
do this. I can't do this." Amara says.

She sits on a vanity wearing a beautiful white dress. The ball gown looked as if something a princess would wear. Her hair was curled naturally, making her already short hair appear shorter. She wore a vein over her head but it was resting behind her head.

She looked at her reflection in the middle of her panic attack.

A knock on the door startled her.

"Don't come in," Amara says in a frightened panic.

The door opens regardless.

It was Ben.

"Mari, what's wrong?" He noticed the panic in here voice.

Amara looked at her brother.

Ben was wearing a black suit with an orange tie and orange flowers attached to his jacket. He looked like such a gentlemen even with his long hair.

"I- I don't know if I can do this," Amara says.

Ben walks over and knelt down in front of her. He rested his hands on top of hers. She shaking, she was about to cry.

"You can do this. I know you can." Ben says smiling, "You have nothing to be afraid of."

Amara looks at her big brother, "What if- What if I mess things up?"

"Amara, he's had plenty of chances to leave if he thought anything less of you. Poe Dameron loves you and nothing will change that." Ben says as he wipes a tears with his hand.

Amara nods.

"You've saved the galaxy and started the New Order of Jedi," Ben says with a smile, "Getting married will be a piece of cake."

Amara squeezed her brother's hands.

"I- I- I wish I could talk to mom and dad about this," She says, "I really wish they were here for this."

Ben frowns a little.

He leans upward and kisses the top of his baby sister's head.

"They are here, Mari. They are." Ben tells her.

Ben pulls her in for a hug.

"They were so proud of you, Mari." Ben says.

Amara nods.

Ben pulls back from the hug, "Now, let's stop the water works for a moment and smile." He tells her, "You're getting married to a lucky guy."


wedding was the "it" place to be. Everyone wanted to be invited to the wedding of the former General of the Resistance turned Admiral of the New Republic Navy and the Jedi Master.

The wedding was set at Yavin-4. Poe figured it was a way that his mother could witness it even from the stars. It was also so out of reach from the mass of people who wanted invited that it stayed personal.

They were having the wedding out of the old Dameron barn that once stored Shara's old ship. A ship Poe loved so much and was crushed when he had destroyed it.

There were beautiful lights decorating the barn to make it appear charming than looking like it hadn't been touched in years. There were plenty of rows of chairs for those invited and also chairs left empty with photographs on them for those who should've been there.

Poe stood at the alter with Finn, Jess, Karé, and Ben. Finn of course being his best man, a position that Finn had known would've gone to Snap.


Poe exhaled a little bit to shake the nerves.

He glanced from his father, who was going to conduct the ceremony, next to him to the entrance of the barn.

"You okay, man?" Finn asks him.

Poe looks at Finn with a cheeky grin, "I've faced the First Order," He says, "Marriage should be as easy as pie."

Then music began to play.

People turn to look out towards the entrance. First walking down was Orson, who carried the rings in his hands. Behind the boy was R2-D2, BB-8, D-O. The three droids were tossing flower pedals, and right behind was C-3PO.

"R2! BB-8! D-O!" 3PO exclaims, "We shouldn't be tossing them all over the place! Keep them neat!"

Of course, 3PO would have some sort of fit if they were doing something wrong.

Poe grins at that.

When the young boy reached them, Poe gestured for Orson to stand next to him and Finn. The droids moved towards the side for Amara and her bride maids.

First walking down was Rey.

Rey was wearing a beautiful orange dress, it came to her knees. Her hair was down and naturally curled a little.

After her was Rose. She too wore the same orange dress as Rey. Rose's hair was also down and curled a little bit.

Kaydel was after Rose. Kaydel was wearing the same orange dress. Kaydel's hair was in pigtail buns.

Instead of another woman to walk down, a photograph on a stand was moved into view. There was a photograph of Vira there. It stood on the end next to Kaydel.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up for our bride." Kes says.

Everyone gets on their feet.

Poe feels a hand on his shoulder, he briefly glances over to Finn. Finn was a small smile on his face.

"It's showtime." Finn says.

Poe grins.

Poe looks back at the entrance of the barn.

And then there she was.

Beautiful and incredible, it was Amara. She looked breathtaking.

The woman walked down towards the alter while accompanied by Chewbacca and Lando. The older men were approached by Amara ahead of time and asked if they'd want to do this for her. They agreed knowing Han would've approved.

Amara smiles at Poe's stunned expression. He looked so amazed by Amara's beauty. He seemed starstuck even.

Amara's gaze moved from Poe to the audience.

She heard some "wow" and "beautiful" from the people attending her wedding. She even noticed the seats with photos on them. A chair with Snap's photo. A chair with Paige's photo. A chair with Shara's photo. A chair with Luke's photo. A chair with Han's photo. A chair with Leia's photo.

Slowly but surely they reach the front of the ceremony. And when they do, they all stop.

Amara smiles at Poe, "Hi."

Poe grins, "Hey."

Kes smiles at the two.

"Who is the ones handing off this woman?" Kes asks.

"I am," Lando says.

Chewie growls.

Kes nods.

"Very well," Kes gestures to his son.

Poe reached out and takes Amara's hand. The two move to stand across from each other, and their eyes never moving from each other.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join together the unity of Poe Dameron and Amara Solo." Kes says, "Before I go any further into this ceremony, if anyone here objects to this please speak now or forever hold your piece."


