《Love triangle (editing)》Twenty-five (part one of two)


"Tiffany bring your pregnant ass down here, you risking my grandbabies life for someone who has nothing to lose." I yelled. Tiffany looked at me like she seen a ghost before she brought herself down the stairs. " I should whoop your ass! Sit down now!" I yelled! " now what the fuck do you want? Armani said annoyed. " for you to leave my family alone!" I said sternly. " it's not that easy,I can't just leave him alone." She said walking down the stairs towards Me. As she was getting closer to me, tiff stood up. "Sit down , I got this tiff!" I yelled . " you got what, I will kill you right now, ground you up ,and feed you to my neighbors dog. So, I advise you and Tiffany to get the fuck out!" Armani yelled. " bitch please , I will fu" Tiffany stopped talking as Armani pulled the trigger. "You got so much mouth but cat got your tongue now huh bitch!" She said amused. " Armani, I know you fell in love with my son. But it's over! I am sorry you lost your child but don't you think things happen for a reason." I said believing myself! "Terrell must have had some type of love for you to bring you to my home. I think you are beautiful woman with a good head on your shoulder that deserves someone who one hundred percent wants you." I said calmly. "He does one hundred percent want me , he just trying to be a man and take care of his responsibilities, it's not over." Armani said crying . "If my baby was still here , I promise you , Tiffany would not be with him today." She said looking at tiff. She rushed over and shoved the gun to Tiffany's neck. "You thought this was your happily ever after huh, I lost my baby and you have Terrell all to yourself . My baby is dead , I want you to feel the pain I'm feeling. I don't know if I should just shoot and kill the baby and have you feel pain for the rest of your life or just off your stupid ass too." Armani said. Tiffany looked at me basically telling me to do something with her eyes. " now that's not necessary, how about I give you some money. How is ten grand? You can do a lot with that. Start a new life somewhere else and have a little something until you get on your feet. " I said " ten thousand isn't going to bring my baby back now is it ." Armani asked me sarcastically. "No but it can help you with getting over Terrell" I said seriously. "Please just take it, let's just go our separate ways and stay in our own lanes. You don't deserve to keep hurting yourself, I said softly. There was an awkward silence.


FUCK YOU! She yelled , Turned toward Tiffany and let a shot off . "You fucking bitch, you just shot me, your are fucking nuts." Tiffany screamed. I quickly dialed 911 and put the phone in my back pocket. She went over and dragged Tiffany by her , I rush behind her and knocked her down with a vase on the table close to them. She fell to the floor and touched the back of her hair where she was bleeding. I rushed over when I spotted the gun she dropped. I picked and up and point it to her. "Now since she shot tiffany , should I shoot you?" I asked sarcastically. She laughed and said " sure , do as you please."

She started to get up , but she couldn't because she was too weak from her head gushing blood. She fell back to the floor. I went to go check on tiffany and she was bleeding a lot . I went upstairs and found some towels to apply pressure to slow down the bleeding . I heard a thump and I rushed downstairs. Shit, I forgot the fucking gun. Armani was on top of tiffany tussling around. Tiffany was trying to get the gun out her hand , I rushed over and took it out of her hand. She chased me and grabbed my arm, I turned around and pushed her off me . Armani tried to throw a punch but I blocked it. We started tussling after she tried to tackle me to the floor and all of a sudden, the gun went off. I was so in shock when I looked down and there was blood gushing everywhere. "Nooooo!!!!" Tiffany screamed rushing over to me. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. " Open up,It's NYPD!" The officers screamed from outside .

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