SLEEP WAS a gift but also a curse. Every time Amara closed her eyes, she opened them up fast and fueled with anxieties from the previous forty-eight hours. It took so much convincing from Leia and literally being carried over Chewie's shoulder to remove Amara from the cockpit. Amara didn't want to be out of the cockpit, she didn't want to be reminded of what was left of the Resistance.
Amara laid on the floor, she was covered by a thin blanket and used her jacket as a pillow. Their resources were beyond short on the eyes drift to Rose. Rose had a cot. She was wounded and still unconscious, but many of those who survived Crait had not only assured Finn but everyone else that she was going to be fine. Amara's eyes land on the unconscious Rose, taking in the small scratches on her face.
Amara sits up and her eyes gaze to Finn, he was sleeping against her cot. He was watching over her, he wasn't leaving her side, despite how many people offered to take his place while he got proper sleep. Amara put on her jacket and grabbed the blanket as she rose. She walked over to Finn and covered him up with the blanket, sure Poe's old jacket must've kept him a little warm, but Amara felt obligated to cover him up since she wasn't going to use her blanket anymore.
Amara moved in the room and halted by the doorway that led into the hall, her eyes moved over to Poe. He was unconscious and in a deep sleep. She knew Poe had gotten little to no sleep in a long time, it had started since his return from Jakku, but this looked to be the first time he seemed at peace. Perhaps, Poe was just too exhausted by this latest adventure to not even have his nightmares.
Amara kept her eyes on the sleeping pilot. He had covered himself with his jacket, he had refused blankets from anyone. He wanted them to go to someone more important. Amara saw BB-8 cuddled up against his master. A small smile appeared on her face as she sees this, a droid is a man's best friend, huh. Amara turned and walked down the halls of the Falcon, only pausing to hear voices. She turned and saw her mother and Rey sitting in the cargo room.
"Luke is gone," Rey's voice spoke out, "I felt it, but it wasn't sadness or pain. It was peace and purpose."
Amara felt rude, standing by and eavesdropping on her mother and the young Jedi in training. But Amara couldn't move. She just stood there, near the door, trying to keep herself out of sight.
"I felt it too," Leia says, "And I know Amara did as well."
"How do we build a Rebellion from this?" Rey asks Leia.
Amara can only picture them in this conversation, since she wasn't looking into the room, with Leia and Rey sitting on top of crates in the cargo room.
"We have everything we need." Leia says.
Amara's gaze moved away from the cargo room. She walked down the halls and paused at the cockpit, she stepped inside and heard a growling from Chewie.
"Don't worry, Chewie." Amara says, "I'm not here to take over, I'm just here to check in if you need anything."
Chewie growled at her. The Wookiee needed nothing, he was perfectly fine, well not perfectly fine. No one on the Falcon was at a hundred percent.
Amara nods, "Yeah, okay."
IT WAS decided that for a moment, maybe a few weeks or so, the Resistance was going to camp out on Yavin 4. Leia had called the remaining higher officers in her quarters for this meeting. Leia was met with Poe, Amara, Larma, and Chewie. All the remaining survivors were either Lieutenants, pilots, or just new recruits. They didn't have the experience these five had. Leia had pondered over inviting both Rey and Finn to the meeting, but decided against it as Rey had finally pulled Finn away from Rose to get a proper meal in, sure it was a protein bar but it was better than starving.
"I was in contact with Kes Dameron," Leia says, "He told us if we landed the Falcon thirty yards away from his farm under the trees we'd be able to go unnoticed."
Poe nods, "The farm has so much trees," He continues to nod, "Yeah the Falcon wouldn't be spotted from the sky."
Leia's eyes were on Poe.
As were Amara's.
Poe was returning home. Not the way he wanted, but he was going home. Amara had nights before on D'Qar with her and Vira, just talking about their lives before the Resistance. Poe had admitted to the two girls that he hasn't been home in maybe ten years, but he always makes an effort to call his father when he can. As far as Amara knew the last time Poe called his father was six months ago, but no doubt Leia was keeping Kes informed on how his son is doing.
