《The First Demon》Chapter 5


: I hate what I'm going to do in this chapter; all I have to say is that Road is one of my favorites beside Allen and Tyki.

With Lord Mikk so close to her she couldn't deny his questions. He was just so close and he asked so nicely that no one could deny him, "I-I don't know how Snake-Lilith got into me... all I know is that I had a dream one night and she appeared after I was wrapped in black snakes."

Lord Mikk smiled and then leaned back saying, "You're blushing."

Lilith looked away again and asked trying to calm herself down, "So may you lead me to the exit please? I need to make sure Emilia is going to be okay."

She heard a rustle of clothing and then he said, "All right. I guess I'm not going to get anything here. Come on I'll show you a way out."

She stood up and followed him through the maze and she was impressed how he could remember his way through all of this. She followed him but he didn't say anything until they reached the exit.

"Lilith would you mind telling Road where I am?" he asked.

She looked at him confused but said, "You playing hide and seek with her or something?"

He laughed and replied, "Yeah, something like that."

Lilith smiled and said, "Sure."

She then walked away but when she was going to turn back to thank Lord Mikk he wasn't there. She looked confused but then turned her attention to a voice that was calling her name. She saw it was Emilia and she was grateful she found her so soon.

Later that night the Madam, Emilia, and Lilith ate dinner in the Madam's room so as not to get in anyone's way and also as not to make their hosts, or themselves, dress out of their casual wear. They talked about what happened that day, except Lilith who just told about getting lost in the maze; she wasn't going to talk about her meeting with Lord Mikk.

After they were finished dinner Lilith got up and gathered the plates and asked, "Madam?"

The Madam looked up and smiled saying, "Yes dear?"

"I feel horrible about having one of my own rooms and not doing anything. May you ask the Duke if I can work here for the time we are staying here?"

The Madame looked at her strange but then smiled and said, "If I happen to get the chance to talk with him I'll see what I can do."

Lilith smiled and said, as she was taking the dishes away, "Thank you."

When she returned the dishes to the kitchen she noticed that very few servants were in and all of them seemed, although nice to her, out of it. They didn't very much talk at all or even react much at all.

As she left she saw Road turn the corner and look to her with a smile.

Lilith smiled back and Road said, "The Earl wants to see you."

"Alright, just let me tell the Madam and Emilia that I'm going to see him, and I'll be right there." Lilith said, but Road caught her arm.

Road then smiled and said, "I'll tell them the Earl wanted to see them, oh I mean the Duke."

Lilith smiled at the younger girl and said, "Thanks Miss Road."

She then headed off to the Duke, and when she got there she knocked on the giant door and it opened without any one there. She walked in and the now familiar yet strange burning sensation came to her skin as Snake-Lilith took over. The Earl was sitting across from her and he was eating what looked to be an egg like desert with an evil face on it.


"What is it that you want Earl?" Snake-Lilith seemed a bit impatient which was strange to Lilith.

"I just wanted to ask some more questions." Earl said and when Snake-Lilith he continued, "Do you know where the heart of innocence is?"

Snake-Lilith smirked and said, "How about we discuss that when the rest of you Noah are here... now Adam could you please tell me what your actual questions are?"

The Earl was looking annoyed and he said, "Well one question was what happened to Eve?"

"Another question for all your Noah," Snake-Lilith said studying Lilith's nails.

"Then what can you answer me?" the Earl said.

Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "You can ask when the rest of the Noah are getting here." And she let out a laugh that seemed to even make the Earl shiver.

"Well then... I guess I should bring them here." He said and then there was a crash from somewhere in the house.

Snake-Lilith stood up and then looked at the Earl but he was gone. Snake-Lilith ran to where the explosion was heard and when she got there Lilith took over.

And what she saw scared her to death. Emilia was in front of a black skeleton and was afraid, the Earl was smiling but what he said was drowned out by Emilia's sobs. Right now only Emilia mattered as she was getting attacked by that horrible black skeleton.

Lilith rushed out to get in front of Emilia but was too late and the skeleton got her. Lilith let out a scream as the skeleton took over her friend's body and it seemed the Earl finally took notice that she was in the room. He smiled but she didn't care she went over to the new Akuma made from her friend and hugged her and cried.

Lilith then looked into Emilia's eyes and said, "Emilia..." then out of some primal instinct she placed a hand on her friends brow and then Snake-Lilith said, "I promised I wouldn't make you betray her, and if I don't help you know you will be."

Then words came spilling out of Lilith's mouth as Snake-Lilith took over. When she was done Emilia's dead eyes turned back to having life and then she became unconscious.

Snake-Lilith looked to the Earl with hate filled tears brimming her eyes and she asked, "What the hell were you thinking turning Emilia into an Akuma?" Lilith didn't even know what she was talking about.

The Earl shook his head and said, "I'll tell you when the rest of the Noah meets us to discuss more."

She scowled at him and let out a fake laugh just as Road walked into the room and said, "Well that was fun."

Snake-Lilith stood up and walked over to Road and slapped her across the cheek and walked out saying, "I'll meet you both to answer some questions."

She could feel the shocked tension growing behind her but Snake-Lilith didn't care. "Lilith I made sure that your friend will not remember what happened to her and that her Akuma urges won't kill her or make her do something she doesn't want."

