AMARA SAT in the transport with many others that were aboard. Leia sat next to her and rested her hand on her daughter's knee.
"What is it, dear?" Leia asks.
Amara looks at her mother, "I think- I think there might still be good in him." She shakes her head, "I know it sounds crazy, but a lot has happened."
Leia nods, "I'm aware." She says.
Amara frowns, "I've been contacted by him, mom. I don't know how or who is doing it." She says, "It started before you were- you know."
Leia reached over and held onto her hand.
"We bantered back and forth," She says, "Arguing. It sort of felt familiar and yet not at the same time."
Amara looks at Poe, who was still unconscious. Amara had the frown still on her face, she shakes her head before turning to her mother.
"He's on board the Star Destroyer," Amara says, "I think Rey is too."
Leia's eyes widen, "Are you sure?"
"I know his presence. I know well enough to sense now," Amara says, "But Rey on the other hand, no. I just know it's Ben and I can only think is Rey."
Leia nods, "I see."
"Do you think that he might-?" Amara starts to ask.
But before Amara could continue on her train of thought, she glanced to Poe. A second before he stirred, she knew she was coming to. Poe opened his eyes and rose from the bed he was on.
"No. No." Poe says moving to the window to look out at the Raddus, "No, no!"
Leia looks at him, "Poe," She says.
Poe's eyes drift to Leia and sees Amara next to her. He turns to the window again and looks at the planet in their sights.
"What is that?" Poe asks.
Larma D'Arcy stepped next to him, "The mineral planet, Crait. An uncharted hideout from the days of the Rebllion." She says.
Poe glanced back at them, "That's a Rebel base?" He asks.
Larma kept her gaze on him, "Abandoned, but heavily armored with enough power to get a distress singal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim." She says.
Poe glanced at Leia. She motioned for him to sit down next to her, Amara scooted over and Leia did as well. She gave Poe space to sit on the right side of Leia. Leia was in the middle between Poe and Amara.
"Holdo knew the First Order was tracking our big ship." Leia says, "They're not monitoring for little transports."
It clicked for Poe.
"So we could slip down to the surface unnoticed and hide til the First Order passes. That could work." Poe says.
Leia looks at Poe and Poe looks at Leia. She rests her hands on top of Poe's hand.
"She was more interested in protecting the light than she was seeming like a hero," Leia says, "Her methods may have kept you in the dark but she had good intentions."
Amara's eyes dart to the window. She got up and moved to the window. She looked at the Raddus and then to the Star Destroyer. She winced and put her hands on her head.
"Amara-?" Poe got up.
Amara felt his hands on her shoulders and saw the concern in his eyes, she glanced behind him and saw her mom on her feet. Vira stood next to Kaydel, both girls looked to Amara with concern.
"Are you okay?" Poe asks.
Amara looks at them all then to Poe, "I- I don't know." She furrows her eyebrows.
Her eyes slowly move from Poe to the window, and to where Poe could only assume she was looking at the Star Destroyer.
REY COLLAPSED onto the ground, panting. She looked up at Snoke. She slowly got up on her knees.
"Well, well, I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him and the Jedi Order the death he desires. After the Rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island." Snoke says.
Rey got angry. She rises and extends her hand to try and reclaim her saber. It comes toward her only to circle around her and then hits her on the back of the head, before returning to Snoke.
"Such spunk," Snoke says, "Look here now."
Snoke used the Force to pull Rey away from the throne and Kylo Ren to a window, but her face was in front of what seemed to be a magnify glass, to zoom in what she was seeing. A window showing transports, likely the Resistance is what Rey thought, trying to escape. Some hit and exploding.
"The entire Resistance on those transports. Soon they will all be gone. For you, all is lost." Snoke says.
Rey glares. She is out of his hold and turns. She extends her hand and pulls Kylo Ren's saber into her hands. She ignites it. The knights also ignite their weapons, but Snoke waves them off.
"Ooh. And still that fiery spit of hope. You have the spirit of a true Jedi!" Snoke says.
