《Hinanami ship week》Day 3 - Family


(I don't know like anything about this topic, but I tried.)

(Sorry I fell asleep last night! This is unfinished, but maybe I'll finish it one day.)

Chiaki Nanami, now Chiaki Hinata, and I have settled down, and later became happily married, for a year after college, and it was undeniably, utterly wonderful. Fun filled days, sweet and warm nights, and not a second to think about what could've been. I can't help but count his blessings each and every day. My former intense insecurities, worthless thoughts of supposedly being worthless, almost *erasing* myself...any other route would've been horrible, and I know that. It's all thanks to Chiaki, in all honesty. She's really the person who pulled me out of this bubble of anxiety and over misery...and I wouldn't ever ask for anything else. We live in an apartment in the city, I work as a lawyer (which, I never knew I could be above decent at), and Chiaki is a gaming journalist. Life was so simple and entertaining, I haven't yet entertained the thought that I was asked that cold Friday when I walked into our kitchen and dining room.

"...!...Hajime, good morning." Chiaki was yawning, so she must've been playing or writing about video games all night. But, obviously, that wasn't the question. Nor was the one after, but the one after that. I pecked her on tired face and sat down next to her. "Good morning. What's up?" "Hajime, did you ever want a kid or something...?" She was so nonchalant about it, well meanwhile I flushed crimson. "W-what do you mean?!" I was worried for the answer that would come afterwards. Anyone who's ever seen a movie, TV show, book, or most realistic fictions about couples would've anticipated what I was thinking. "...all those kids in the orphanage...it's sad...so maybe we could adopt...I think...?" Chiaki smiled, and it was obviously one of, if not the biggest, life choices I'll need to make. But the answer was somehow easy. Maybe it's just the kind of person I am, maybe it's Chiaki's smile, or maybe it's just that I'm ready for the next step. But... "This is a *large* conversation that we need to discuss...but I want to." I couldn't help but smile like an idiot back. "Yeah." She pulled me into a hug, and I hugged back.


Today, it's Saturday, a month later. And today, I'm buzzing with excitement and adrenaline as I walk with Chiaki to an orphanage two hours away from our home. The only thing that is keeping me sane is that fact that I should focus on not freezing or slipping in the snow, and obviously refraining Chiaki whom cannot pay attention to her surroundings from killing herself or loosing her things in the wind. "...Hajime, are you excited? This is a big step...so what do you think?" Chiaki suddenly asked. "I'm really excited, and nervous, simultaneously. I mean, I'm going to be a father and things, yknow?" I barely realized how nervous, crazy, and fast paced this situation was. What if I fail? What if they hate me? What if I mess up, and Chiaki hates me? So many things could go wron- "...you'll be a great father, I know it. You're kind, and worry about things in a good way. You're caring and things...yeah." Chiaki hugged my arm as we continued progressing through the light blizzard. "Th-thanks..." 3 months of marriage and over 5 years of dating couldn't prevent my blushing. We finally walked to the entrance, and opened the door into warm air. I looked back at her, as confirmation, and she smiled back.

An older woman at the front desk looked up from a large novel. "Do you have an appointment?" The woman asked sternly. "Y-yeah. Hinata." I told her. She took out an IPad and swiped 3 times. "Good, on time."

It's been 5 hours. We've filled out paperwork, adoption forms, etc. We said we'd take any child that needs a home and won't get adopted easily. The process was much longer than we expected after all of our preparations. But, it was quicker than usual apparently with merely 2 and a half months, so I suppose that's yet another thing I should thank my lucky stars for. But first, we had to get through an interview. "We're going to have to ask you a few questions before anything." The man informed. I was secretly pleased that there was something to take my mind off my worries. "First, Mrs Hinata, what was your childhood like?" He asked. "Um, I grew up in a wealthy household. My parents weren't around much, but they loved me and bought me things. I didn't speak much in school, and I didn't really have many friends." Chiaki stated. "And you, Mr Hinata?" He asked. "It was just normal, I guess. I worked a lot, and didn't have many friends either. My parents were really ambitious for my future, and I guess that rubbed off on me." I answered. "Did you have any experience with children?" "Neither of us had any siblings." Chiaki answered. "I babysat a little when I was a preteen, but that's basically it." I explained. That fact probably wasn't good. "What's your relationship like?" He inquired. "Happy. It's rare that we fight, we talk a lot, and we're best friends." It was a small comfort that we both were prepared for the test. "Have you ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol?" He asked. "Neither of us drink." I informed. "Do you have any kids, and why do you want a child?" He untwined his hands together, and laid his chin on them. "No, and we want a kid because we're ready for the next step, but there are so many kids in the orphanage..." Chiaki explained. "Are you planning to have anymore children?" He glanced at a sheet in front of him. "I don't think so..." He looked at Chiaki, and she nodded but shrugged. "How did your parents discipline you? Did they yell or spank?" He turned back towards them. "My parents weren't around for that, although I can't remember really getting in trouble much." Chiaki rested her head on her hand. "Mine mainly yelled, but sometimes spanked. Although I didn't get in trouble very much either." I replied.


"Alright, Mrs and Mr Hinata. You're about to meet her; a 5 year old girl. Her name is Fuuko. I'll be back in a moment. On the table is a form about her, feel free to read it." The man left, stating this after many questions. Fuuko Maehiro. 5. Taken away from her parents due to a neglectful family. Diagnosed with selective mutism, although it's likely it'll pass at a point in her life.

I tried my hardest to look calm and happy as I waited, but I felt nervous. All my previously mentioned worries and more built up. What if I'm not good enough to take care of a child? What if she never adjusts? These questions buzzed in my mind as the man reentered, now with a young girl. "Hi, Fuuko. Nice to meet you." Chiaki admirably greeted the girl immediately, and looked really happy but peaceful. I probably should imitate her. "Hello!" I greeted. Fuuko stuck close to the man, and didn't say anything. She had straight, soft brown hair in two pigtails, and wore a school uniform. Her eyes were a soft green.

Aaaaaand I'm gonna have to stop you there. Cuz that was just the demo! If you want, I'll continue it, maybe.

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