BEFORE HE could face his nephew, before he could even go outside of the base, he heard his name being called. Luke stopped and turned.
"Uncle Luke," Amara stood there in the middle of the hangar.
Luke looks at her with a smirk on his face, "The problem with our family, kid, is we have a hard time saying goodbye."
Amara kept her gaze on him. She was trying to use her ability to read his eyes, but failed. Her eyebrows furrow and she gives him a puzzled look.
"Amara," Luke says softly, "I was never the best uncle to you. I never knew how to connect to you, and I never really tired."
Amara only nods.
"I- I see so much of Leia in you," Luke smiles, "I knew you'd be in good hands."
Amara looks down at her feet, "And there was too much of Vader in Ben." She looks up at him.
Luke tilt his head with a sad smile, "Yeah."
Amara steps forward, "Uncle Luke- I- I need answers about my ability and about the Force-."
Luke shakes his head, "I'm sorry I can't be what you need," He says, "I came here to right a lot of wrongs. This is my final mission, kid."
Amara kept her eyes locked on him.
"Keep Leia safe for me." Luke says.
Amara nods, "Of course,"
Luke goes and turns his back to her and continues walking. There was a much larger gap between them in the hangar. The light from the hole in the blast doors shinned on them. Luke took one more step and stopped, he turned his head back and looked at Amara.
"I love you, kid." He grins, "You've grown to be such a remarkable woman."
Amara gives him a sad smile, "I love you too, Uncle Luke."
Luke kept the grin on his face as he turns away from her. He looks forward, seriously, and continued his march outside. Amara stayed where she was, her eyes linger on her uncle before they slowly move up to the First Order AT-AT, ships, and that cannon. Her eyes searching for someone.
"Amara-," It was Poe.
Amara turned to him.
"Come on," He offers her his hand, "It's not safe out here in the open."
Amara looked at Poe before back at the First Order, her eyes linger a little bit more before she takes a step back. She turns to Poe and takes his hand.
"Okay," She says.
HE KNEW it. He could sense it. His mother inside. His sister inside. All those pathetic Resistance who still breathed. But it won't be long. Soon, soon the age of the old will be gone and he'll rule over all. He is the new Supreme Leader.
"Sir," An officer says, "There appears to be a man coming out."
"Someone foolish enough to think we're taking prisoners," General Hux says and almost laughed.
Kylo Ren turns and marched over to the controls. He leaned forward and saw who it was. A relic of the past. Someone he hadn't even expected to see.
"I want every gun we have to fire on that man." Kylo Ren says.
The officers look at each other and were unsure on what to do. Even General Hux seemed a bit uncertain with the orders. It seemed a bit over kill.
"Uh- sir?" Another officer asks.
"Do it!" Kylo Ren shouts.
And after he yells, General Hux gives the order. Gives all of them the okay to fire at the man in front of the entrance.
Blasts. Explosions. And now smoke.
Smoke slowly clearing.
Kylo Ren leans forward and watches the smoke begin to clear. He waits. He wants to see Skywalkers body on the ground dead. General Hux looks over at his Supreme Leader.
"If we're ready to get moving, we can finish this." Hux says.
As the smoke finally clears, it appears Skywalker is still there but alive. Not dead. Kylo Ren's brows furrow. He contrast his hands into fist and grits his teeth. He turns away from his men.
"Bring me down to him," Kylo Ren says, "Keep the door covered and don't advance until I say."
General Hux stepped over, "Supreme Leader, don't get distracted, our goal-."
Kylo Ren held him in a Force choke hold and threw him into a wall. Hux began to cough as his back rested against the wall, he winced and looked up at Kylo Ren.
"Do not order me again." Kylo Ren says.
POE KEPT glancing at Amara. A frown deepens on his face. How can she and Leia be okay? Leia may have suffered through more loss than Amara, with the lost of her home planet by the Empire, but they both have suffered loss nevertheless.
They were still in the command center, waiting. The sound of blasts had stopped and many assumed that Luke was dead, however, both Leia and Amara seemed to be fine. Leia and Amara held hands.
