his fathers request or due to the fact he simply enjoyed creating and inventing, notebooks filled with rants and ideas smothered into each page handwriting messier than a toddler with spaghetti. Humming a tune moving over a bit, looking up at their month long project, a teleportation machine, "" King Koopa, or 'King dad' as Kooky calls him shouted from the stairwell above, "Hold on a minute! I'm almost done!" Kooky s creaky voice shouted with a giggle. Having the whole basement to themself was fun, they got to work as for long as they wished with not too many interruptions, usually only the occasional Cheatsy or King Koopa shouting down there about something.

"Alrighty! Almost.... hnn- c'mon you stupid- Woah!" Kooky struggled with a bolt in the machine, falling down onto his bottom. Swiftly standing they went right back to work thinking and pondering, eventually getting the bolt fixed. "Hmm... ah- well..." they looked from machine to clock on the wall, dinner was done by this point, and Kooky concluded 'easiest way to test it now is to use it to get upstairs so I'm not late for dinner!' Notebook in hand, they walked over to the front of the arch shaped machine, pressed a few buttons on a pad and putting in coordinates for the dinning room, the silver arch shot a purple mist the soon seemed to form a portal had appeared, the color shifted from a deep purple to a nice maroon, then to bright red. "Oooh! Seems to of worked? Oh well! Best way to try it is by trying!" Stepping into the portal then stepping out as the portal behind them faded into a mist as rain poured down around Kooky. "Hm, well might as well right that down- wait a minute? Uh-oh.." the portal back home was gone, as Kooky looked around the area they were stuck in, it was nothing like they'd seen at home. Red bricks lined the floor and a humongous castle stood in the distance, small stone pillars that were a tad taller than Kooky with fire usually stood upon were around the zone, extinguished from the rain.


Putting the notebook above their head as a guard from the rain that poured down upon them, trying not to get more soaked then they already were Kooky ran off towards the direction of the castle.

Running up to the spooky place ahead of me, I walked up to the closed gate in the front, it was made of wood and boy it was soaked! Smelt rotten too... I couldn't get in through most of my normal means of entering places I shouldn't be so I sat down next to the gate, scribbling in the note book I brought with me, that was a bit wet. "FIX MACHEEN WEN HOM" is what I wrote, with a little angry me next to it in the rain. I'm not the best at spelling so I just spell how things sound to me. Not sure how long it was but I waited, I heard someone walking towards the gate at some point so I stood up and looked inside, watching a tall palm tree looking fella walk by, with a reallly big guy! He had like a red Mohawk and stuff he looked cool. Eventually they started talking about blueprints and stuff for a thing, and getting materials for whatever it was, "-it's like... the thing to power it, not a battery but one of the things you'd use to run one of the karts? I don't remember what it's called?" The tall guy spoke, "ya mean a motor?" I spoke looking at them still, "Yeah a mot- wait huh?" The tall guy, who I saw had glasses looked over at me, I was standing on my tippy toes so I could look through the wooden bars of the gate "hi!" I laughed at the two, "you guys might wanna replace these soon too! They seem to be rotting!" I shouted again at the two. The big Mohawk guy walked to a lever thingy and opened the door. I hesitated, but walked inside.

Kooky walked inside, shook off the water that collected in their hair and looked around "Hi!" Kooky said again this time with Iggy, the tall palm tree guy, responded "Hiya there lil' guy! How'd you get here?" Iggy bent down to his height, Kooky just shrugged, "My machine messed up! I just got it working too..." Iggy rose a brow looking at them, "Machine?"


"Yeah! I made a teleporty thingy, tried using it to go upstairs and it messed up. Now I don't know where I am!" Both Iggy & his father looked awfully puzzled, "Kid how old are you?" Bowser spoke in his gruff voice, "why does that matter?!" Kooky threw a small fit over it, "Incase your parents file a report of you going missing." Kooky paused, "oh yeah, well I'm 8!" Bowser seemed shocked, Iggy with intense interest "8? Wow! You awfully smart if you can make a teleporter!" Kooky nodded, looking back over in Iggy's direction, who was now sitting on the floor looking at Kooky. "I get that a lot... thanks though..." Kooky yawned, "Here. You two follow me, let's go sit down and continue our conversation." Bowser spoke, walking off towards his room as Iggy & Kooky followed.

Guards and other servants in the castle looked at Kooky curiously, they eventually reached the room Bowser had the two sit on his bed with him sitting down as well. Pulling a notepad out to write down info on Kooky was handed to Iggy, with Bowser looking at the lanky fella "Write his answers down on this paper. We may need the info later." He whispered as Iggy nodded, pulling a pen out of his hair-tie. "Kooky where are you from?" Bowser questioned, "Koopa Kastle!" Iggy wrote this down, then looked up, both him & Bowser had shocked looks on their faces. "What?" Kooky looked at the two, "I knew it! Alternative universes do exist! Didn't know you could travel through em though!" Kooky looked confused by What Iggy had said, mumbled something and opened their notebook and wrote something down on a page. "-Gotta fix that when I get home... maybe that too" they mumbled barely loud enough for Iggy & Bowser to hear, scribbling out words and adding new ones down onto the page in a red pens ink.

The door soon creaked open as Kamek walked waddled in the most 'I'm crippling old' way possible. "Your majesty, Lemmy, Larry & Roy are all choosing to just order food, while the rest wish to have the chef cook, can you help settle this?" Peering over at Kooky Kamek soon spoke once again "Hm? How did Ludwig get smaller?" Kooky raised a brow at this "Who's Ludwig?" Bowser sighed as the two looked at one another confused, "Kamek, this is Kooky, their lost and were trying to find a way to get them back home" He spoke, "Kooky, this is Kamek, the most powerful magikoopa of this kingdom." Kooky nodded, held their hand out for Kamek to shake, which they did. "Now, about dinner tonight... do we order that 'junk' or eat actual food." Kamek repeated. "I say we order out, besides the chef deserves a break now and again." Kamek nodded, and began to head out to let them all know. "Wait Kamek? Can you ask Ludwig to come here for me?" Bowser asked, "Sure thing you majesty!" Kamek chuckled and bowser smiled, Kooky just sat, chilling and talking with Iggy about inventions.

(That's it for now bc I'm tired as fuck but DW tommorw will definitely have an update trust me)

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