
into an elevator. She watched as the doors slowly close behind her with a quiet hum. She pressed a button and the elevator moved with ease.

Courscant had become a new home for the young woman. She had spent six months training her new recruits and establishing something whole at the Jedi Temple. Although, her reasoning for leaving the temple to pay a visit to the politicians had nothing to do with her business, well it did to an extend.

The elevator door opened.

She exhales and takes a step out.

Amara growing tired of the tradition that Jedi must wear robes and wear cloaks around always, does not enforce that on her students. Ben finds it so disrespectful, and Amara could care less what her brother says. She wore what made her feel comfortable and to Ben it was too, "Resistance" like.

She wore a grey shirt with a black leather jacket over top, black tight pants, black boots, and her sabers attached to her belt.

Amara halted for a moment and turned to the elevator.

"R2," Amara calls, "Come on."

The blue and white astro mech beeped and followed her out.

As Amara walked idly down the corridors to one specific direction, she did get looks. A few senators muttering to others who she was. A few respectfully ignoring her.

"Jedi Master Dameron," A voice called out.

Amara halted and turned to address to speaker.

She turns to see Torrin.

Torrin was dressed as a New Republic pilot, well the dressed uniform. He was missing his flight suit.

Amara turns to him with a small smile.

"Torrin," She says, "The navy seems to suit you."

Torrin laughs a little, "Better than politics would've." He ruffles his hand through his hair.

Amara smile remains at ease, "How have you been?" She asks.

Torrin held a small smile, "Good. We've been business. I haven't had the chance to return to home in a long time." He says, "My commander has been keeping me busy."

Amara nods, "I bet he has."

Torrin gestures down the corridor, "If you're looking for-,"

Amara glanced to where he was pointing and turns to face him again.

"I know my way," She says.

Torrin nods, "Of course, Jedi Master."

Amara held her hand up, "Please drop the formalities. I'm still the woman you knew back in the war."

Torrin shakes his head, "I hate to disagree with you, ma'am, but you really aren't. You've changed. I don't know exactly when or how, but you're different."

Amara offers a small grin, "Marriage will do that." She lightly jokes.

Torrin chuckles at that, "Oh yeah. The old man wants me to settle down soon." He says, "I feel like that's the only reason he calls anymore."

Amara shakes her head, "He misses you."


Torrin nods, "Ye- Yeah. I miss him too."

Amara and Torrin had a moment of silence between them.

"Anyways, I ought to be going. It was nice seeing you again." Torrin says.

Amara smiles, "Same. Take care of yourself, Torrin." She says.

Torrin grins, "I will."

Amara watched as the young pilot walked off. Amara slowly turns her body and begins walking again. She heard R2 beep at her.

Amara glanced at the droid.

"Oh now you're worried about running late?" Amara raises her eyebrows at her droid.


to an office opened and Amara stepped inside. Amara looked at the direction of the desk. Sitting at the desk with his face buried in paperwork was her husband.

Poe's gaze lifted upon hearing the door shut.

"Amara," Poe says.

Amara grins, "Poe,"

Poe drops his pencil and rises to greet his wife proper. He nearly trips over the chair he was sitting in, but stumbles back up to a perfect balance.

"What have we said about working all nighters?" Amara asks.

Poe held the chair in place.

"I didn't stay all night." He said.

"Liar," Amara stepped further into the room, "You never came home. You had one of your men go to Orson's school to get him and bring him to the temple."

Poe sighs.

Amara walks over and stands on the other side of the desk. She could gaze at the work in front of his desk. Proposals, bills, budget plans, the works.

"You didn't have to take this on," Amara says, "Erwin would understand."

Poe looks at her.

Amara slowly walks over and begins to stroke his curly hair.

"Politics were never your plan, Poe. You can always ask them to hold a special election and you could return back at the New Republic Navy," Amara says.

Poe pinched the bridge of his nose, "But Larma asked this of me. When she got ill, when she could no longer hold her position, she asked of me to step in."

Amara frowns.

"I owe it to her to honor that." Poe sighs, "Besides the galaxy isn't going anywhere."

She sees the sad smile on his face.

"I can fly anytime." He says.

Poe feels the hand of his wife touching his shoulder. He lifts his gaze to stare at her. She gives him a look that he could only describe as a Leia look.

"What?" He asks.

"You're not happy playing with the fools of the Senate." Amara says.

"Your cousin is a senator? Is Ara a fool?" Poe asks with a grin.

Amara rolls her eyes, "You know what I mean." She says.

Poe gives her a soft smile.

"I'm fine. I promise." He kisses the top of her head, "I have everything I could ever want. A wife. A son. Peace in the galaxy. My father still alive. My close friends still alive."


Amara felt him hold onto her hand.