Poe glanced at his General and his girlfriend, is that what Amara is to him? Poe rubbed his hand through his hair. He hasn't had that conversation with Amara and he knew now wasn't the best time. She had loss too much. Her brother to the dark side, her father to death, many friends including Vira because they followed his command, and now her uncle. Poe was just surprised that Amara even wanted to still hold his hand when he brought her back to her mother.
Bringing Poe out of his trance was a familiar voice.
"Med pack!" Finn calls out, "I need a med pack!"
Poe gets up quickly with Amara right behind him. The two ran over and met Finn halfway, Rose was laying in a make-shift stretcher that Finn seemed to have made. Amara knelt down and looked over Rose.
"She's hurt pretty bad," Amara says looking up at Poe.
Poe nods, "Come on, I'll help you out, buddy." Poe tells Finn.
Both Finn and Poe begin to drag Rose on the stretcher back to the others, meanwhile, Amara sensed something and moves to the door. She touched the door and could see outside through the hole, but hasn't dared to move her head around to see what awaits in front of them. She looks outside and sees a figure walking toward Luke.
"Amara-!" Poe yells.
She turns around.
"It's him," Amara says, "He's here to fight Luke."
Finn turns to her, "Wait- Wait? Luke Skywalker is fighting Kylo Ren alone?" He turns to Poe, "We should help him."
Poe grabs his friend's arm, "No, no. Wait." He says.
Amara glanced over her shoulder outside before turning back to the men. She looked down at Rose. She moves over to them and grabs the stretcher and begins to pull, the boys notice and instead, Poe picks up Rose to carry her back to the others. Kaydel had med packs waiting for Rose, it was limited but it was better than nothing. Rose was laid down on a crate inside the base.
"Poe," Finn says, "We cannot leave a man behind."
Poe glanced at Finn, "He- He's doing this for a reason." He then looks at Amara, "He's stalling so we can escape."
Finn looks confused, "Escape? He's one man against an army." He says, "We have to help him, we have to fight."
Poe shakes his head, "No, no. We are the spark that'll light the fire that will burn the First Order down." He says, "Skywalker's doing this so we can survive."
Amara nods.
Poe turns to everyone, "There's gotta be a way out of this mine. Hell, how did he get in here?"
C-3PO looks at Poe, "Sir, it is possible that a natural unmapped opening exists. But this facility is such a maze of endless tunnels that the odds of finding an exit are 15,428 to one."
Amara turns to Poe, "Wait- Wait?" She says, "Do you hear that?"
Poe glanced at her, "Nothing."
"My audio sensors no longer detect the-," 3PO gets cut off.
Finn looks at him, "Where'd the crystal critters go?" He asks.
Poe looks at everyone, "Follow me."
After Poe said that, everyone turned and looked directly at the General. Leia looked a bit confused and then looked behind her before turning back to those there.
"What are you looking at me for? Follow him." Leia says.
Poe had a smirk on his face. And just like that Poe led the group on a quest to find an exit to escape from the cave.
SUN SET has begun on Crait. Luke watches his nephew approach him in the distance. He had expected so much from his nephew. He saw so much possibility in him, but it was wasted in the dark side. Wasted on this goal to redeem Vader's legacy. The man comes to a complete stop in front of Luke.
"Old man," Kylo Ren sneers at him, "Did you come back to say you forgive me? To save my soul like my pathetic father?"
Luke shakes his head, "No,"
His nephew scowls at that answer. He throws his cape to the ground before igniting his crimson saber. Luke draws his own green blade. Kylo Ren glares at his uncle and impulsively and as rash as ever, strikes first. He lunges at Luke, however, the Mast Jedi was much quicker. Luke sidesteps the blow with ease and grace. Causing Kylo Ren to be frustrated, he attacks again. This time, Luke narrowly ducks beneath the red blade before he rises to his feet, untouched. There was a small distance between them, allowing Luke to have a chance to speak to his nephew again.
"I have failed you, Ben." Luke calls out, "I'm sorry."
Kylo Ren narrows his eyes, "I'm sure you are!" He spits out, "The Resistance is dead. The war is over. And when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi."
