《His Unknown Child》Chapter 22: Engine



I yawned.

That felt nice.

I stretched.

Even better.

Then I felt rocking.

Oh yeah. Forgot that me and Lilly stayed the night on the Ferris wheel.

Ugh, this is actually so uncomfortable.

If you ever what to sleep in a Ferris wheel. Then I suggest bringing at least a blanket. Oh my back.

Lilly was still fast asleep. Typical.

I grabbed my phone from my lap and check the time.

Six-forty am.

Damn Daniel.

It's so early.

Why me?

What day is it anyway?


Darn. Lilly has work today, around noon; she's a part time nurse at that nursery home. I don't know what it's called. It's where old people go when they need help or something. I don't know.

I have to go back to work soon. I'm actually gonna go swing by today.

I should probably wake Lilly up now.

"Hey babe. Wake up." I shook her lightly; causing her to wake up slightly.

"Mhhnnnm." She mumbled.

"It's almost seven am. You work at noon." I said.

"It's cold." Well, it is fall.

"Then let's get going." I nudged her.

"Ugh." She stretched.

"There you go. Do you want climb down first of should I?"

"Dammit, I thought we actually sleep at home. In our bed. But something felt wrong. The bed is hard as rock." I chuckled.

"Yep, well that's what we get for sleeping here. I'll remember that next time. NO SLEEPING IN THE FERRIS WHEEL!" She laughed.


"Did you just "same" me?" I said.


"Tosser." I mumbled.

"What was that?" She asked loud and clear.

"Nothing, let's get going." I acted like j said nothing.

"I think I heard you calling me a tosser."

"Pfff, no. Where'd you hear that?"

She kissed my lips. "From this big mouth of yours." She smiled. "Now, don't be calling me a prick now." I chuckled.

"I was just kidding around."

"I know. And I'll go first." She said.

"Alright, let's get going."


"Alright bye. I have to go before I'm late!" Lilly pecked my lips quickly grabbed her keys.

"See you tomorrow. I was actually looking forward to sleeping in an actually bed with you tonight." I chuckled.


"Sorry. I gotta go." She laughed, then left.

All by myself.

What To When Home Alone 101

Seems legit.

Ugh, sometimes it gets boring here alone.


I'll call Charlie. See if I can talk to Aidan.


"Hey, Aidan awake?" I asked.

"Yeah, one sec."

Tic tok tic tok tic tok

"Daddy?" I smiled.

"Hey buddy."

"You forgot to call at night daddy." Yeah.

"Sorry buddy. I'll call tonight though."

"Okay daddy." I just love being called daddy. It makes me feel dependent. And proud. Lucky.

"What are you gonna do today?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Mummy and Twan are taking me for ice cream." Twan? Must be her boyfriend or something.

"Is Twan Mummy's boyfriend."

"I don't know." He giggled. This kid I tell you.

"What kind of ice cream are you getting?" Wait for it.

"BLUEBERRY!" He laughed through the phone.

"Of course. You love blueberry." I chuckled.

"What are you doing daddy?"

"Um nothing." I looked around the empty apartment.

"Where Lilly."

"She's at work."

"Oh, so just you?"

"Yep. Just me." I might go in work today.

The phone was silent for a sec until I heard some talking. "Mummy, can daddy come with us to ice cream?" Oh jeez.

"Let talk to daddy." Charlie said. "Hello? You still here?"

"Yeah." I simply said.

"It's up to you."

"Me? It's up to you and Aidan. Plus your boyfriend. It's your day with Aidan." No fights or arguments.

"We're going out to eat too." Sound good.

"Actually, I can't. I might go check in to work. See when I can start up again."

"You sure?"

"Positive. Let me say bye to Aidan. See you Monday."

"Daddy! Are you coming?!" I can just imagine his face right now.

"No buddy. Daddy's gonna go to work. But I'll see you on Monday."

"Oh, okay. Love you." Ugh, I hate it when he's sad.

"Love you too bud. Bye."

"Bye." Then the phone cut and I puffed my cheeks.

