SHE HAD expected it to an extend. Rey was in the elevator on Snoke's ship with Kylo Ren. They were on their to the Supreme Leader. Rey, cuffed, looked over to Kylo Ren.
She frowns, "You don't have to do this. I feel the conflict in you." She says, "It's tearing you apart. Ben, when we touched hands, I saw your future."
Kylo Ren looks at her. She reached out to him and kept her gaze on him.
"Just the shape of it, but solid and clear. You will not bow before Snoke. You will turn. I'll help you. I saw it." Rey tells him.
Kylo Ren frowns and looks away, "I saw something, too. Because of what I saw, I know when the moment comes, you'll be the one to turn. You'll stand with me."
Rey pulls away from him, looking forward and no longer at him.
Kylo Ren glanced at her, "I saw who your parents are."
When he said that, Rey looked up at him. But the moment didn't last long, because the elevator door opened, revealing the throne room. Snoke sat on his throne and smirks. Kylo Ren shoves Rey forward into the throne room. Rey glanced at Kylo Ren before turning to Snoke.
"Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored." Snoke says.
Kylo Ren and Rey stop. Kylo Ren knelt down before Snoke, whereas Rey stands looking at the Supreme Leader.
"Young Rey," Snoke says, "Welcome."
THEY WERE frantic in the bridge. They had one shot in order to get this done. Poe and Amara were frantically moving around, Connix was by the controls, and 3PO was just going on and on. C-3PO starts to leave, to which Amara goes over and steps in front of the droid. She tilts her head and gives him a look.
"And where do you think you're going, 3PO?" Amara asks.
C-3PO looks at Amara, "It would be quite against my programming to be part of a mutiny." He says.
Amara looks at him, "I'm sorry, buddy, but you're stuck here."
"It is not correct protocol." 3PO says.
Poe storms over and grabs 3PO and practically drags him away from the door. 3PO whined the entire time.
"Oh!" 3PO exclaims, "Neither is this!"
As 3PO was dragged away with Poe, Amara halted in her movement. Her eyes shift, turning behind her to the door.
"Finn?" Poe calls out snapping Amara from her trance, "We're ready to make the jump."
"Now or never," They hear Finn's voice through the comm link.
"Now," They hear an unknown voice possibly the codebreaks says.
"You're up." Finn says.
Amara stepped over to Poe, he held the comm link in his hand and then his blaster. From the outside of the bridge, it sounded like people trying to get in. Amara took shelter behind a control table. Amara unholstered her blaster and glanced at Poe.
"You there, hands up!" The sound of a trooper came through the comm link.
"Watch 'em, watch 'em!" Another came through the comm link.
"Get down! I said, down!" A third one yells through the comm links.
Amara's eyes eyes widen and shifted her gaze to Poe. His spirits had shattered at that moment. He kept his gaze at the door, however.
"FN-2187, so good to have you back." Captain Phasma's voice could be heard.
The comm link goes dark after that. No more voices. Amara's eyes widen and turns to Poe. Poe doesn't look at her.
Poe lowers the comm link and frowns, "They didn't make it."
Just then the door busts open. All of them in the bridge held their weapons up, and by all of them it was just Poe, Connix, Amara, and few other pilots. Stepping out from the smoke was Leia.
Amara's eyes widen, "Mom."
"Leia," Poe says standing up and lowering his blaster.
Leia steps further into the bridge. She looks at Amara and then to Poe. Leia held up a blaster and pointed it at Poe, then fired it at him. She stunned him and knocked him unconscious. Quickly Connix dropped her blaster and raised her hands up just like 3PO. Amara still held her blaster in her hand and lowers it as she stares at her mom.
Leia looks at her daughter, "A mutiny, really?"
Amara frowns, "You wouldn't have understood, General."
"Wanna bet?" Leia asks.
SHE FELT indifferent to seeing her mom again. Back in the medic room, Leia was changing before they could take the transports and leave the Raddus, however, Leia wished for her daughter to remain with her.
"The transports on the ships have all recently been equipped with cloaking devices," Leia explains to her daughter, "Unless the First Order is already running de-cloaking scans , our ships won't show up on their monitors. They're too small to be noticed."
Amara frowns.
"I'm sensing from the silence that Amilyn did not keep you informed on this." Leia spoke.
Amara glanced at her mother, she had just stepped out dressed in a new outfit than the white medical gown she had been in.
"No," Amara says, "She did not."
Leia frowns as she takes off the bandages on her forehead. She sighs and shakes her head. Leia trusts Amilyn, she had mentored the woman, but she had expected her to have been as transparent as Leia is with her crew.
