MOVING FORWARD is never easy. Amara knew just because she lost her father, doesn't mean the war stop. Everything continues as if nothing had changed and despite her hating that idea, she knew she needed to push forward.
"Amara," Leia spoke.
Amara had stopped in the hall. She was going to be heading to the command center to check in with Connix.
"General," Amara asks.
Leia approached her daughter, "It's time,"
Leia managed to fit time with Amara to have some sort of memorial for Han. Both of the women needed some form of saying goodbye, even though this was war. The two had spent time in Leia's quarters, alone. They sat there in silence for a while but then it changed to talking about Han. Telling stories about special memories between the two of them. Leia's going back from when Han and Luke arrived at the Death Star to recuse her and Amara spoke of fond memories from her youth.
Amara fidget on her mother's bed, "I remember- I remember this time when I was five," Amara smiles at the thought, "Dad had just came home from a long trip and all he wanted to do was rest."
Leia sat on her bed staring at her daughter with a small smile.
"He came inside and was welcomed by- by us," Amara hesitated in mentioning her brother, "And despite him being overly exhausted from his journey, I asked him to play with me."
Leia reached over to touch her daughter's hand.
"We ended up in Falcon, I don't remember how." Amara smiles, "And- And then he let me fly the Falcon and by flying, he had the controls on for him and turned off mine. But I believed I was doing it. I was so amazed."
Leia kept a hold of her daughter's hand, "He always loved you, even if he had a hard time expressing it."
Amara nods, "I know he did, mom." She says, "Funny."
Leia tilts her head, "What?"
Amara glanced at her mom, "Before dad di- before you know, dad was talking to me about my feelings for Poe."
Leia made a face, "So my feeling was correct then? You have your eyes set on my best pilot, I see?" She asks.
Amara shifts a look from her mom to the floor, "I don't know what to call it, but dad told me that I needed to sort out what I felt for him." She glanced at her mom, "How did you know that you loved dad?"
Leia had a small smile, "I didn't honestly." She says, "I always found him repulsive and full of himself. I thought he was handsome, yes, but not put together completely."
Amara sat and listened.
"I started to see him differently when he came back to aid us in the Death Star," Leia says, "After that we spent a lot of time together and not just for Rebel attacks. We talked a lot. I spoke of my family and Han spoke of his lack of family."
Amara frowns.
"We never quite moved beyond talking and I know your father wanted me to. He knew I had feelings for him which I refused to admit. It took him nearly dying by being frozen in carbonite for me to say that I loved him." Leia says with a sad smile.
Amara held onto her mom's hand now. Leia looked at her daughter with a small smile before sighing.
"As for you and Commander Dameron," Leia says, "I have nothing personally against him. I see you two together and I see a version of Han and I from a lifetime ago."
Amara's eyes dart to her mom after that. Hearing her mom refer to Poe and Amara as a younger version of Han and Leia just seemed to mean something to Amara.
"I agree with the advice your father left with you, Amara. Sort out your feelings for him." Leia says, "Because I know you care about him and I know he cares a lot about you."
FINN HAS made some improvement in the coming days. Not much but it's better than nothing. He is still in the I.C.U. pod, which was to be expected. Amara found herself in the room later that day. She sat in the chair and was just looking up at the ceiling. She rocked back and forth on the chair for a moment, and then her gaze made it to Finn.
"I know you probably can't hear me, Finn." Amara says to herself, "But uh- um, Rey will be back soon. Hopefully."
Amara's gaze moved up to the ceiling.
"I wonder what Uncle Luke has been up to?" Amara asks herself, "Wonder if he knows about dad?"
Amara sighs and shakes her head. She glanced back at Finn, completely still like he has been since they put him in the pod.
"Poe will probably be by later," Amara says, "Unless he was already here before."
Amara then gets up out of her seat. She doesn't know why but for whatever reason, ever since she has been coming to visit Finn like she promised Rey, she starts to get restless after a while. Amara would find herself pacing back and forth, sometimes talking out loud. She knows people have walked in on her having conversations with herself, some thinking it was her way of thinking things through and others just thought she was odd.
Amara glanced from the wall to Finn.
"Captain Solo," A familiar voice gained her attention.
Amara turns.
"Oh, Paige." Amara says.
