《Love triangle (editing)》Eighteen



So I been having time to think and me and Tiffany need to meet up and have a talk by ourselves without Terrell. We are both pregnant and fighting/arguing ain't going to make it any better. So I'm going to extend the olive branch and invite her to lunch. I also want to apologize to her for putting my hands on her. That was disrespectful to her and the baby.

*picks up phone and calls tiffany*

Tiffany: "hello"

Armani: "Hey Tiffany , it's Armani. First off , I would like to tell you I don't appreciate you putting your hands me. You didn't deserve that , I know you were pissed on how things went and we could have handled it another way. We are both having Terrell's children, so we need to squash the beef and talk things over . At 2 today meet me at Sandra's for lunch. It's on me so just come ready to eat .

Tiffany: "ok, see you there!"


"Nice of you to finally join me" Armani said sarcastically . "Sorry, but there was hell of traffic." Explained Tiffany. "So let's get straight to the point, we are both pregnant by Terrell. I apologize for putting my hands on you but in that moment , I didn't give two fucks and was not thinking and I'm truly sorry." Tiffany said . "Apology accepted and I swear I didn't know nothing about you and Terrell. I mean ,I knew he had a girl but I didn't know she was you." Armani said embarrassed. "So your trifling ass knew he had a girl and still messed with him. Why ? " Tiffany said sternly. "To be honest he said y'all weren't even speaking and he hasn't seen you in a while.When we were in school, he was all about you , but once towards us finishing , he said y'all was over." Explained Armani. "Well me and you are going to have to come to an understanding and get along because our children will be siblings" Tiffany said. "Well have you talked to Terrell" Armani asked. "No , I wanted to sit down and clear things up with you first. Is that ok? Tiffany said laughing. "Im just wondering because I haven't spoken or heard from him." Armani said. "Just give him time he will come around." Said Tiffany. yea sure he will" Armani said sarcastically.

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