"She should've notified you all the second the cloaking devices were placed on the transports." Leia says.
Amara glanced at her mom, "She was too busy promoting me so I would keep Poe in line."
"Promote you?" Leia asks.
Amara looks away, "As far I know I'm still Commander Solo, unless she demoted me." She says.
Leia shakes her head and steps over to her daughter. Leia reached out and touched the side of Amara's face. Leia felt like she was sort of a stranger now, even though it hasn't been long since they last talked. So much has happened that has put some sort of wedge between them.
"The mutiny isn't the only thing bothering you, Amara. What else is there?" Leia asks.
Amara opens her mouth about to say something when the door swooshes open. Standing there was Vira. Vira looks at her friend with a smile, but then stood straight to Leia.
"General, uh- everyone is boarding. It's time to go." Vira says.
Leia nods, "Of course," She turns to Amara, "Come on. You can tell me as we go to the hangar."
Amara glanced at her mother and then to Vira. Vira knew what Amara was dealing with, so does Poe. Amara glanced at her mom, she had no idea the amount of mental stress she had been under, with the possibly of death and then dealing with voice chats with her brother wasn't helping.
Amara shakes her head, "It can wait." She says.
As Amara passed her mother and walked forward without adding anything more to it, Leia glanced at her daughter and then to Vira. Leia sensed something wrong and knew she was being kept in the dark about it.
"Vira," Leia says.
Vira shakes her head, "I don't want to break her trust, General, with all due respect. She'll tell you, ma'am." She says.
PEOPLE WERE moving fast. Transports being filled with people, medical supplies, weapons, food, and so on. Amara, Leia, and Vira arrive to the hangar, only for Amara to halt for a moment. Her eyebrows furrow and she looks towards the direction of the Star Destroyer. She was sensing him again, but this time, someone else.
"Amara?" Leia asks.
Amara blinks and says, "N- Nothing."
Amara pushes pass her mom and noticed Poe unconscious on a bed. Amara moves over to him, she cups his cheek and kisses the top of his head. She moves some of his curly hair and has a small smile on his face.
Amiyln steps next to her, "He's something, isn't he?"
Amara looks at her, "He is."
Amiyln Holdo looks at her, "I owe you an apology, Commander Solo. You are Leia's daughter but you are you're own person. I shouldn't have assumed you'd trust me one hundred percent without knowing the whole plan."
"I know my mom would've, but I needed honesty." Amara says.
Holdo nods, "I know."
Amara looks at her, "I know you were just trying to do what you thought was right, even though I didn't agree with it and some of the others didn't either." She says, "You're a good person."
Amiyln Holdo smiles, "Thank you," She says, "But one question though."
Amara kept her glance on Holdo, "Yes?"
"How did you know the plan?" She asks, "On the bridge, you didn't read anything or have anyone tell you. How did you know?"
Amara kept a soft smile, "It's hard to explain, Vice Admiral, but the only way that I can sort of explain it, is your eyes gave it away."
Amiyln gives her an odd look, "I still don't follow."
Amara kept the smile, "I know." She turns to a few others, "Help me push him up, guys."
And then Amara with a few others pushed Poe into the transport. Leia stepped next to her and looked from her daughter to her dear friend.
"He's a troublemaker. I like him." Amilyn says.
Leia smiles, "Me too." She says.
Amiyln looks at Leia, "And your daughter. She's something, something special."
Leia glanced at her daughter, "She really is." She says, "Sometimes I don't know if she's more like me or her father."
The two women laugh for a moment before stopping. Leia goes to walk up into the transport. She turns and looks at Holdo.
"Now, time to board your transport." Leia says.
Amiyln shakes her head, "For the transports to escape, someone needs to stay behind and pilot the cruiser." She says.
Leia frowns and steps forward, "Too many losses. I can't take anymore."
Amiyln gives her a small smile, "Sure you can." She says, "You taught me how."
The two women hug one an other and then part ways. Leia begins to walk up the ramp into the transport, but turns briefly to Amiyln.
"May the Force be-," The two women says at the same time.
Leia laughs.
"You go on. I've said it enough." Leia says.
Amiyln smiles, "May the Force be with you always."
REY STOOD before him. Snoke. The Supreme Ruler. He kept his eyes on the young woman. He leaned a little forward in his throne.
"Come closer, child." Snoke says.
Rey takes a step forward.
"So much strength. Darkness rises, and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise. Skywalker, I assumed. Wrong."