"Kes will be helping us get fuel," Leia says, "Food, water, bacta, and any other medical supplies we need."
Amara nods, "How long until we arrive?"
Leia's eyes turn to her daughter, "A few hours."
Afterwards, Leia dismissed them. Chewie went back to the cockpit, Larma decided to hang back with Leia, and Amara followed Poe out of the quarters.
They walked down the halls in silence for a while before, Amara saw Poe stop in his tracks. He didn't say anything, but his eyes lower to the floor.
"He's going to be disappointed in me," Was the first thing that came out of Poe's mouth.
Amara reached over, "No- No, he won't."
Poe looks at her, his eyes reddening with tears threatening to come out. He saw in her eyes that she noticed he was about to cry. He glanced away at the wall to look at anything besides her. Amara stepped in front of him. She placed her hand on his chin and turned his face to force him to look at her. His eyes still refusing to meet her.
"Poe," Amara says in almost a whisper, "Your father is beyond proud of what you're doing here for the Resistance."
Poe shakes his head, "I got- got a lot of good people killed."
Amara reached out and held his hand, "You didn't force them to do anything. It's the sad price of being a leader, Poe. People die." She says.
Just hours before, Amara was telling Poe that none of those deaths are his fault. She knew he didn't believe her, and she knows now he was still beating himself about it. Poe had that fault, he takes responsibility for things beyond his control. It's noble, but also stupid.
Poe shakes his head.
Amara knew he wasn't just going to admit it wasn't his fault, maybe going to Yavin 4 is a blessing in disguise. Poe needs to be told it wasn't his fault and maybe the only person to get through to him is Kes. Because Amara knows she can't and she's certain he'll just lie to her mom saying he knows.
"Poe," Amara says.
He takes her hands that held onto his hand and his chin and pulled them away from him. He let go of her hands and looked at her.
"I- I need to check on our supplies." Poe says and walks off.
Amara frowns and watched him go. He was going to do everything in his power to avoid it, to avoid feeling anything about what had taken place forty-eight hours ago. Amara felt a nudge on her leg. She looked down and saw BB-8 had rolled up to her. So she knelt down and pat the droid with a sad smile.
"Hey buddy," She says.
BB-8 beeps at her. Concern. The droid was concerned with his master, and who could blame BB-8. Poe wants to wallow in his own self pity and take all the responsibility for the actions that had occurred on the Raddus and that had happened on Crait.
Amara glanced from the droid and stood up, "Okay, let's go find Rey and Finn."
BEING SOCIAL was not something new to Amara, but it was odd without Vira. Vira and Amara would talk all night. Vira had given Amara her first alcoholic drink, despite how Leia felt about it. Vira and Amara were glued at each other's hip. And now that she was gone, it felt cold.
She stepped in the room where everyone seemed to have made into a home while they traveled. Some people weren't in, it was limited to Kaydel, Rey, Finn, and a pilot. Kaydel and the pilot were talking to each other and on the other side of the room was Rey and Finn. Kaydel looked up at Amara and gives her a small smile, to which Amara returned the smile. BB-8 hurriedly rolled over to Rey and Finn, the droid was beeping with glee as he spotted his friends. Rey and Finn had heard BB-8 and turned over. Rey's eyes moved from the droid to Amara, who was just standing there.
"Amara," Rey says.
Amara knew that Larma was probably alerting those in medical about the news to Yavin 4 and Amara has no idea where Poe had placed himself. Amara fidget and then glanced at Kaydel.
"Um- we had a meeting with the General," Amara says and turns to Finn and Rey, "We'll be arriving to Yavin 4 in a few hours. We'll be getting resources and fuel from a close friend of the General."
The pilot looks at Amara, "Is Poe okay with it?" He asks Amara, "And where is he?"
Finn's eyebrows furrow at hearing those questions. Where was Poe, now that Finn thought about it. BB-8 had been closer than ever to Poe's side since getting on the Falcon, it seemed odd for him to be away from Poe now.
