《1990s The Nutcracker Prince: Wolfwalkers》Chapter 1
Clara couldn't remember the last time she saw her sister Louise look so nervous.
"Sis, is something the matter?" Clara asked as she watched her older sister walk into hers, Clara's and their younger brother Fritz's den in a small cave chamber, where Clara herself was petting one of the three large gray wolves by her side.
Clara and her siblings were not human... though they looked the part half the time... they were Wolfwalkers... beings who walk the earth as humans when they were awake but when their human bodies lay asleep, their wolf forms would emerge and walk the earth.... Some say they and their ancestors were cursed to be this way, for if any harm came to a Wolfwalker in their wolf form their sleeping human bodies would gain the said injury too... Some say it was a gift... for this allowed the Wolfwalkers to do more than a typical human could, Clara and her pack certainly thought that was a gift.
"Oh, um... it's nothing Clara, the pack meeting is about to begin... It's just I've never seen Pantaloon and Trudy look so worried..." Louise trailed off in a concerned voice.
Clara then walked up to her and hugged her reassuringly. "They're the alpha's of our pack, I'm sure they're only worried about keeping us safe since we Wolfwalkers are so small in numbers" the girl said.
Clara was a pretty young twelve-year-old girl, her shoulder length auburn hair that was pulled back and held up in a blue ribbon, she had crystal blue eyes, wore a teal colored dress, was pale skinned and barefoot.
Louise smiled as she hugged her sister back. Lousie was eighteen and looked almost exactly like her younger sister, only older and she wore a brown dress, and was taller.
"Let's go, the pack meeting is about to start" the older sister said as she guided Clara out of their den as their three wolves followed close behind them. They stopped walking when they came to the main part of the cave where five other wolf walkers and at least twenty one other regular full grown gray wolves were waiting for them.
Fritz (Clara and Louise's eight-year-old younger brother) was playing with some of the small wolf pups, he had light brown hair and eyes, wore a loose white shirt, brown britches, and like every other Wolfwalker in the cave he was barefoot.
Next to Fritz were Clara's closest friends Marie and her boyfriend Gaston.
Marie was thirteen, she had curly brown hair, dark blue eyes, rosy cheeks, she wore a pink and blue dress, a blue bonnet on her head, and she had pale skin.
Gaston( who was fourteen) had a short but curly balck mustache and black hair, his eyes were the color of coal, he wore a red loose shirt and balck britches.
"Alright now that all of you are here we will begin the pack meeting" Pantaloon said as he and his mate Trudy stood in front of everyone in the cave.
Pantaloon wore a red soldier's uniform and baze britches, he had gray hair and a curly long gray mustache and kind brown eyes.
His mate Trudy wore an orange dress with a green shawl around her shoulders, and a white bonnet over her shoulder length gray hair and she had coal colored eyes.
"Yes, as you are all aware, this pack has suffered greatly over the past few years... and as of now the seven of us are the only Wolfwalkers left in existence..." Trudy said moranfully as Pantaloon continued on.
"Which is why we have decided that this area is no longer safe enough for our pack, and to find a much more suitable territory" he stated.
"If I may be so bold as to ask Alpha's, where would we start looking for this new home?" Louise asked, speaking up.
"South is where we will start, Louise, it will be warmer and more food will be available" Trudy stated.
"We will be sending you and Clara to find this new territory" Pantaloon added, making Clara's eyes widen.
"What!" Alpha's why me and Louise?!" she questioned.
"Clara, you will be thirteen soon, it's high time you took on some responsibilities in this pack, and the rest of us must stay here and prepare for the move" Trudy said.
Clear could only nod upon hearing this, she knew she spoke the truth.
"What about me?" Fritz asked as he stood next to his two sisters.
"I'm sorry lad but I'm afraid you're too young for this pack mission" Pantaloon said, making Fritz frown.
"But, who's gonna protect you two?" he asked, turning to Louise and Clara who only smiled softly at their brother.
"Fritz you're needed here with the pack, you'll need to help everyone here get ready for this move" Clara said as kindly as she could.