"Amazing," Luke says calmly, "Every word of what you just said was wrong."
Kylo Ren falters.
"The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi." Luke tells his nephew.
Kylo Ren grits his teeth, "I will destroy Rey, I will destroy Amara, and I will destroy you. All of it!"
Luke shakes his head, "No." Luke sheathes his saber, "Strike me down in anger and I'll always be with you just like your father."
The mere mention of Han was enough to trigger a reaction from Kylo Ren. He lets out an enraged scream before he charges forward at Luke with his blade held high. Luke watches impassively, refusing to flinch as his nephew swings his saber in a wide arc, slicing directly through his torso. Expect, he didn't. The blade passes through him as clean as air. Kylo Ren turns and looks at him in shock. He approaches Luke again, slowly this time, and plunges his blade directly into his heart. Again, the blade does nothing. it only hovers in his chest.
"No," Kylo Ren says, "No!"
Luke smiles at his nephew, "See you around, kid."
AMARA KNEW. She knew the second. She halted in the dark tunnel they walked in, she glanced back.
Amara felt a hand hold onto her, she glanced over and saw her mom. Leia gives her daughter a sad smile before continuing to walk. Amara didn't linger anymore. She moved on and caught up to Poe, who was looking around for her worried. When Amara stepped next to him, she felt him hold her hand.
"This way," Poe says.
However, as they turned a corner they reached a dead end. And they saw one of those crystal fox squeeze itself through the rocks.
"No, no, no!" Poe groans.
Large rocks kept them inside the tunnel. These rocks were far to heavy to just pick up and it was too packed to roll them away. It would risk too much to even try and move them. Someone would get hurt or worst. Amara squeezed his hand and looked at her. She smiles at him and he returns the smile back. If this was it, at least they had each other.
Just then a rumble makes the cave shake. Rocks begin to shift. The stones blocking the exit of the cavern begin to move, slow at first. Then all of them at once. Daylight floods them all, so they all had to squint their eyes to adjust. An exit was given to them. Poe, Amara, and Finn led the group out without hesitation.
Everyone follows after them, stopping at the top of the exit. Out there, holding the stones with the Force was Rey. Her arms are extended above her and her eyes are closed as she holds her focus on the rocks staying in the air. The young Jedi opens her eyes and smiles when she seems them all. Nobody moves, not at first. But when someone finally does, it was Finn. He goes barreling forward toward Rey. Finn pumps his arms in the air with excitement as he charges forward. After Finn, Poe and Amara head out as does everyone else inside.
Finn and Rey embrace, they held onto each other tightly. Sobbing. Laughing. They were both just so happy to be together again, to be reunited again after all this time has past. The Resistance follows Chewie, who is motioning for them to board the Falcon. One by one, they all board. Rose was probably the first of them to board, somehow, Amara was one of the last with Rey standing at the top of the ramp.
Both girls looked at each other and sensed something. They looked out of the ship.
Kylo Ren.
Without hesitation, Rey shut the ramp door. Closing him from not only her mind but Amara's as well. When the door shut, Amara turns to Rey and gives her a small smile. The young Jedi seemed to be focused and almost forgotten Amara there.
"Come on," She says ,"Everyone should be waiting for us."
Rey turns to Amara and nods, "Right."
As Amara starts to walk, she noticed Rey hadn't moved. Amara turns to her fully and then approached Rey, she hugs Rey, which shocked her.
"You tried," Amara says, "You tried to save him and- and for what it's worth,"
Amara pulls Rey out of the hug, she was smiling and starting to cry.
"I appreciate it." Amara says.
When Rey and Amara move into the Falcon further, they felt the motion that the ship had taken flight. Chewie was flying, no doubt. The walk from the ramp door to the cargo storage area was quiet for Rey and Amara, both sneaking glances at each but neither saying anything.
When they did in fact reach everyone else, Rey noticed Finn was missing. A frown was apparent on her face but didn't say anything in the sorts. People were celebrating their survival, this was meant to sort of be a happy moment, despite the lives they've lost. Rey glanced over and saw Chewie had returned to them all, probably putting the ship on autopilot while they were in hyperspeed, she could only assume. Chewie embraces Leia, which seemed to cheer the older woman up.