Rey then charged forward with the weapon intended to kill Snoke. As she got close to him, he used the Force and pushed her away. Kylo Ren's saber turns off and rolls to Kylo Ren's feet. Kylo Ren looks at her saber and then to the Supreme Leader.
"And because of that, you must die." Snoke says.
Rey is held by the Force, on her knees but spun around to face Kylo Ren. She winced in the pain but looks at him.
"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness, strength." Snoke says.
Kylo Ren looks from Snoke and then to Rey, the two make eye contact, before Kylo Ren looks back at Snoke.
"Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny." Snoke says.
Kylo Ren grabs the saber and stands. He walks over to Rey, but only looks at her as she looks at him.
"I know what I have to do." Kylo Ren says.
Rey looks at him, "Ben." She says.
Snoke looks at Rey, "You think you can turn him?" He asks, "Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning his lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child, he ignites it, and kills his true enemy!"
Just then the blue saber, slices Snoke. Rey was knocked from the hold and fell on the ground, she looks over and sees what Kylo Ren or rather Ben had done. Kylo Ren pulls the saber through Snoke, it was coming forward toward him still ignited and was caught by Rey. She held it and looks at Kylo Ren. She stands up and kept her gaze on him. As this happens, Snoke's dead body split into two and his knights ignites their weapons.
Kylo Ren still looking at Rey, ignites his saber. They stood back to back as the knights came toward them. The two of them glanced at each other one time before the intense combat that was about to take place.
AMARA HAD her hands on her head. She shakes her head and mutters things over and over. Poe held onto her shoulders and glanced at Leia, she didn't know how to handle this.
"Amara," Poe says in almost a whisper, "What is it?"
Amara lowers her hands from her head, "He bridged us," She says, "He was the reason."
Poe still seemed confused, "Who bridged us? What are you talking about?"
Amara shakes her head, "Ben killed Snoke." She says.
Leia heard that.
She rose from where she sat and walked over to her daughter. Everyone in the transport, sure had other things to worry about, but here was Amara saying things and seemingly distressed, that applied worrying. Sure, right now one by one transports were being picked off by the First Order, but this was the only situation they had control over.
Leia cupped her daughter's face, "What did you just say?" Leia wanted to hear it again.
Amara's eyes dart around a bit before settling on her mom, "Ben- Ben killed Snoke." She says and furrows her brows, "Wha- What does this mean?"
Vira steps over, "Wait? How do you know Snoke is dead?"
Poe looks at Vira and shakes his head. He didn't want to overwhelm Amara, and not right now. He knew Leia would be the best person to handle this. There was a sound of an explosion, many people minus Amara and Leia moved to the window to look out. Another transport exploded. Poe gritted his teeth and moved to the pilot. This was not how he was going to go, he was going to survive.
"Come on, give it full thrusters." Poe says, "Full speed!"
Cova Nell looks at Poe briefly, "I am, sir."
THEY WON their fight in the throne room. It was destroyed but they were victorious. Flames surrounded the dead bodies of the knights of Snoke. Kylo Ren sensed something. A familiar presence. His eyes dart to the transports.
It seems that Rey noticed Kylo Ren looks at the transports. She stepped next to him and looked at him.
"Ben, the fleet. Order them to stop firing. There's still time to save the fleet." Rey says.
He doesn't say anything.
"Ben?" Rey asks.
"It's time to let old things die. Snoke, Skywaler. The Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels. Let it all die." He says, "Rey, I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy."
Rey shakes her head, "Don't do this, Ben. Please don't go this way."
He grows angry, "No, no. You're still holding on! Let go!" He yells, "Do you wanna know the truth about your parents? Or have you always known? And you've just hidden it away."
Rey closes her eyes and let's tears slide down her face.
"You know the truth," He says, "Say it. Say it."
Rey opens her eyes and stares at him, "They were nobody." She says.
He nods, "They were filthy junk traders who sold you off for drinking money. They're dead in a paupers' grave in the Jakku desert. You have no place in this story. You come from nothing. You're nothing." He says.
He offers her his hand again. She stares at him and then to the hand.
"But not to me." He says.
Rey looks at him, "You're willing to let your sister and mother die."
