《His Unknown Child》Chapter 21: Comfort Zones


"Alright, muscle slab, where are we going?" At this moment, Ashton decided he was gonna take me somewhere.

"Surprise, jeez, don't you women have patience?"

"Nope." He chuckled.

"Go figure."

"I'm tired if waiting. It's been forever." I pouted.

"It's only been ten minutes."

"Still too long."

"Just ten more minutes. I promise."

"Fine." Ten more minutes my ass.

"What was that?" Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Uh, nothing." I quickly voiced. "Man it's quiet. Turn on the radio."

"Ninety-three point seven please." He said as he turned.

I turned the station to the station he wanted.

"Fuck yes." He cheered.

"What?" I asked.

"This song, it's Andy Black- well, Andy Biersack's new song. We Don't Have To Dance."

"Never heard of this Andy."

"I'll show you him later. But right now, I'm singing." I giggled.

Here he goes.

"Record scratched; Steve Miller Band

Tattooed necks and tattooed hands

Oh, how don't you drown in a rain storm? Fresh regrets, vodka sweats

The sun is down and we're bound to get

Exhausted and so far from the shore. You're never gonna get it I'm a hazard to myself, I'll break it to you easy, This is hell, this is hell, You're looking and a' whispering, You think I'm someone else, This is hell, yes. Literal hell. We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to smile, We don't have to make friends. It's so nice to meet you, Let's never meet again.

We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to dance. Bottles smash, I raise my hand, How can you all even stand, And why is there joy in this poison, oh. Faking smiles and confidence, Driving miles to capture this excitement. I can't take anymore, oh. You're never gonna get it, I'm hazard to myself. I'll break it to you easy, This is hell, this is hell. You're looking and a' whispering, You think I'm someone else. This is hell, yes. I am in hell. We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to smile, We don't have to make friends. It's so nice to meet you, Let's never meet again. We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to dance

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. You're never gonna get it I'm a hazard to myself, I'll break it to you easy, This is hell, this is hell. You're looking and a' whispering, You think I'm someone else, This is hell, yes. Literal hell. We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to smile, We don't have to make friends. It's so nice to meet you, Let's never meet again. We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to dance. We don't have to talk, We don't have to talk, We don't have to dance, We don't have to talk. Talk talk, We don't have to dance. We don't have to talk. Talk talk talk talk. Talk talk talk."


"That song was amazing. Also, when do you sing?"

"My mom taught me. She used to sing to me all the time. So I guess it kind of got passed down to me." He shrugged.

"Well, you're amazing."

"I know." He smirks.

I rolled my eyes. "Now are we there yet?"

"Yes. Now close your eyes." I closed my eyes as the car stopped. After, I heard a door open, then close. Then, my door opened and Ashton's hands grabbed mine. "Don't open." He said.

"I'm afraid to open anyways." I laughed.

"Now, I'll lead you." I started hearing the wind and birds.

"Where are we?" It's so quiet.

"Open." My eyes fluttered open slowly. And right before my eyes, oh my god. It's amazing.

"Ashton." I hugged him.

"I thought it would be better to come when it's closed." I nodded rapidly.

"It is better." I tugged at his arm. "Come on, I wanna win a big squid or octopus!" I squealed like a little girl.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." He followed me.

I'm so glad she loved it. I thought it wasn't gonna be good enough. The fair grounds are closed for the fall, since it's getting too cold and it was too late to bring her before it closed.

"Ugh, I can't throw. I always miss. No wonder why I was kicked off the softball team when I was twelve." I chuckled.

"Here." I stood behind her, held onto her arm and waist and swung her arm back. "Now focus on the target. Breathe." She took a deep breath. "And let go." Her arm swung forward and she let go of the ball. The ball hit the middle and all the pins went down.

"YES!" She cheered. I went behind the counter and put on a goofy hat and mustache. "And what prize would you want ma lady." I wiggled my eyebrows while she giggled.

"I want the small colorful squid." She pointed at the stuffed animal.

"Coming right up." I said deeply. I grabbed the squid and handed it to Lilly. "Here you go."