Rey glanced at Kylo Ren. His head lowered down, it appears maybe shame or something. Rey glanced back at Snoke.
"I then assumed it would be his sister. How fitting would it have been, to have both children of legacy battling each other." Snoke grinned, "Closer, I said."
Just then Rey was pulled forward toward Snoke by the Force, to the point that she stood in front of him. She couldn't move her body, her feet were inches above the ground.
Rey kept her glare on Snoke, "You underestimate Skywalker, and Ben Solo, and me." She tells him, "It will be your downfall."
Snoke tilt his head, "Oh, have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice." Snoke glanced at Kylo Ren then to Rey, "Is that why you came? You fool. It was I who bridged your minds."
The truth was shocking to both of them.
"I bridged his mind with his sister as well, to see who would be the one to come. I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you, his sister maybe. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait." Snoke says, "And now, you will give me Skywalker. Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke."
Kylo Ren kept his head down and thought about it. Thought about his sister. He knew that Amara wasn't powerful enough to connect with him and neither was he, but Snoke was trying to bait his own sister.
Rey shakes her head, "No."
Kylo Ren was snapped out of his own thoughts and partly looked up at the two.
"Yes," Snoke says, "Give me everything."
Rey was being held in a tight hold in the Force. She was feeling as if she was being squeezed and surrounded by pain. She screamed as Snoke tried to get what he wanted, but she would not give.
"No!" Rey screams, "No! No!"
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Bringing us to Now, in the Fifth Circle, land of Game and Lumber under the Sign of the plentiful Tree, two brothers find themselves embroiled in the games of Birds and Men. They have come to celebrate the Red Harvest, the Last Day before the Winter, when the sky burns red and the night grows longest. Tolan and Vir, Woodsmen from the Wolf Hair Mountains, have come to gather with friends and family upon this night. However, a strange and powerful storm keeps them in town for days, as spirits grow restless and Talk of evil things comes to pass. Later, when the storm subsides, the two brothers venture forth to find their way home and discover something else. There the woods, by the path they travel, they find a pale beautiful woman, in a strange dress, cast down in a ditch. This is Althea, Granddaughter to Malic of the Demons House of Fire, promised bride the current Head of the Demons House of Salmon, Red Fish. And trouble for the Nine. Her abduction has set forth into motion, a feud between the Demonic Houses, which even now threatens to spill into the Nine Circles proper and bring about a new age of darkness. Tolan and Vir must set out to return Althea to her people to prevent war, but not all are so simple. For there are those who stand to profit from such ill fortunes, Both Below the Earth and Above it. And they will tolerate no disruption of their plans, even to the extent of death.
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F Doctor
When you put a person under quarantine how can you be so sure that the person will definitely stay home and not infect others? No problem, the F Doctors are here to help! Even until the doom of history, the 'mindless' golems will carry on their search of their eternal enemy. It is a story about a time of misfortune, a journey and a doctor who brings death instead of life.
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Lilith Esther Bailey. A woman who was shunned by most due to her arrogant and cold personality. Compared to her, most adored Evelina Skyler, her long time rival, than her. Evelina was a sweet young woman with a pure beauty that can only be found once in a century. Thus most sided with Evelina and deemed Lilith as the hateful villainess preying upon a weak lady. Even Lilith's own fiancee, Chase Casspan, left her for Evelina. Drowned with resentment and deep hatred, Lilith would often scheme and harras Evelina, however she would never have expected for things to escalate so much. Once one of the most influential and esteem noble ladies in the Sainthallian Empire, Lilith was now stripped of her noble status, damned with the title of a criminal, and was sentenced to be burned for her 'crimes'. Though her body died by the flames, her resentment lived even after her body burned to ash. As her soul was about to enter the afterlife, she was awakened by a woman's voice. This voice turned out to be the sacred Goddess that ruled over the realm that had pitied her. Lilith was given a second chance, not only that she was blessed with two blessings. One, her soul was to be reincarnated in the body of Angelina Skyler, the younger sister of Evelina. Two, she was given the ability of 'The Travelling Soul', which allows her to transport her soul to another's body and control them temporarily. With this, she vowed to seek vengeance and set things right! This time, she wouldn't be so foolish...⚠️The image used as the cover isn't mine⚠️(Hiatus? Not sure when next update cause very busy rn)
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His Beating Heart (Epistolary) ✔️
An EpistolaryStarted: April 2022Finished: April 2022#1 in Epistolary (04-2022)#1 in Epistolary Novel (04-2022)
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