Amara forced a smile and looked at the pilot, "Commander Dameron is okay with the decision. Besides, we can get some good rest and shower before we figure out our next plan of defense."
Finn kept a frown on his face. Amara didn't answer the second question. Did she not hear it or did she choose not to answer it? Finn had no idea. Though, it seemed to be fine for the pilot, who made a comment about stinking. It caused a small laugh from Connix and Amara, but it was a sad laugh. Amara watched as Kaydel and the pilot returned to their conversation, Amara moved her eyes to Finn and Rey, and thought that it would be better if she left them alone. She didn't know much about either of them.
"Um- I will-," Amara goes to leave.
Rey stood up, "You could- um sit with us, if you want to." Rey says.
Amara glanced at Rey. Rey was anti-social, but not because she likes it, it's because of where she is from. Jakku isn't the most friendly places. Amara slowly moved over and sat on the floor with Rey. She sat on Rey's right and Finn was in front of her, BB-8 was in the middle beeping with glee.
A sad smile appeared on her face, "He's going to be okay, B."
Finn's eyes drift up to Amara, "What did he say?"
Amara looks at Finn, "You don't understand him?"
He shakes his head.
"He asks if Poe is going to be okay," Rey says and turns to Amara, "He isn't okay, is he?"
Amara sighs and shakes her head, "Is any of us really okay?" She then gives a sad smile, "We've loss a lot. Rose lost her sister. I lost my best friend and my uncle."
She shakes her head again.
Finn frowns, "I'm sorry, Amara." He says, "About Vira and Luke."
Amara looks at him and gives him a small smile, "Thank you." She glanced from Finn and then to the floor, "But uh- let's drop the depressing stuff."
BB-8 beeps in agreement.
Rey nods, "Alright, uh- Finn and I were just catching up on everything." She says, "But we could uh- just talk about anything."
Amara looks at the two of them, "Oh if I was interrupting something then I should-,"
Finn interrupts her, "No, it's fine. Besides, I don't think I know that much about you." He says, "We could always swap our childhood sob stories."
Amara couldn't help but laugh at his attempt of a joke, even Finn had a smirk when he said that, and Rey seemed to have a small smile on her face.
Everything happened so fast. Finn talking about his days as a trooper. The life he lived, the isolated life. It was sad and filled with no warmth, just filled with training and missions. It was saddening to learn that Finn was taken at such a young age that he never knew his parents, he doesn't remember their faces. It even hurt Amara for some reason to find out he had no name because what the First Order called him, and that was no name. It was Poe who named him.
Rey went on about her days on Jakku. How she was left by her parents at a young age, alone. How she had to learn to fend for herself. How she only looked out for herself. Amara frowned hearing about nights where sometimes she didn't have enough to trade for food, how Rey would starve a day or so. Rey had told about times where she had gotten into fights defending her spot from invaders. Amara frowns, thinking about being alone that long and not having someone to look out for her.
Amara talked about her childhood for a bit. Mentioning how she was born on Tattoonie, the home to her uncle. She had talked about the childhood adventures she went on with her brother, and by adventures, they were usually them getting into something they shouldn't and got into trouble. Amara talked about her father showing her to fly the Falcon at a young age. She spoke so lightly of Han. She talked about when she was a little girl dressing up in Leia's clothes and pretending to be a princess.
Rey and Finn loved that story, it caused them to laugh. And even Amara couldn't help but laugh. It was silly, but it was also sweet.
"I remember mom being so annoyed with the mess I caused," Amara couldn't help but still laugh, "There were clothes all over their room."
Finn laughs and so does Rey, but Rey stopped sooner than Finn. Her eyes fixed on Amara a little serious, and Amara seemed to have noticed it.
"I don't meant to be upfront, but you never seemed to mention your brother a lot." Rey says, "Ben- eh Kylo Ren?"
Amara looks at Rey.
Finn looks at Rey, "But you don't have to talk about it, Amara. If it's too touchy and all."