"Why thank you." She grabbed he squid from my hand. "I'm gonna call it Squidgy." I chuckled and pulled off the hat and mustache.

"Follow me." I started running to the Ferris wheel.

Once we were steps away from it, I held out my hand.

"I can't." She mumbled.

"Come on. It's gonna fun." I begged.

"Ashton." She said seriously.

"What is it?" I walked closer to her.

"I'm scared of heights." She mumbled, but I smiled.


"Look at me." I lifted up her chin with my hand and looked deeply in her eyes. "Everything will be just fine. Great things come from comfort zones." I kissed her forehead.


"Oh my god. Ashton!" She squealed as she stopped and looked down from the latter.

"Lilly, don't look down. You're just fine. I'm right below you. Keep going." I motivated her. She nodded and kept climbing, but slowly.

"I'm gonna kill you when we get home." Home. Gotta love that word.

"For what? You agreeing to join me? Or coming on this fantastic date?" I smirked.

"For you making me climb all the way up here. It's like two hundred million feet high." I rolled my eyes.

"Doll face, I didn't make you come up here."

"Yes you did."

"I just simply told you, you'd be alright."

"Now what do I do?" She stopped as we reached the top cart.

"Slowly, and carefully open the little door and climb in." I simply said.

She opened the door slowly, and quickly got in. Not paying attention to "carefully".

I followed her. I shut the door and sat across from her to keep the balance. I honestly hate how these things rock back and forth.

"Perfectly fine." I smiled.

"For now." She looked away.

"Hey, at least you get a great view." I pointed out. How the sunset was going down and all.

"Yeah, you're right." She smiled. Finally. "How long are we staying up here? It's getting dark."

"Maybe all night." I said.

"All night? Are you crazy? You're gonna make me stay up high; all night?" I nodded.

"Would you rather climb down in pitch darkness or stay up here until dawn? Your call."

"Fine, you have a good point." I chuckled.

"I always have a good point."

"Do you have to be across from me?"

"No." I got up carefully and sat next to her. "Better?"

"Much. How can you like heights?" She asked.

"Well, my mom use to take me here and other places too. She loved heights. She loved going on the power tower, Ferris wheel, the swings. So, when I was tall enough, she would make me go with her. I was petrified. I was only eight. And let me tell you, I hated height so much, that I nearly passed out on the power tower."


"Yeah, but after so many times and years going on the same thing. I got used to going up high in the sky. Heights soon became my best friend." I finished explaining.

"My mom hated heights. So in my childhood, we never went on those big, tall rides."

"What about your dad?" I asked.

"He died when I was ten. Nobody knew though. When he died, I kept it to myself. Me and my mother and other relatives. So when anybody asked where's my dad, I would also say we was at work, or traveling for work. I would make up so many lies, soon my life became a lie. So I just started becoming a lie. That's why I was the bitch, slut in high school." Wow, that was deep.

"You weren't the bitch or slut. Okay, maybe you were a bitch on some cases. But you were in a phase. Because now look at you. Ashton Burns, your boyfriend. And now living with him. How much better could it get?" She chuckled.

"It can get much better."

"How." I said.

"Well, if we're still together in the future. We could have kids." Ah, kids. Aidan's the definition of one. Loud, funny, adorable, but yet can put you in a coma.

"Well hopefully we are still together in the future. I might want one or two more kids." I chuckled.

"Just one or two?" I nodded.

"Well it would be different for the both of us. I already have Aidan. If we have a kid, I would have two and you would have one and a half."

"One and a half?"

"Well yeah. You being Aidan's stepmom."

"Oh Ashton. That means so much to me." I smiled and hugged her. "He'll still have to call my Lilly." She chuckled.

"Obviously. I think Charlie would probably whip me if she knew Aidan was calling someone else mommy."

"And you would whip Charlie if Aidan was calling someone else daddy."

"That's correct. You're getting so smart." I poked her nose.

"Was it a shock?" She asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "About what?"

"When Charlie told you about Aidan?"

"You want me to tell you how I actually found out about Aidan?"

"Yes please."

"Alright." And from there. I told her the story. And more stories of what happened before I met her. We just talked for the rest of the night until we both fell asleep.

Nighty night.

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