《Warrior Cats: The Wolfwalkers》Chapter 2


The grey wolf barked loudly, it's tongue lolling. It ran towards Rusty, and he let out a yowl in fright. He quickly moved, his fur bristling and his claws unsheathed.

As the wolf entered the grass clearing, it's ears flattened and it let out a whining noise, before emitting more barks.

"B-back off!" He hissed, his voicing wobbling from fear.

The wolf seemed to understand what Rusty was saying, a disappointed look appearing across its face.

It approached Rusty more slowly this time, but the tom didn't want to be anywhere near it. He backed up, a hiss forming in his throat. The canine didn't seem to get the memo, though, and kept moving towards him.

Rusty did the only thing he could think of, and ran. He bounded away from the wolf, heading towards the way he entered the clearing. The wolf yipped excitedly, as if it was playing some sort of game. It sped after Rusty, it's long and powerful legs propelling it forward.

Rusty's paws turned up leaf litter and loosened grass, desperate to run faster than the wolf. While he wasn't paying attention, he stubbed them against something hard. Probably a rock, he though internally.

He didn't think anything of it until...


Something cold and hard clamped onto his front leg, and he yowled in pain. He tried to move, but he only hurt his paw even more. The wolf stopped running and let out a shocked yelp, padding in front of Rusty. It's hot breath blew across his face, and he grimaced.

The wolf opened it's jaws and lunged for his leg. Instead of his teeth biting down into his skin, it bit down on the thing trapping his foot. It pulled and pulled on the clamp, until it tried to lunge again. A horrible thought dawned on Rusty. It's trying to eat me because I'm injured!


His claws unsheathed, and he batted at the wolf's muzzle. It winced but didn't stop it's assault. Rusty tried again and again to smack his attacker, but the wolf was relentless, prying and tugging at the clamp.

It was bad thinking on Rusty's part to attack a wolf that had never actually harmed him. And it was bad timing to move his paw directly in front of the wolf's jaws.


The clamp had broken off due to the sheer strength of the wolf's jaws, but Rusty was too shocked to notice.

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