Standing at the now open door was Paige Tico. Amara was familiar with the gunner, not very well, but she knew of her face and name. She knew that Paige has a little sister named Rose who is a maintenance worker.
"Is there something you needed?" Amara asks.
Paige gives Amara a small smile, "Yes, General Organa is looking for you."
Amara nods, "Thank you."
Paige nods at Amara and takes her leave.
Amara stands there for a moment, she glanced back at Finn. She knew he was fine, she knew it, but she felt guilty. She wondered if she hadn't passed out from whatever happened to her on Starkiller Base that maybe he wouldn't have been so injured. Amara shakes her head and then steps out of the room.
KYLO REN was in his quarters on the Star Destroyer, he had been recovering from the blow that Rey had delivered to him. He stood up and looked at his reflection through the window. He winced slightly upon first look.
"Your mother, your sister, and I all miss you." The voice of his dead father echoed in his head.
Kylo Ren contract his hands into a fists. He grit his teeth. He should be free of this, free of it all, but yet he isn't. Is it because his mother is alive? Is it because his sister knew the truth of him? He couldn't be sure, but he did know of one thing was certain now. Not only does he have to be concerned with Rey, with her raw talent, but now be concerned of the possible threat his sister might have.
Kylo Ren recounted what happened after Han Solo's death. It was as if a second before Kylo Ren decided to murder Han Solo, Amara knew what her brother was about to do. But how? He didn't make it obvious to his father. Kylo Ren frowns. It was frustrating. And then the aftermath, after that big oaf fired his crossbow at him, Amara's reaction was something pure and raw. Something he doesn't think he's seen, but no doubt Skywalker has.
It was like the agony of the loss of Han Solo set something off in her, the scream followed by a powerful Force knocking down his men. She may not be as skilled or as talented as he is, but there is a possibility she has power that he doesn't have. He isn't sure if he should feel threatened or not. Kylo Ren's eyes drift back to the window.
CAPTAIN SOLO was only one person, Han Solo. And even though Amara worn this title for quite a while now, now that her father was no longer around, it sort of felt like some sort of legacy. She had nothing of her father's to remember him, the only thing she has is the name. Solo. Amara stepped out to see Vira sitting on a crate staring at the stars. Amara walked over to her friend and sat down next to her, Vira noticed Amara sit next to her.
"So," Vira says, "How is Finn doing?"
"The same," Amara says.
Vira glanced at her, "You don't need to visit him every day?"
Amara looks at her friend, "I promised Rey."
Vira nods, "The girl who shows up after we blow up Starkiller Base just to jet with the Falcon moments later."
Amara sighs, "She's going after Luke."
Vira looks at the star and took a swig of her flask she had, she nudged Amara with it and her friend took it. Amara took a swig of the bitter alcoholic drink.
"Think she'll find him?" Vira asks, "Rey finding Skywalker?"
Amara glanced to the stars, "I mean if she can't find him from that map, I don't think anyone will find him."
Amara passed Vira the flask back. The woman took a swig of it and put the cap back on it for a moment. Vira turns from the stars to her friend.
"So how come you didn't decide to go after him? He is your family?" Vira asks.
"I can't bare to leave my mother, I can't bare to leave the Resistance," Amara says, "Not now."
Vira nods, "I respect that."
Vira and Amara stared at the stars in the sky. The weather tonight on D'Qar wasn't bad, it was cool but also warm enough not to need a jacket. Vira removed the cap of the flask and took a swig again. She lowered it from her lips and then lowered her head to look ahead of her.
"I'm sorry you had to watch your dad die in front of you, Mar." Vira says.
Amara turns to Vira, "It hasn't been easy to sleep for the pass few days, Vee." Amara says.
Vira took another swig and passed the flask to Amara. Amara held onto the flask in both hands and stared at the flask.
"I can't imagine how that must feel," Vira says.
Amara turns to Vira, "Vee, you do understand. The First Order took your family, now I can sadly enough understand what you dealt with on a base level." She says.
Vira looks at Amara, "My family never died, Mar."
Amara furrows her brows, "But you said-?"
Vira shakes her head and held her hand out for the flask, Amara hands it back without taking a swig of it. Amara watched as her friend takes a swig from her own flask.
"My home was taken under control by the First Order." Vira says, "They wanted our mineral source for their weapons. Many people objected and those who did were killed, but not my parents. They decided to support the First Order."
