

I let myself melt into Colby for a second, loving the feeling of his lips on mine.

It didn't feel right though, I didn't know him.

"Wait." I whispered and pushed away from him, "I'm sorry." He said as I shook my head. "This isn't right..." I said and took a deep breath. "What do you mean?" He asked quietly as I brought my hand to my head.

"We don't even know eachother...and Daisy is practically in love with you. We can't do this." I said feeling my heart ache slightly.

"Then let's get to know eachother. I know it's crazy. I know it doesn't make sense, but I really like you, Vi." He said as I chewed my lip.

"I can't do that to Daisy." I said and shook my head. "Daisy and I have nothing going on, Vi. You're not doing anything wrong. Just..just talk to me." He said as I closed my eyes letting out a breath.

"I can't." I whispered then turned to walk back to the hotel. "Stay, bunny." Colby said which made my heart stop.

Only my dad called me bunny.

"What did you just call me?" I asked in shock as I stopped and turned to him. "Vi?" He asked with confusion laced in his tone.

Was this a sign from my parents to go with my heart for once? I literally asked for a sign from them right before Colby came up to me.

I froze for a second as he watched me cautiously. None of this made any sense, and I didn't know how I was supposed to navigate this situation.

It didn't matter though.

Your heart knows no logic.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked as I nodded, "What's your favorite color?" I asked and took a step closer to him.

He smirked, "I don't know, maybe blue? Or black. Red is also pretty cool." He said and reached his hand out to me.

"I think mines purple." I said and took his hand, letting him lace his fingers through mine. "So Violet likes the color violet." He said causing me to grin. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Okay, your turn." I said as we slowly started walking back to the hotel.


"Hmmm...so I know you have two jobs but what are they, like what do you do for a living?" He asked as I looked up at the moon again. "I work at the hospital as an echocardiologist, and I work at an all night diner on my off days." I said as he stopped.

"So you're like, SMART smart." He said causing me to laugh and turn towards him. "Far from it. I took a two year program to become an echocardiologist because it's the fastest program to get a job at the hospital." I said as he nodded.

"Right, but like..you have to be smart to be able to do that. My mom was in school for like 600 years to become a nurse. It's hard work." He said and started walking with me again, caressing my hand with his thumb.

"Yeah, but it's worth it. I like what I do, maybe one day I'll be able to go back to school and because an actual cardiologist." I said with a small laugh. "Enough about me though, why did you decide to go into social media? Like did it just happen to you?" I asked as he looked over and grinned.

"You're supposed to be a fan." He said as I shrugged. "I told you, I like your videos but Daisy's the real fan here." I said with a laugh.

"Right, well Sam and I were really fucking awkward and anxious in High School and pretty much our entire lives before that." He said as I shivered against the cold wind.

"We decided we wanted to learn to become confident, so we started going to the mall and just talking to people and stepping out of our comfort zone." He said then let go of my hand so he cooild wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"Then vine became popular so we decided just go for it and try to get popular so we could spread that message to an audience." He said and rubbed my arm in an attempt to warm me up.

"So you did all of this just to help other people? You weren't in it for the money and the fame?" I asked as he chuckled, "no, those are perks I guess. Sam and I don't really consider ourselves to be famous though." He said as I rested my head on his shoulder.


"You guys have like millions of fans." I said as he chuckled, "Yeah, but we are still those awkward kids from Kansas." He said as I looked up at him.

"You don't seem to be awkward." I said as he shook his head, "You're special, Vi. I can't pin what it is, but I just know this is meant to happen." He said as I sighed.

"It's never going to work though." I said and leaned up so I could look at him better. "You live in LA. I live in Colorado. Daisy is going to lose her shit if she ever finds out about this." I said starting to get a little stressed out.

"I know the circumstances aren't the best, but I've never felt a connection like this before. I'm surrounded by beautiful girls all day every day, but I've never felt like this before." Colby said as I sighed.

"What are we going to do when this week is over? Just forget it ever happened?" I asked and stepped away from him as we walked into the lobby.

"I don't know, let's just take things as they are and live in the moment. Let's take this week to get to know eachother. If we still feel like this at the end of the week we can talk about options." He said as I sighed.

"Okay." I said as we got into the elevator. I wish I could describe the pull I was feeling towards him. I didn't fall for guys like this. Yeah, I have had boyfriends in the past but this felt different.

This felt like when you resurface after being under water for a long time. It felt like the sun shining after a long rainstorm.

It felt like I have known him my entire life and that this was normal.

It felt comfortable.

"We can't tell Daisy about this though." I said chewing my lip. "We won't. It's just our little secret for now. All hell would break loose if anyone found out about you." He said and put his hands on my hips.

"Are they going to murder me if they find out?" I asked as he laughed, "No, but they are gonna be mad. They have a hard time when I'm even sitting next to a girl at dinner." He said then took my hand and led me down the hallway.

"I'm scared now." I said with a nervous laugh as he caressed my cheek, "Don't worry, I'll handle them. Maybe just brace yourself for wrath that will be Daisy." He said as I nodded, leaning into his touch.

"Okay, get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow." He said quietly then kissed me. "Goodnight, Colby." I said as he pulled away from me. "Goodnight, Vi." He said then smiled and turned towards his door.

I couldn't help the wide smile that formed as I opened walked into Daisy and I's room.

Luckily she was asleep so I wouldn't have to worry about explaining anything to her.

I felt bad that I was going behind her back, but I was rarely selfish when it came to her. She loved calling me selfish but she knows I would give everything up for her. I wanted to see where this was going to go, I really really did, but I could see myself giving it all up to make Daisy happy.

I could see myself telling her about the situation and her losing her mind and it broke my heart. She's been through so much, she didn't deserve the hurt that this would bring.

Follow your heart for once.

The thought flitted through my mind before I could even process it. I deserved to follow my heart. I deserved to be happy even if it was only for a week.

I deserved to be able to fall for Colby.

And I was.

I was falling for Colby Brock.

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