Finn assumed Amara would be pissed to talk about something that personal and raw. After all it was her brother to take her father's live. It was her brother who fought against Luke. It was her brother they were fighting against.
Amara shakes her head at Finn, "Its alright." She turns to Rey, "Ben was- he was always so gifted. He was piloting when he was a teenager. He and I were really close when we were young."
Amara felt Rey place rest her hand on top of Amara's. The young Jedi in training gives her a small smile, which is what Amara returns to Rey.
"He was always beside me since I was born, before he was sent off to train with Luke." Amara says, "His heart was so pure and filled with light. He- He was my hero."
POE HAD been hiding for so long, so when he finally came out to speak to Amara and even his friends, he finds them asleep. They were sleeping on the floor all cuddled up together. Poe noticed Leia in the room placing a blanket on top of the young adults, before turning to Poe. The young man she had seen grow up in the man he is now. This man she thought of as a son, he looked so broken and tired.
"Poe," Leia says, "I was wondering where you were."
Whenever she called him by his name and not his title meant she was upset. Leia had every right to be upset. Poe was avoiding a lot and brooding. Leia stepped away from her daughter, the former trooper, and the Jedi in training to the X-Wing pilot. Leia placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.
"Whatever demons are haunting you in your sleep," Leia says, "You need to know right now that it wasn't your fault."
Poe nods and says nothing.
Leia placed her other hand on his cheek. She did this to hold his head firm and not to let him nod. She held his head to look at her. Poe kept her eyes on the General.
"Commander Dameron, I need you to admit it, right now." Leia says, "None of it was your fault."
Poe swallowed a nerves and tries to nod but remembers the hold Leia has on his head. She wanted to hear an answer from the pilot.
"It wasn't my fault," Poe says.
Leia let's go of him and kept the frown on her face, "I want to believe you and I want you to believe you."
Leia goes and walks pass him, leaving him to stare at the three sleeping on the floor near his droid. Leia halts by the door, "Maybe going to Yavin 4 is what you need," Leia says, "I sure hope by the time we leave Yavin 4, you have everything figured out."
- In Serial260 Chapters
Chronicles of a New World
Gamer. Martial Arts enthusiast. Writer. Eric Breeden is these things and a few more, but one thing he is not is a risk-taker. But when he is pulled from his dark apartment in Fairbanks, Alaska, and transported to the world of Ahya by a powerful mage, he soon realizes that risk-taking might just have to become his thing. That is if he wants to survive and make it back home. Thrust into a world he doesn’t understand introduced to skills and a system of combat that is foreign, he tries his best to get his feet under him and get to work. Meeting the stranger who pulled him here goes about as well as can be expected, but he does at least learn his purpose. Can he fulfill it, or will he fall like so many others, to be overtaken by those who come after? Read Chronicles of a New World for a new perspective on the world of Ahya, and to see what happens when the burden of destiny is thrust upon the shoulders of a chronic under-achiever. Chapter Upload Schedule is Mon-Fri @10:00 EST (Eastern Standard Time) For those who want a little more background on The World of Ahya, I suggest you read Tome of the Body and Tome of the Mind, both of which can be found for free on my profile. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/BMXmsQ7vzH Patreon Link: https://patreon.com/cptuck This story is also available on royalroad.com
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One day dungeons suddenly appeared on earth and humanity was thrown into chaos. People stood up and went to battle these monsters with their lives on the line, not knowing the reason for this sudden change. This story follows Yu Jin a 21 year old man who goes off into the dungeons in search of his dreams and the truth. Will be releasing two chapter's a week. Hope you guys have as much fun reading it as i did writing it.
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103 Zodiac Signs
zo·di·ac: (noun) a belt of the heavens divided into twelve equal divisions or signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)The signs of the Zodiac give us insights into our day to day living as well as the many talents and special qualities we possess. Anyone can discover a great deal of relevant information about themselves by reading about their Zodiac sign. Find your true self!HIGHEST RANKING: #17 in Random //7-3-17\DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these posts, they belong to the rightful owners.
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