《Love triangle (editing)》Twelve



"Babe, do I look fat in this ! I don't want your mama calling me a heffa!" I asked Terrell . "Nah baby relax, she would never call you that and your not even showing yet." Terrell said jokingly. He smiled at me, grabbed me, kissed me and then bent down to kiss my belly. That made me calm down a lot! Terrell has been here with me everyday ever since he apologized. He said he was just shocked and he never meant to be disrespectful. He said he's going to man up and be there. He said he wanted to do it the right way and he wants to make me his wife. He also said he wants to tell Tiffany this week and he wanted me to be there. I don't think me being there will make things better. But I'm going to go, it's about time I meet this bitch that's been making Terrell's life hell. How can she let a man like this go. How could she not treat him right. Terrell is trying to introduce her to a better life and she complains and rejects it. I wish I had someone who was like that while I went through my hard times and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life.

I don't have family! My mom has been on drugs before I was born and my father just passed a couple years ago so me and my sister have been on our own ever since. When our father passed we grew apart. She changed , she was younger , so they were really close and she was glued to his hip. If you seen her , you seen him. They had so much in common that they couldn't help but hang out. When he passed, she lost half of her. She distanced herself from everyone. She changed her number and went traveling and I haven't heard from her since then. I wish I could Atleast hear her voice and know my little sister is ok and alive. I know my dad would want her to continue to be strong and be the best she can be at whatever she chooses to do with her life. He always told us to never quit and never let a nigga sweet talk you into not doing nothing with your life cause when he's gone, you will have nothing.


My father was strong. He was my step father but he's been in my life since I was 5 ,so that's the only father I know! I know he loved my mother to death because he wouldn't have dealt with her shit for all the years he was married to her up until he died. I always wondered why he stayed, why didn't he ever move on. He stayed for us, he knew if he didn't stay, we would have had nothing. He also believed my mom would come to her senses one day and get it together.

"I pulled the car to the front, let's go baby." I went downstairs and he had my jacket in his hand and helped me put it on. He opened the passenger car door and helped me inside and we made our way to his mothers house. I don't know why but I'm nervous.

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