"I battled the First Order," Poe grins, "Politics aren't that difficult to manage."

Amara gives him a look.

"I'm serious, Mar. I've- I've gotten a little better at understanding the flow of things. I've spoken to Lando a few times and your cousin has offered to speed me up in any bills up on the table before voting takes place." Poe says, "I'm not going to let these guys try and pull a fast one on me."

Amara lifts his hand towards her lips.

"You better not be falling for any of their tricks." Amara says and kisses his hand, "I didn't marry an idiot."

Poe grins, "If anyone has the brains between us, it would have to be you." He says.

Amara looks into his eyes, "Says the former general of the Resistance turned Senator." She says, "I'm just a mentor."

Poe scoffs, "Stop downplaying what you do, Mar. You're a Jedi." He says.

Amara winkles her nose with a smile, "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it." She says.

Poe smirks, "Told you, you were the smart one." He says.


his new home. His home on Courscant is much different than his life on the base. He did miss Ajan Kloss, but he did enjoy his new life. Sure, he missed his former squad, but they've all moved on with their lives.

So he should too.

He has school, which he has begun to have conflicting feelings over. He dreads he work, but is excited to learn more.

Once inside, he is greeted by his parents droids.

BB-8 beeps eagerly at the young boy, and Orson kneels down to the smaller droid. He pats BB on the top of its head before turning to R2.

To Orson, BB was more friendlier than R2. BB seemed more like a younger spirit and R2 just felt like an old man. R2 has been around for generations of Skywalkers, the droid has seen a lot.

"Hi, guys." Orson greets.

R2 beeps at the boy before moving spots to go alert the adults of the boy's return from school. Orson shrugs and continues to speak to BB.

"Oh today we begun our studies on the Clone Wars." Orson says.

BB beeps at him.

"I know I could ask 3PO, but I feel like if I ask him one question, I'll never escape his banter." Orson says.

BB beeps in agreement.

Orson lightly laughs.

He heard footsteps, so the boy stands and sees his mom entering the room. She looks at Orson with a small smile.

"Welcome home," Amara says.

Orson smiles, "Hi, mom."

Amara gestures Orson to follow her to the living room.

"We have some news for you, Orson." Amara says, "Come."

Orson nods.

The boy follows his mom into the living room. In there, his father was reading a book, but lifts his gaze to Orson. A smile appears on Poe's face upon seeing Orson.

"How was your day, son?" Poe asks.

Orson smiles, "Good. Got plenty of homework though." He complains a little.

Amara sits next to Poe, "That can wait for a little bit."

Orson nods but is confused, "Oh okay. Sure."

Amara glanced at Poe.

Poe closes the book.

"Is everything okay?" Orson asks.

Poe looks at Orson, "Everything is okay." He says.

Amara glanced between the two men, "It's just uh- um you're father and I had an appointment today and we wanted to talk about that with you."

Orson looks at his mom confused like, "An appointment? Did I do something wrong?"

Amara shakes her head, "No- No. No. You did nothing wrong, Orson."

"Unless you did something wrong? Did you?" Poe asks.

Orson shakes his head, "No. No. I've been good in school."

Poe smiles, "Relax, I'm just teasing." He says.

Orson nods.

"Okay, we're gonna stop beating around the bush." Amara says, "Orson, I'm pregnant."

Orson was stunned.

"Y- You're-?" Orson asks.

Amara nods, "You're going to be a big brother." She says.

Orson sees the glee on his parents' faces.

Amara slowly noticed Orson's confused and stunned expression.

"Orson? Are you okay?" Amara asks.

Orson nods, "Um yeah. I'm shocked."

Amara watches her son sit in front of her and her husband. Amara reaches her hand out and holds onto Orson's hand. Orson looked up at his mom.

"This will be a change, sure, but we're still you're parents." Amara says.

Poe nods, "Yeah now it just means we get to add another person to this family." He says smiling.

Orson looks at his parents and then has a small smile.

"I- I always wanted a little brother." He says.

Amara grins, "Boy or girl," She glanced at Poe, "We'll have our hands full if the child takes up after my side."

Poe laughs, "With your genes? Oh I don't doubt that child comes out looking like your mother or your father."

Amara jokingly slaps her husband.

"Oh ha ha," Amara says.

Orson sat there.

He smiles.

He was genuinely happy.

Sure, a little worried at first, but he shouldn't have been. Both Amara and Poe took him in and treated him like their own. Just like his father had said, they're just adding another person to their family.

Orson would love it to be a brother. He could teach his future brother everything he knows. Although, he could do the same thing if the child is a sister instead. Orson then realized, he might be pretty protective if the child is a sisters.

Either way, Orson is excited to begin this new journey.

Big brotherhood.

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