"But what if something happens to you two and you never come back like Mama and Papa?" the boy questioned while pouting.
Louise then stepped up and hugged both of her siblings close.
"That won't happen Fritz, we'll look out for each other and find a good new home for this pack" she promised tightening the hug even more as the younger siblings hugged back.
"You be safe Clara alright? You and Lousie" Marie said as she hugged Clara goodbye the next day.
"Well be back before you know it Marie, I promise" Clara stated as she hugged her friend back.
"We will look after Fritz for you and your sister while you are both gone" Gaston said in his french accent.
Clara smiled at her two best friends. "Thank you both so much, take care of each other too alright?" she said as she took both of her friend's hands in her own.
"We always have and we always will" Gaston said as he took Marie's free hand and held it in his own tightly, making her blush and smile.
After saying goodbye to their pack Clara, Louise, and a dozen regular gray wolves began their long journey down south on foot.
Clara, you look nervous, what's the matter?" Lousie asked her sister as they both carried a satchel of supplies as they walked alongside their wolf pack.
Clara sighed. "Why did Pantaloon and Trudy choose me for this mission? You, I understand Louise, I mean you're a great leader and you're very clever... but me... I'm none of those things thus I don't understand how I can help..." the young girl trailed off.
Louise smiled softly as she took her sister's hand in her own and squeezed it for reassurance as they continued to walk. "Clara, you're growing up as Trudy said, sometimes we have to do things that may seem like a lot at first, but in time we learn that those things will help us grow stronger, whether we think we are ready or not," she said.
Clara sighed, "I guess you're right, but I'm still scared all the same" she replied.
"I'll tell you a secret sis, I'm scared too, but I will never let that fear control me. We must do what is best for the pack our family" Lousie stated gently.
Clara smiled at her older sister. "Okay, then we'll do our best for the pack and find a new home, right?" she said confidently, stopping to hug her sister who hugged back happily as their wolves huddled around them and licked their faces, making the two girls laugh.
"We'll do this together Clara, as sisters I promise" Lousie said as she, her sister, and the wolves continued on their journey making Clara smile.
"I promise too"
Fourteen-year-old Hans was a strange boy to his village, he had long dark black hair in a long ponytail, he had dark blue eyes, he wore a white buttoned shirt and a brown vest over it and wore matching britches.
Hans was an amazing mechanic, he could fix nearly anything... However, because the boy spent so much time in his uncle's old workshop, Hans didn't have many friends, many in the town thought him odd for not joining the army for the king like his older cousin Eric who was eighteen and a hunter to keep the wild animals far out of the walled kingdom.
Hans and Eric lived in their uncle Drosselmyers toy shop, while their uncle had passed away about a year ago from a sickness Hans did everything in his power to keep his memory alive by managing his toy shop.
"There! All fixed!" Hans said triumphantly as he held up a small coo coo clock while his gray kitten Pavlova purred at his feet. "Mrs. Miller will be pleased I finished fixing her grandfather's clock earlier than expected, come on Pavlova lets go drop it off" the boy said as he got up from his desk in his quite messy workshop that also had belonged to his and his cousin's uncle. Hans and Eric each lost their parents from sickness when they were young boys, and since then they had been living in their uncle Drosslemeyer's toy shop that had a small flat above it where the three of them had previously lived together until their uncle had died of a terrible cold, since then it had just been Eric, Hans, and their kitten Pavlova whom Hans found abandoned on the streets about two months ago.
"Come on Pavlova the Miller's home is just around the corner!" Hans called as he picked up an apple on his way out of the toy shop, only to almost run into his cousin Eric who was just coming in.
"Hans be careful, how many times must I tell you!?" Eric scolded as he narrowly avoided slamming into his younger cousin.
Eric was tall and wore a red hunting uniform and he carried a crossbow with arrows in a pack on his back, he had brown eyes and short brown hair in a small ponytail.
"Sorry Eric, I just have to deliver this to Mr. and Mrs. Miller and-" Hans started but his cousin cut him off.
"Don't tell me, their old clock broke yet again?" Eric said rather than asked.
