《Love triangle (editing)》Twenty-five (part two/the end )



I know y'all want to whoop my ass and make me the biggest bad guy in the world to put my girlfriend and mother through this. I regret it all cause I could have lost the three most important people to me, my moms, my girl , and my child in her stomach . I swear to god and I swear on my life I will never do that shit again. This is not what I intended on happening at all. But I learned you can not play with people's feelings. Just cause things are over with Armani , I'm still kind of in the dog house until tiffany decides to throw that out the window.

I know you guys are wondering what happened to tiffany and if my mom was the one that got shot . Well thank god tiffany was only shot in her hand , so her and the baby are doing just fine. Unfortunately , with Armani and my moms tussling around with the gun , Armani was the one that was shot and has to have a temporary colostomy bag until her big surgery. Me and Armani had a long talk and came to an understanding. I also had a restraining order put out on her just in case she chooses to have another episode. My moms is fine , but she got in my ass so bad for trying to juggle two woman. But hold on , I have to handle something.

" ok are you guys ready to know the gender?" The ultrasound tech asked. We both looked at each other and said "Yes!" The nurse smiled and lightly screamed "it's a girl!" I felt a tear fall on my cheek, and I get little butterflies in my stomach. Tiffany really about to give me a babygirl. Damn , I am so appreciative of her and forever will love her. While she was talking on the phone with her mother , I quickly took a box out my pocket. I got on one knee and grabbed her hand to kiss it so she can look at me. She really was so into the phone she wasn't paying me any attention until the ultrasound tech tapped her and pointed to me. "Oh shit, oh my goddddddddd!! Your playing right?" I shook my head and said "of course not, I wouldn't play with anything like this.. we been through so much, you been riding for me, and I can't find what we have with no one else. I love you to death and for you carrying my child, you are my queen I worship. So Tiffany Nichole Daniels, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" She was crying and trying to suck up the tears to speak . I wiped her tears away and rubbed her forehead. She looked up at me and said "yes!" I heard her mother screaming over the phone screaming of excitement. I know she different from me but I know she's the one. I'll accept her for her just like she accepts me for me . It's a forever thing.


My phone started to buzz. Oh hell no ! I ignore it . It started to buzz again. "Hold on baby, I gotta take this phone call" I said to tiffany before I walked out the room. I answered and the words "hey baby" annoyed my ears. " What do you want Armani?" I said angrily. "Walk down the hall and take a right turn and meet me in the bathroom. I miss you." Armani said sounding sexy. I pressed end and walked back into the room with my fiancé to enjoy this good news of me having a babygirl. Be blessed!

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