Lilith was confused, "What do you mean... wait she's an Akuma now?! But she still looked like her usual self!"

"That's what happens when a person turns into an Akuma. They look like their normal selves but they are driven by a killing rage and if they don't kill then they die, and they also turn into demons. I just made it so that she no longer has the killing urges and she doesn't have to kill, but if she turns into an Akuma at anytime she will get those urges back and she will lose her soul and her mother's soul to it." Snake-Lilith said as she sat down on the chair in the meeting room.


Lilith's eyes would've widened her eyes if she was in control of her body as she realized what Snake-Lilith was telling her. Not only was the Madam dead but Emilia had an evil power inside of her which would kill her if she didn't kill.

She then noticed a woman with blonde hair and the same skin color, crosses across the forehead, and golden eyes as the other Noah she hadn't met before. Lord Mikk sat down across from her followed by a very angry Road and a neutral Earl. Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "Well now any questions Earl?"

"I want to know why you slapped me!" Road yelled.

"YOU WERE BEING IRRESPONSIBLE!" Snake-Lilith yelled and shut Road right up, "Now Earl your questions?"

The Earl had on his ever staying smiled but no emotion showed in his eyes, "You know my questions."

Snake-Lilith let out a laugh and said, "Before I can explain where the heart of innocence is I have to explain what happened to Eve. And before I explain what happened to Eve I have to explain what happened to you Adam."

The Earl's eyes widened and asked, "What do you mean?"

Snake-Lilith shook her head and said, "I know you don't have all your memories of him back or you would be a lot more afraid of me right now."

She stood up and then looked to Lord Mikk, "You're pretty quiet, Lord Mikk. I'm sure you have some questions."

Lord Mikk smiled and said, "I am but I'll wait for the Earl's questions first. And you and Lilith may call me Tyki in situations apart from the humans."

Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "Alright Tyki." Snake-Lilith motioned for one of the Akuma-maids, "My daughter could you make sure the Lady Emilia is comfortable and safe in my room?"

"Yes mother." The Akuma-maid left like a ghost.

(*1) "Now Adam, when you were first cast down from Eden your new knowledge made you think that man and woman should be equal but after a few days... well let's just say you were the first hard core sexist male pig. Though I have to say since you forgot your first identity you have been better." Snake-Lilith said.

"Well this was of coarse soon after your children were born so they were raised to think that women were lower beings", Snake-Lilith continued, "But you also had to have women to satisfy your... needs. And that was when my Master told me to come and intervene which I did out of sorrow for what have become of my dear friends."

Lilith could feel her eyes softening and could feel the sadness welling up within her as Snake-Lilith said, "Even though I knew you would both probably hate me for what I had done to you. When I first saw Eve she looked at me like I was an illusion, but when she knew I was real she ran to Adam."

"It seemed as if she had truly become what Adam had wanted, the perfect slave. When he met me he remembered that I was the one who cast them down. That was when he attacked me but all I did was lift a hand and he was eating out of my hand." Snake-Lilith seemed as if she was reliving the whole experience and Lilith felt sorry for her.

Snake-Lilith then said looking directly at the Earl and said, "And then when Eve saw this she realized what I had done. I had taken over your soul and given it to my master to control. She then realized how truly evil I was and ran away and hid. I didn't know at the time but she was raising an army to combat me. You see that Adam and Eve weren't the first humans on Earth but they were the holiest, or at least Eve was at this point."

"The only thing was so was I, but with something more sinister. I used Adam and Eve's children and turned them to Akuma, and I had taken Adam's soul and turned it into the first dark matter which became their weapons. But out of nowhere we were attacked and I saw twelve men and women with all kinds of weapons, shining white. Eve had taken her soul and turned them into weapons to combat mine own." Snake-Lilith then let a tear fall down her cheek.

"You don't mean..." the Earl said, and by the looks of it Road and Tyki were captivated by the story.

"Yes Earl. Whereas dark matter made from your soul is the Akuma's weapon and the Akuma soul is made from mixing a human's and a bit of mine, the Innocence users' souls and weapons are mixed with Eve's soul." Snake-Lilith said with a laugh, "It seemed to me at the time she truly hated me for what I had done, or maybe she was just trying to make sure I could rest in peace, I'll never know."

Tyki then asked, "What happened?"

Road nodded and looked to Snake-Lilith with a questioning gaze.

Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "We had a huge battle, but neither side won nor lost. Eve and her warriors were so depleted as were mine that we both retreated, and you and your battles with the Exorcists proves that the battle still goes on. Even though you can say I had won a little bit in the end."

"What do you mean?" Road asked obviously forgetting about Snake-Lilith smacking her.

Lilith was just as curious as the younger girl and that made Snake-Lilith smile, "I found out that as soon as the Innocence are destroyed I get a bit of Eve's soul which is the heart of innocence."

The Earl asked, "So we have to destroy all Innocence to find the heart?" Snake-Lilith nodded and Earl continued, "So what did you win in that battle?"

Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "I found out no Akuma can hurt me, Innocence is more harmful to me than it is to you, and that if I get my hands on an Innocence weapon... I can turn it into a weapon I can wield."

Everyone in the room said, "You don't mean..."

Snake-Lilith said, "I can turn Innocence into dark matter."

*1 not entirely based on the actual bible. Just for an interesting story for the most part.

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