In the audience, Zorii grins at the lovely couple. She was genuinely happy for the two of them.

Kes nods.

"Alright. Can I have the rings?" Kes asks.

Orson hands the rings to Finn, who then hands the rings to Kes.

"These rings are a symbol of your love. It's a symbol of the oath you will take to be each other's one and only." Kes says, "Now Poe, place that ring on Amara's finger."

Poe does it.

"Repeat after me," Kes says, "I, Poe Dameron."

"I, Poe Dameron," Poe says,

"Will promise to love and hold you," Kes says.

"Will promise to love and hold you," Poe repeats.

"In the good times and the bad times," Kes says.

"In the good times and the bad times," Poe says.

"In sickness and in health," Kes says.

"In sickness and in health," Poe repeats.

"Til death parts us," Kes says.

"Til death parts us," Poe says smiling at Amara.

Kes nods.

"Amara place this ring on Poe's finger and repeat after me." Kes says.

Amara placed the ring on Poe's finger.

"I, Amara Solo." Kes says, "Will promise to love and hold you."

"I, Amara Solo," Amara says, "Will promise to love and hold you."

"In the good times and bad times," Kes says.

"In the good times and bad times," Amara repeats staring at Poe.

"In sickness and in health." Kes says.

"In sickness and in health," Amara says.

"Til death parts us," Kes says.

"Til death parts us," Amara says.

Kes smiles.

"Well, I'm pleased to say I pronounce you husband and wife." Kes turns to his son, "Kiss your bride, son."

Poe pulls Amara in close and dips her for a long kiss. Everyone cheers and claps for the couple. Some weep tears of joy.

In the far far back, blue ghostly figures appear. These figures ranged from Luke, Leia, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace, Yoda, and a handful of other Jedi from the past.


in the after party for the wedding. Music played. People drank. People laughed.

It felt straight out of a fairy tale.

Things felt normal.

After speaking with Wedge and his wife, Nora, Amara had escaped to the outside of the barn. There were some people outside looking for a quiet place, but not like Amara. She wandered a little away from the barn towards the Dameron home.

She sat on the front porch and looked up at the clear night sky.

A small smile escaped her lips.

"I am so proud of you, Amara." A familiar voice echoes in the wind.

Amara glanced over and saw Leia.

"Your light has shined through any darkness you've faced, my dear. You're endured war, loss, and heartache and yet, here you are. A beautiful woman with a husband and a son." Leia says.

Amara smiles sadly.

"You've brought back the Jedi Order and you've written it well for a new generation of Jedi." Leia says as her ghostly form walks closer.

Amara watches as Leia sits down next to her. Amara could almost picture feeling Leia's hand on top of Amara's, but sadly that was not the case.

Amara look up at the sky, "A lot has happened in the past few months. I feel like everything moved so fast and yet so slow." She says, "The students we got- they- so many arrived at once. I didn't expect so much."

Amara chuckles to herself.

"Ahsoka mentioned that a few of the older Jedi are not too thrilled with my change of the Order," Amara says sneaking a glance, "Are they still mad?"

Leia grins, "They seem to still disagree with the teaching but, they seem to welcome a new change." Leia says, "They seem to respect your hopeful approach."

"It's not childish?" Amara asks.

Leia shakes her head, "No."

Amara smiles to herself.

"You're moving to Courscant for good?" Leia asks.

Amara nods, "Poe has his work there and I have mine as well." Amara explains, "I found a tutor for Orson to help him catch up with others his age, so he can go to school next year."

Leia looks at her daughter.

"Finn is leading an expedition with Jannah and the others from her company to help the troopers who were willing to renounce their ties to the First Order. They managed to okay with the senate to give citizenship on a small space colony where they can learn to re-adjust to society." Amara says, "Rose has been working really close with the whole political seen with Kaydel very much. They're currently working with D'Arcy on her staff. She's a council-woman."

Leia smiles.

"Ben and Rey have been helping at the temple when they can, as did Finn before he got his assignment. However, Rey wants to travel and Ben wants to go with her." Amara says, "Rey hasn't said where she wants to go, but she says she feels like she'll know when she gets there."

Leia nods.

"Chewbacca should be returning back home to see his family. He hasn't been home in years." Amara says, "Lando is working very hard with the senate regarding the rebuilding of the Republic, but now that its mostly rebuilt, he said he wanted to return to retirement."

Leia smiles a little more.

"I'm happy." Leia says, "I'm happy things worked out in the end."

Amara looks at her mom.

"I am, mom." Amara says, "I really am."

"Amara-!" A voice called out.

Amara lifted her gaze to behind her. It was Poe. He looked out of breathe and a little worried. He stopped seeing his wife on the porch of his childhood home.

"Poe?" Amara asks, "You okay?"

Poe nods, "Yeah. I was looking for you."

Amara noticed her mom has since vanished. A little disappointment appeared in her mind, but it can't be helped.

"You found me." Amara says.

Poe grabs her hand, "It's time to do cake, Mrs. Dameron." He grins.

Amara let's him pull her up, "Alright, Mr. Dameron." She says.

And with that said, Poe and Amara while holding hands walked off towards the barn. From behind, the ghostly form of Leia reappeared with a smile on her face. A hand rested on Leia's ghostly form and it was none other than Luke in his ghostly form.

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