Amara watches this and couldn't help but feel bad. Her mother has lost too much because of the First Order, it wasn't fair. Suddenly, Poe approaches Rey. Rey looks up at the pilot. She had seen him briefly on D'Qar before leaving to find Skywalker, but they were never introduced.
"Hi," Poe says with a smile.
Rey returns the smile, "Hi."
He held his hand out, "I'm Poe." He says.
Rey looks at his hand before shaking it, "Rey."
He kept the smile on his face, "I know."
When Poe's eyes darted to search for Amara, who was next to Rey a second ago, was gone. A frown was visible on his face, Rey reached out and touched his shoulder.
"She's in the cockpit." Rey tells him.
THE HYPERSPACE made her feel at peace. Amara sat in her father's seat, the pilot's seat. She hugged her arms around herself in order to protect herself. Things have finally calmed down. Finally, finally things aren't so chaotic and life threatening. Now, she and everyone else can take in everything. Take in what they've lost and who they've lost.
Holdo's sacrifice. Vira's life ending. Luke's redemption. Amara frowns, thinking about all of that. She lost her best friend today. She lost a sister. She didn't get to say a proper goodbye. She didn't get to tell Vira the things she had done for Amara that meant so much.
Amara just felt numb.
A knock startled her from her thought. She turned to see Poe standing by the entrance of the cockpit.
"Hey," He says in a somber tone, "I was wondering where you went."
Amara pulls her knees to her chest and frowns, "I just wanted to be alone." She says.
Poe nods and walks further into the cockpit. He sits down in the co-pilot's seat, his eyes looking out the window before gazing to her. Poe felt guilty for Amara's sadness. The loss of so many lives in the Resistance was due to his own ego wanting to prove he's the best. The mutiny was his idea, she just followed him like she was loyal and that might be a fault she hasn't even noticed. She will follow people she believes in, and not consider another option. Poe looks up at the ceiling in the cockpit. The lives lost on Crait, including Vira, that was on him. He knew they weren't getting help and it was basically suicide no matter what, but they all rallied around him and Finn.
Poe glanced over to Amara. She looked lost.
"Amara," Poe says, "I'm sorry."
Amara doesn't look at him.
"I'm sorry," He says again and shakes his head, "All of this- this is my fault."
Amara now looks up and turns to him. He sees her eyes widened. Tears were staining her cheeks, her eyes were red and puffy. She had been silently crying.
"Don't- Don't blame yourself," Amara says.
Poe turns himself in the seat to face her, "I caused a lot of deaths before because I wanted to prove something-," He rubbed the bridge of his nose, "The mutiny was a terrible idea and- and I should've trusted Vice Admiral Holdo."
Amara's gaze moves away from him.
"And I'm sorry I didn't convince Vira not to come," Poe says, "She shouldn't have been out there. She wasn't a pilot, she was just-."
Amara cuts him off, "Poe Dameron, there was nothing you would have said or done to stop Vira from putting her life on the line for the Resistance." She says, "She died a honorable death. She died for the Resistance."
Amara rubbed tears seeping down her face.
"I do not blame you for her death or anyone else's death." Amara says, "So don't you dare blame yourself."
Poe only nods, but Amara isn't sure if he believed her. She couldn't read his eyes since he closed his eyes and sighed.
The two sat there in silence for a while. Amara's gaze slowly moving from Poe to the window to stare at them traveling through hyperspace, whereas Poe looked up at the ceiling. The two of them unsure where they were going, where the Resistance was heading. No one had a clue. Everything seemed lost and depressing.
Amara glanced at Poe. She lowered her legs back onto the cockpit floor and reached her hand out toward him, she touched his hand, which gained his attention. Poe looks at her and then noticed she was trying to hold his hand. The man looks at her and sees a sad smile on her face. He accepts and holds her hand. The two held the same sad smile on their faces before turning back to the hyperspace.