Kylo Ren looks at her, "I gave Amara a chance to join me and she refused." He says, "Please, Rey. Join me."
Rey just shakes her head and then runs out of the throne room, leaving Kylo Ren alone in the flames of the destruction that they had created together.
THE PANIC was enough for anyone, but Amara sensed so much. It was like a sensory overload. She had her hands back on her head.
"Amara," Leia offers to her sit back down, "Explain to me, dear."
Amara opens her eyes after closing them and then looks at her hands. She doesn't know how to explain it. Before the bridge that was made, the connection between her and her brother didn't seem to caught any pain but now she sensed the bridge breaking. And it hurt.
"I feel it," She says, "The bridge- the connection- it's going away."
Leia kept her eyes on her daughter.
"When Snoke died," Amara says, "The connection started to fade."
Leia held onto her daughter's hand, "How did you know Snoke died?"
Amara looks at her mom, "I saw it." She says, "Through the connection- like I was there, in Ben's shoes."
Leia frowns.
Before more could be said, a transport close to them is hit. It shakes them a little bit and goes up in flames. Amara's eyes long for Poe, she finds him and he looks at her. Tears in her eyes, thinking this is it. In the distance however, people started to notice a faint outline of the Raddus. It was beginning to move. Amara rose when she saw people gathering around the windows to see what was going on. Amara looks out the window, as does Leia next to her. Poe was looking out the window next to Kaydel and Vira. It seems the Holdo had taken command of the cruiser and was steering it away from the exploding transports, turning it so it was facing the Supremacy head on.
Amara was confused, "What is she doing?"
Kaydel look at Poe, "She's running away."
Poe shakes his head, "No, she isn't."
And Amara glanced at Poe. She knew in his voice that he was right. Holdo wasn't abandoning them. They all watched as the Raddus charges up its engines one final time before the ship blasts off an elongated streak of blue light. The vessel tears directly through the Supremacy as it jumps to lightspeed, tearing the ship apart and decimating the rest of the fleet with an audible boom.
Instantly, those inside the transport erupted into a loud cheer. Kaydel embracing Vira, as does others. Poe turns to Amara, he goes to her and hugs her tightly. He kisses her on the top of the head, the first time he had done something like this in front of Leia, who didn't care.
Amara parts from Poe and goes to kiss him on the lips, but pauses when she sees her mom looking at her.
"Uh um-," Amara blushed.
Leia looks at her daughter, "Just kiss him, Amara. I don't care."
Amara glanced from her mother to Poe. He leans forward and kisses her on the lips. The two embrace each other and hold onto each other rather tightly. Leia shakes her head with a smile and turns to Kaydel who came to hug the General.
With nothing in their way, the journey from where they were to Crait was now more smooth thanks to Holdo. They weren't in the clear yet, there were still First Order ships behind, but they were safe for the time being. Only six transports remain. And the war wasn't done, not by a long shot. Once they step foot on Crait, it would continue and more will die. Just now, now felt like a blissful peaceful moment where they felt a brief moment of safety, before reality came back to them all.
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Obsession x Mana
The modern world had become exposed to a new element which became unanimously known as "Mana" after a freak meteorite incident, creating people with superpowers and monsters that threaten life on Earth. Perun, the "Progenitor" of the meta-humans retired as a war hero and created a Dark Guild, its members being the war orphans he had adopted throughout his career. His peaceful life of filling paperwork begins to collapse as the nightmare of his "Awakening" becomes increasingly unbearable, forcing his once-powerful abilities to turn dormant. Unbeknownst to Perun, the problem children he had adopted since young, have grown up into girls with cheat-level abilities due to the properties of his mana; they became meta-humans far beyond the level of humanity, powers that contest a twisted love monopoly for their father. Should anyone bare their fangs (or romantic interest) towards their beloved one, their sweet facades shall break with no hesitation. When their seemingly unaware Master is forced to return to the center stage again as a "Level 1" character like the rest of the world, his obsessive daughters shall move beneath the shadows to create his new legend. This is the story of yanderes & obsessions.
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