"Eric, little things like this clock can mean alot to some people, when all we have left of of someone is our memories, then we must make sure those memories never die, that's why Mrs. Miller loves this old clock, she was very close with her grandfather, like we were very close with our uncle Drosselmeyer" Hans stated firmly.
Eric sighed. "You know there's a difference from remembering someone whose passed and just not letting go of the grief Hans,"
The younger boy's grip tightened on the clock. "I'll be back shortly...." he trailed off as he left the toy shop with Pavlova following close behind him.
"Honestly that boy spends too much time alone..." Eric thought to himself.
"Oh thank you, so much Hans, I appreciate all you've been doing to help keep my old clock up and running" Mrs. Miller said happily as Hans set the clock on the mantle while standing on a short ladder.
"It's no trouble Mrs. Miller" Hans replied with a smile as he got down from the ladder.
"Oh, that reminds me, something quite odd happened to my husband last week and I think you'd find it quite interesting" Mrs. Miller said in a hush whisper.
"Really what happened is he alright?" Hans asked as he picked up Pavlova who purred in his arms.
"Please sit down, we'll have tea and I will tell you everything.... If you promise to keep it all secret," Mrs. Miller said, looking around as if to check if anyone else was listening.
"I promise," Hans stated sincerely, making the woman before him smile.
"Wolfwalkers?" Hans questioned, raising an eyebrow as he sat with Mrs. Miller at the tea table in the parlor with Pavlova asleep in his lap.
"Yes, they are half human and half wolf. They say that these beings walk as humans by day and as wolves at night and they have the power to heal others... My husband saw two of them when he was with his fellow woodcutters making way for the newest part of the kingdom's village" Mrs. Miller said in a low voice.
"What...?" Hans trailed off softly.
"Yes, these wolfwalkers were among a wild wolf pack that obeyed their every command, they gave the woodcutters quite a scare. My husband and the rest of them ran but my dear husband tripped and injured his ankle. He couldn't walk and thought that the wild wolves would devour him.... But the wolves simple sniffed him and whimpered to the their two wolfwalker masters, they were two young women one looked about your cousins age and the younger one look just a year or two younger than you, my dear boy, but anyway, my husband said he had never been more scared in his entire life, as these to female wolfwalkers kneeled down and howled like the wolves around them and golden light poured from their hands onto his injured ankle... and just like that he could walk again as if the accident never happened" Mrs. Miller stated finishing the story.
"Wow then what happened?" Hans questioned in wonder as Pavlova played with a tassel on a pillow Hans sat next to.
"The Wolfwalkers told my husband to leave and to stop cutting down their forest and then the two and their pack retreated into the woods, he's been trying to stop the village expansion ever since, that's why he's gone off to the castle today, he's trying to convince the King to do as the Wolfwalkers said... though I doubt that his majesty will listen, I doubt he would even believe my husband..." Mrs. Miller trailed off with worry in her voice as she stared down at her half full teacup in her hands.
"Well you believe him, I'd say that's enough" Hans said kindly.
Mrs. Miller looked up at the boy and smiled. "Thank you Hans, You have a kind heart, it's a wonder you have no special girl in your life"
Hans blushed. "Well actually Princess Pirlipat seems to be interested in me, from what Eric says at least"
"My, the Princess must want to marry you, what do you think of her?" Mrs. Miller questioned.
Hans sighed. "I'm not really interested in her, I mean the princess is beautiful no doubt but she's very self centered and a bit cruel towards others, I'd want a girl who would love me for who I am not just for appearance" the boy stated.
"Well with your heart that shouldn't be a problem, Now off you go, I'm sure you have to close up your uncle's shop for the day and your cousin might be wondering where you are, it's nearly supper time" Mrs. Miller stated cleaning up the tea table.
"Oh, you're right, the sun is beginning to set. Let's go Pavlova" Hans said as he picked up his kitten friend and began to head towards the front door. "I enjoyed your story Mrs. Miller, and I hope everything works out in the end for what your husband is requesting from the king" Hans said politely as Mrs. Miller and him waved goodbye once he stepped outside.