- In Serial61 Chapters
EDGE Force
EDGE Force A clandestine organisation that leverages the best and brightest humanity has to offer to defend against threats to our reality. JD Rideout is a washed-up writer with the best years of his career behind him. His kids are the only thing keeping him going, and he only has them half the time. Book One: Bleeding Edge When JD wakes up on a tropical island in the middle of the Whitsundays, chained to the ceiling, he knows something is very wrong. He feels like a character in one of his novels. He soon finds out that he’s been chosen to fight for the fate of the world. Those who fight for EDGE Force gain access to the ability to level up and gain powerful abilities to help them fight against threats to our reality. JD is given a pistol and an axe, along with a new callsign: Hatchet. As Hatchet, he’s tasked with fighting back against a shadowy cult that has reappeared after 15 years. But fighting the cult isn’t the only thing that drives Hatchet forward. These cultists use the essence of an Old God to reshape reality into whatever their imaginations can bring forth. Uprooted and forced to fight for the fate of the world, Hatchet is the planet Earth’s last line of defence. Book 2: Unnatural Selection Six months have passed and JD has spent every day waiting to be called on again. Changed by his experiences on Mori Island, he wants another chance to be part of the fight for our reality. Soon enough, that chance arrives. The people of a remote settlement on the Transylvanian Plateau disappear overnight. This tiny village nestled at the base of the southern Carpathians yields more questions than answers. Donning the moniker Hatchet once again, JD has to learn how to work as part of a team to fight back against another threat to humanity. But this time he’s ready.
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The Cursed Throne
After the 3rd Great World War also known as the 'Great Nuclear War', 60% of the Earth's population was wiped out. But because of the raditions the remaining 40 % was evolved. 500 years after the great world war, world changed completely. Somewhere in a dark alley, a boy covered in blood was rescued by a policeman during his patrol. Who is this boy? Why is he injured so seriously?
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The One and Only
Candle Dragon's eyes, Qiong Qi's energy, Rok's wings, Flying Serpent's enchantment…each of it brought him an insane ability. With a sword in his hand, he could smash the sky and conquer the universe. He cared little about the afterlife, he only wanted to live life to its fullest in this life! Read all of the updated chapters ahead on Flying-Lines.
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Mystic Vacation~ Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie
When (Y/N) was invited on the Russo family vacation, she couldn't say no, especially since Max promised it would be the vacation of a lifetime. But when Alex wishes her Mom and Dad never met it was up to the Russos and (Y/N) to help save the day (even if it meant exposing (Y/N) to the Wizard World).Story Cover and Page Breaks Credit: sprousevoid
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The Animo Saga
Before history was well-recorded in the world of Ulakam, primordial animal spirits adopted humans, provided protection and developed deep spiritual connections with them. Millennia later, humans now host animal spirits and are split into tribes named for the species they host. Ulakam is slowly being consumed by a decades-long war pitting the main tribes against the smaller tribes and a group of bandits calling themselves "the resistance". Callida Animo was born into this world. Coming from a mixed family of generational soldiers, Callida joined the family business at a young age. In her words, she was practically bred, born, and raised to be a soldier. And she's good at what she does... which inevitably attracts attention that makes her unambitious self extremely uncomfortable. Love, loss, influence and growth. This is her story. Written episodically, this story focuses on relationships and character growth through a series of mini-arcs that connect to make a greater whole. (Honestly, the story would lend itself well to a TV series.) "Episodes" range from 3-7 chapters (at least so far), and average about 4 or 5 chapters. Author's note: I'm always thrilled to receive comments, follows, ratings/reviews, messages.... All forms of feedback are welcome and encouraged. However, I have no interest in begging readers for more engagement to get better visibility. I tried that with my last story and found the game soul-sucking. So! This constitutes my only self-promotion request. If you are reading this story, let me know what you think! I love engaging with my readers. We'll see if growing the readership organically is even possible. Thank you! 😘 Release schedule: Weekly on Wednesday afternoons
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The Mystery Replacement
Jill Ellis is having a bit of a crisis, two of her strikers are out on short notice and one has fallen pregnant. Being just before the world cup, Jill needs someone and quickly, so she calls the only person she trusts enough.Toni O'Neil, the bad girl with the muscles and tattoos and mysterious past is about to take the world by storm.
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