I put on my black ripped work jeans and my black work t-shirt. I slipped on my steel toe boots and black gloves.


I also slipped on my black leather jacket on and my bandana in my back pocket.

Time to bring out the bad boy. Well actually, it's a she. So; time to bring out the bad girl.

That sounded way better in my head.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and keys; locked the door and walks outside to the garages everyone in the apartment building shares.

I opened the very end slot, yet very small. And it revealed my baby.

It's my motorcycle.

Oh it's been too long my friend.

I dusted her off and relaxed. Starting the engine and smirking.

Let's have some fun. While on the way to work...

She's roaring loud and clear.

I'm so proud.

I backed up slowly then speed off to work.

Oh I missed the breeze and feeling motorcycles give you.


"Ay Burns is back." My fellow friends say as I cut off the engine.

"I'm back ass nuggets." They all chuckled.

"We missed you." Ross said while punching my arm lightly.

"Missed you to dude." I punched him back.

"Burns. What a surprise." I looked up to see my boss. Turner Hutsman. But we just call him Turner.

"Turner." I said.

"Welcome come back kid." He ruffed my hair.

"Glad to be back sir."

"How that surprise child of yours?" Johnny said. Then after that, everyone gathered around me like a campfire.

"Wonderful." I smiled.

"Son or daughter?" Adam asked.


"How old?" Mike asked. I chuckled.

"He's four. He's full name is Aidan Darren Burns, and yes. His mother is Charlie Grace. No, we are not together, but yes. I have a girlfriend. It's Lilly Dale, and she does live with me now." I just answered all their questions. Thank god.

"Wow. Well, congrats on fatherhood." Adam patted my back.

"Now it's just you and me who have children." Ross said.

"Ha, yeah."

"Actually my girlfriend and I are expecting soon." We all turned around to see Loui. The quiet one in the squad.

"Oh Loui. How come you never told us? How far is she?" Everyone asked. Loui is nineteen. If you were wondering.

"I didn't want to tell anyone until we had everyone here. Including Ash." I feel special. "And she's eight months."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, spill the gender." Sounds like a game. Haha.

"It's a girl." He smiled.

"Congrats bro. Now three people in fatherhood. Come on Adam, Turner, Mike, Ralph, and Leo. When you guys gonna have children?" Ross. You gotta love him.

Okay so. Ross is twenty. His son is three. Adam is twenty-five. Yes, does have a girlfriend. (It shocked us all), Turner is thirty-one. Married. Mike is Mike. A gay twenty-three year old living with his boyfriend. Gotta love him too. Ralph is the more hidden one. But he's twenty-six. No girlfriend or boyfriend. At least not that I know off. And Leo. Twenty-two. And a fiancé.

"Too young. No offense Loui, Ash, and Ross."

"No offense taken." We all said at the same time.

"Not ready to settle down." Most of them kept saying.

"Customer. Burns, this one's yours." I nodded and left to go check.

"Hey, can I help you?" Typical.

"Yeah, my bike's engine broke down. Like badly. Smoke and oil just slimming out. My breaks started to not work either."

"Well let's go see what we got here. Bring it in." I pressed a button that opened a certain door. "Right here. Yeah, perfect." I kneeled down to the engine and the breaks.

"Please tell me it's fixable."

"Oh yeah. It's fixable alright. But it's gonna take a couple of days. Might need some new parts for the engine and breaks. What is this? Nineteen-thirties?" I asked taking another look at it.


"Alright, I'm gonna need a name."

"Tom Frank."

"Okay, may I have your number please?"


"Thank you. We'll give you a call and keep you updated. If you need any parts replaced or what been going on and all."

"Okay, thank you so much."

"Yep. See you later." He waved and left in his pickup.

"Ross. I need your help."

"What ya need?"

"Look at this."

"Damn. Nineteen-thirty?"

"Yep. And his motor needs some new parts. Needs new brakes and I don't think they sell any of the stuff we need anymore."

"I'll look."

"Thanks, I'll take apart the motor."


Nothing is impossible.

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