Vira took another swig. Bitterly exhaling, Vira noticed the flask was finally empty. Amara took note in that, wondering how long her friend had been sitting here drinking alone.
"My parents were responsible for ratting out my uncles, aunts, neighbors, friends, and so on who did not support the First Order." Vira says, "I stayed silent until I found enough credits to get the hell out of there."
Amara frowns.
Vira shakes her head, "After that, I never looked back." She says.
Amara looks at her friend, "Vee, I'm so sorry." She says.
Vira glanced at her, "Don't apologize, Mar. I've buried them with my past. All of, who I was and where I came from disappeared when I joined the Resistance." She says and leans back on the crate.
Amara reached over and took the empty flask from Vira's hand and lowered it on the crate. Amara scooted over to sit a little closer to her friend. Vira glanced over at Amara as Amara takes her hand.
"As long as your here, Vee, you're my family." Amara says smiling.
Vira couldn't help but laugh, "I know, Mar, I know." She says.
And just like that, the two girls just leaned close to each other and stared at the beautiful starry night above them.
SHE NEVER considers herself afraid of many things, but for whatever reason standing in front of Poe Dameron's quarters left her utterly frozen. She held her hand to knock for a few moments, she wasn't sure how long. Many times she considered turning around but then talked herself out of her. While being caught up with this internal turmoil, Amara was startled with the door slid opened. Poe stood there confused. He was just dressed in brown pants and a loose fitted white top. He was clearly off duty right now and was probably relaxing.
"Amara," Poe says.
"H- Hi," Amara smiles.
Poe leans against the door frame, "I guess you're what BB-8 was detecting outside my door." He says with a grin, "For ten minutes."
Amara gives an awkward smile, "Yeah, that's me."
Poe tilt his head, "Never picture you as afraid to come into my quarters?" He asks gesturing back to his quarters, "After all we did sleep together, well in a napping way."
Amara flustered at that comment then says, "Look, it's not that I'm afraid of your quarters or anything it's just I-," She halts and turns to see some officers coming down the hallway, "Can we speak inside?"
Poe nods and steps aside allowing Amara to step in first. Amara stepped into the familiar quarters, she noticed the place was tidier than they were prior. Amara stepped further into the room to see BB-8 at his charging station, her eyes drift when she saw Poe sit down on his bed.
"So what's up?" Poe asks.
Amara fidgets in his stance and looks around, "Okay this is going to be super awkward and I really don't want to have this conversation because I'm afraid- okay yes, I am afraid this may change things and I don't know if I can handle anymore change."
Poe looks at her with a frown, "Amara, calm down. Take your time and explain what you need to say." He says softly.
Amara nods, "Your torture,"
Just saying that brought Poe to a complete attention, he stiffen and his eyes drift from her, he was still haunted from it and she knew.
"I- I cared about you a lot before but differently then, or maybe I didn't- I don't know." Amara says as she starts to pace, "I- I just felt this connection with you through the Force, I guess when I saw all of it and felt it."
Amara paused and turns to him. He was giving her his complete attention, his eyes locked on her and not daring to look away.
"This connection is why I needed to see you when you got back," Amara says, "It's why I felt I needed to see you off for Takodana. It's why- It's why when I saw the starfights on Starkiller Base being attacked I only thought of you."
Poe stands up, "You were thinking of me there? During all of that chaos?" He asks.
Amara nods, "Yeah."
Poe seemed a bit shocked and stepped pass her, he was looking at a wall before turning back to look at her.
"Really?" He asks again.
Amara nods again, "Yes, Poe," Amara repeats.
Poe nods to himself. His hand resting on his hip and the other one rubbing his chin as his gaze moved away from her for a moment before looking back up at her.
"I was thinking about you too during all of it," Poe says.
Amara shakes her head, "You're just saying that cause I said it," She says.
He shakes his head and steps closer, "No, it's true. I- I don't know why but for a brief moment I just thought of you and began to worry, thinking you might be hurt or in danger." He says.
Amara nods, "That was the same feeling I felt."
Poe nods and then asks, "So what does that mean? We're just overly concerned for each other?"
Amara shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know," She says, "But thinking of something like the torture you endured or you dying, it hurts me a lot."
Poe looks at her.