"Hm, Wolfwalkers, eh? I don't believe it, what about you Pavlova?" the dark haired boy asked as he held Pavlova close as she simply stared at him while licking her paw.
"I know, it's very hard to believe. Perhaps the Millers made that story up, the king is becoming rather controlling over his subjects, maybe they're just trying to make me see it" Hans said as he walked into his shop ignoring the villagers whispering about how odd he was as he had passed through the town. Upon entering the shop Hans noticed something on the front desk out of the corner of his eye.... It was Eric's crossbow and quiver of arrows!
"ERIC!? You have got to be joking!" the boy exclaimed as he put Pavlova down and picked up the weapon and its amo pack. "We have to bring these to Eric, let's go girl!" Hans said, rushing out the door with Pavlova following close behind.
Once Hans was able to sneak past the guarded main entrance of the walled kingdom's village he and Pavlova hurried into the woods.
"Okay, alright, I can do this, I may never have been beyond the wall but I'm a man I can do this. It'll be easy; find Eric, give him his cross bow and arrows and go home for a nice cup of hot soup for supper, yes I can do, I can do this ..." Hans trailed off nervously as sweat dripped down his forehead while he and Pavlova walked through the woods. "Eric? ERIC!" Hans called trying to find his cousin as soon as possible.
Suddenly Pavlova began hissing behind the boy.
"Pavlova, what's the matter?" Hans asked nervously, fearing he already knew the answer.... "Please don't be a dangerous wild animal, please don't be a dangerous wild animal...." Hans silently begged as he forced himself to carefully turn around... only to nearly faint from fright, there were wolves, at least half a dozen of them. They had gray fur and they were large and growling as well as approaching him and Pavlova.
"Ah... ah....!" Hans stuttered as he took out an arrow, placing it in the crossbow. "Y-you wolves, get away from us stay away!" he threatened fearfully as hands along with the crossbow were shaking, but the wolves growled and continued to stalk closer to him and his cat.
"RUN!" Hans told Pavlova as they then took off running away from the wolves.
Hans was so busy running away that he failed to notice that he had dropped the crossbow.... And when he turned he gasped in pure terror... the arrow had pearced through Pavlova's leg and it was bleeding.... Badly...
"PAVLOVA!" Hans cried as he began to run back over to his cat only to stop as the wolves blocked his path growling.
"Get out of my way please, she's hurt!" Hans begged as he looked past the wolves, only to gasp at the sight he was witnessing; a girl about a year or two younger than him with shoulder length auburn hair that was pulled back and held up in a blue ribbon with crystal blue eyes, wearing a teal colored dress smudged with dirt, was pale skinned and barefoot was holding Pavlova who was meowing in pain from the arrow in her leg.
"Hey, leave her alone!" Hans shouted as he was so confused and frightened that he couldn't move.
The girl looked up at Hans and to his surprise she growled and barked at him and then looked at Pavlova with a sense of pity and softness in her eyes.
"Give her back please..." Hans begged so softly that he wasn't sure if the girl could hear him.
Suddenly a horn could be heard in the distance, making the girl look at the wolves between her and Hans. "Let's go!" she told the wolves as she then hopped on to one of the wolves with Pavlova in her arms as they ran out of sight deeper into the forest.
"NO! Pavlova!" Hans cried as he tried to chase after the girl and the wolf pack only to stop when he saw Eric running towards him.
"Hans, what are you doing out here!?" his older cousin questioned as more of the guards showed up along with the short King who was riding his large white horse.
"ERIC! What is the meaning of this!? We are supposed to be hunting the wolves, who is this lad?!" the king boomed.
"Your highness, please accept our apologies, this is my younger cousin Hans" Eric said as he kneeled before the king making Hans do the same with his hand on his shoulder.
"What is a young boy doing outside of the wall of the village? You know the rules, no children outside of the wall!" the King shouted angrily.
"I-I well you see I- your majesty I my cousin left his cross bow and arrows at home I want to return them is all!" Hans stuttered nervously.
"Oh Hans, I got a new crossbow and arrows, that's why I left my old ones at home" Eric clarified.
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