"I don't know what you want to call these feelings of mine," She says, "If its just a concerned friend or some developing crush-,"
After she said that her eyes widen. She moved her gaze from the floor to him, he was staring at her. Neither of them moved or said anything for a moment.
"Some developing crush?" Poe repeats.
Amara shakes her head, "If- If you don't think of me like that, that's okay. We- We can ignore it and go back to you teasing me about being the General's daughter." She says.
Poe grins, "I'll do that regardless," He says, "But I don't think I can ignore that."
Amara frowns, "Poe,"
Poe stepped forward and tilt his head, he eyes her and watched her eyes directly look at his eyes. The space between them got smaller and smaller, until their noses were basically touching. Pose used one of his hands to trace up Amara's arm, she almost shuttered at the touch. He used that hand to then cup her cheek.
"Wh- What's happening," Amara almost whispered.
Poe kept the grin on his face, "What do you want to happen?" He asks her.
Amara pushes back, "You- You don't have to act like this to make me feel better." She asks.
Poe reached over and held onto her hand, "What makes you think I'm only doing this to make you feel better?" He asks, "Amara, I've known of you since forever. I've always been grateful for your family and how they've treated me."
Amara felt his thumb rub her hand.
"After meeting you, you were not what I expected. Here came this hot headed girl who thought because she was the daughter of the General it meant she was suppose to be a commanding officer, and boy did you not like me ordering you around." He laughs at the last part.
Amara felt him brush her hair behind her ear and rest his hand back where it rested on her cheek before.
"I've always thought you were remarkable before," Poe says, "I thought you were a bit full of yourself in the beginning, but now I see you're much more than Captain Solo. You're much more than the daughter of Han Solo and General Leia."
Amara felt Poe lower his head on her forehead, he closed his eyes for a moment as he inhaled.
"I've always thought so much of you, but always considered you not thinking much of me." He says, "What could a pilot offer the daughter of the leader of the Resistance?"
Amara reached up and held her hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked at her, he sees a smile on her face.
"You offer so much, Poe." She says, "A shoulder to lean on when I need one and someone who understands me more than anyone here."
Poe looks into her eyes, "Can I- Can I kiss you?" He asks.
Amara exhaled and nods, "Yes,"
He leans forward toward her. Poe and Amara both close their eyes as their lips touched. Poe's hand remain on her cheek and the other one resting on his lower back. Amara's hand trailed down to his chest, just resting there, and the other hand was on his shoulder. The kiss soon ended with the two parting and opening their eyes. Amara looks at Poe with a small smile and full on blush.
"What?" Poe asks.
Amara was embarrassed, "That was my- my first kiss."
"Really?" Poe asks, "You never?"
Amara nods, "Yeah."
Poe held onto her hand and looks at her, "I hope I wasn't a terrible kisser," He grins.
Amara gives a smile, "You weren't, if anyone should be concerned it's me."
Poe leans and kisses the top of her head, "You were fine, Amara." He says.
Amara kept her smile and nods, "Alright."
And then Amara leans up and kisses Poe on the lips again.
- In Serial42 Chapters
Domain of Man
Isolation is terrible. To feel isolated with your fellow man around you is worse. What if you were dumped in some backwards cave somewhere, completely nude, maybe with your family, or even completely alone? The age of pioneers, heroes, generals, and geniuses is long gone. Humankind has become numb to the world around it because of how paltry everything else is compared to the glory of its history, the sheer volume of their accomplishments, and the sum of its innovations. You can interact with people across the world, travel miles in mere hours, and never prepare your own food or shelter, and it's all accessible to even the normalest of individuals. Artificial intelligence is within arms reach in devices and computers and even houses, and neural interfaces aren't exclusive to the rich and powerful at this point. Someone far in the distance took notice of Earth, saw the multitude of hairless apes swarming its surface. That one went down the checklist to see if humanity had, in fact, beaten the 'game' of Life. Sure enough, they had gone above and beyond the requirements, but nobody had been watching. 'Why might that be?', that one wondered. Protocol was protocol, though, no matter how strange the situation was. They pulled the lever, they flipped the switch. It's time for New Game +. ??? Don't be afraid to leave critique or share your support! I really appreciate any feedback you can give. In any case, I sincerely hope you enjoy the story! It's going to be a wild ride. HQ/Kindle-Grade cover art. Book Cover 2.0: "Heiroglyphs"
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